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Publications by CTM


New signal features for robust identification of isolated vowels

Ferreira, AJS;

9th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology

Current signal processing techniques do not match the astonishing ability of the Human Auditory System in recognizing isolated vowels, particularly in the case of female or child speech. As didactic and clinical interactive applications are needed using sound as the main medium of interaction, new signal features must be used that capture important perceptual cues more effectively than popular features such as formants. In this paper we propose the new concept of Perceptual Spectral Cluster (PSC) and describe its implementation. Test results are presented for child and adult speech, and indicate that features elicited by the PSC concept permit reliable and robust identification of vowels, even at high pitches.


Dynamic autoconfiguration in 4G networks: problem statement and preliminary solution

Campos, R; Ricardo, M;

Proceedings of the 1st ACM workshop on Dynamic interconnection of networks, DIN@MobiCom 2005, Cologne, Germany, September 2, 2005

The Internet is characterized by the coexistence of two Internet Protocol (IP) versions and multiple autoconfiguration mechanisms which are deployed targeting specific communication scenarios. This heterogeneity requires user pre-configurations, namely with respect to the proper autoconfiguration mechanism to be used at each time. On the other hand, future networks may imply that users own personal networks demanding self-configuration and self-management, and being part of very dynamic scenarios. In this paper we make a survey of the autoconfiguration mechanisms available for IP networks, and argue that a new solution is needed, so that the proper autoconfiguration mechanism can be selected automatically, dynamically and efficiently, and future communication paradigms can be properly addressed. Copyright 2005 ACM.


Robust header compression in 4G networks with QoS support

Fortuna, P; Carneiro, G; Ricardo, M;

Proceedings of the IEEE 16th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Berlin, Germany, September 11-14, 2005

The 4th Generation of mobile communication networks will use heterogeneous wireless technologies. Voice and low quality video flows will consist of very small FP packets, for which the standard RTP/UDP/IP headers constitute a significant overhead. Considering that the radio resources are scarce, this overhead may be unacceptable and the adoption of header compression mechanisms is desirable. This paper presents a solution for including RoHC header compression mechanisms within 4G networks; the solution is combined with the mechanisms required to provide QoS to the real time flows. © 2005 IEEE.


On congestion control for interactive real-time applications in dynamic heterogeneous 4G networks

Abrantes, F; Ricardo, M;

Proceedings of the IEEE 16th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Berlin, Germany, September 11-14, 2005

Real-time multimedia applications, such as VoIP, video conferencing or on-line gaming are key applications to the success of 4G. In today's Internet these applications are not subject to congestion control, therefore the growth of popularity of these applications may endanger the stability of the Internet. On the other hand, 4G networks will be much more dynamic due to mobility and multi-homing, and the network conditions may vary abruptly requiring a fast response from the control mechanism. In this article we compare the feedback-based to the reservation-based congestion control approach and focus on the first one, by evaluating some mechanisms with respect to Media Friendliness, Scalability and Dynamic Behaviour. We also present a set of requirements for the ideal congestion control mechanism of real-time flows in 4G networks. © 2005 IEEE.


Monitoring emerging IPv6 wireless access networks

Marques, P; Castro, H; Ricardo, M;


Foreseeing a future where IPv6 and mobile terminals play an important role in public access communication networks, this article introduces a monitoring system capable of identifying relevant traffic flows and tracking them while terminal equipment moves between network attachment points. The mobile flows are characterized and represented so that individual users and flows can perceive the quality of service they receive, and operators can have global traffic views of their heterogeneous access networks.


Progressive on-the-fly test method

Mamede, J; Carrapatoso, E; Ricardo, M;

AC 2005, Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Applied Computing, Algarve, Portugal, February 22-25, 2005, 2 Volumes


  • 294
  • 325