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Publications by CTM


On the Reproduction of Real Wireless Channel Occupancy in ns-3

Cruz, R; Fontes, H; Ruela, J; Ricardo, M; Campos, R;

Proceedings of the 2020 Workshop on ns-3, WNS3 2020, Gaithersburg, MD, USA, June 17-18, 2020

In wireless networking R&D we typically depend on simulation and experimentation to evaluate and validate new networking solutions. While simulations allow full control over the scenario conditions, real-world experiments are influenced by external random phenomena and may produce hardly repeatable and reproducible results, impacting the validation of the solution under evaluation. Previously, we have proposed the Trace-based Simulation (TS) approach to address the problem. TS uses traces of radio link quality and position of nodes to accurately reproduce past experiments in ns-3. Yet, in its current version, the TS approach is not compatible with scenarios where the radio spectrum is shared with concurrent networks, as it does not reproduce their channel occupancy. In this paper, we introduce the InterferencePropagationLossModel and a modified MacLow to allow reproducing the channel occupancy observed in past experiments using Wi-Fi. To validate the proposed models, the network throughput was measured in different experiments performed in the w-iLab.t testbed, controlling the channel occupancy introduced by concurrent networks. The experimental results were then compared with the network throughput achieved using the improved TS approach, the legacy TS approach, and pure simulation, validating the new proposed models and confirming their relevance to reproduce experiments previously executed in real environments. © 2020 ACM.


Efficient CIEDE2000-Based Color Similarity Decision for Computer Vision

Pereira, A; Carvalho, P; Coelho, G; Corte Real, L;


Color and color differences are critical aspects in many image processing and computer vision applications. A paradigmatic example is object segmentation, where color distances can greatly influence the performance of the algorithms. Metrics for color difference have been proposed in the literature, including the definition of standards such as CIEDE2000, which quantifies the change in visual perception of two given colors. This standard has been recommended for industrial computer vision applications, but the benefits of its application have been impaired by the complexity of the formula. This paper proposes a new strategy that improves the usability of the CIEDE2000 metric when a maximum acceptable distance can be imposed. We argue that, for applications where a maximum value, above which colors are considered to be different, can be established, then it is possible to reduce the amount of calculations of the metric, by preemptively analyzing the color features. This methodology encompasses the benefits of the metric while overcoming its computational limitations, thus broadening the range of applications of CIEDE2000 in both the computer vision algorithms and computational resource requirements.


Texture collinearity foreground segmentation for night videos

Martins, I; Carvalho, P; Corte Real, L; Luis Alba Castro, JL;


One of the most difficult scenarios for unsupervised segmentation of moving objects is found in nighttime videos where the main challenges are the poor illumination conditions resulting in low-visibility of objects, very strong lights, surface-reflected light, a great variance of light intensity, sudden illumination changes, hard shadows, camouflaged objects, and noise. This paper proposes a novel method, coined COLBMOG (COLlinearity Boosted MOG), devised specifically for the foreground segmentation in nighttime videos, that shows the ability to overcome some of the limitations of state-of-the-art methods and still perform well in daytime scenarios. It is a texture-based classification method, using local texture modeling, complemented by a color-based classification method. The local texture at the pixel neighborhood is modeled as an..-dimensional vector. For a given pixel, the classification is based on the collinearity between this feature in the input frame and the reference background frame. For this purpose, a multimodal temporal model of the collinearity between texture vectors of background pixels is maintained. COLBMOG was objectively evaluated using the (CDnet) 2014, Night Videos category, benchmark. COLBMOG ranks first among all the unsupervised methods. A detailed analysis of the results revealed the superior performance of the proposed method compared to the best performing state-of-the-art methods in this category, particularly evident in the presence of the most complex situations where all the algorithms tend to fail.


Patch Antenna-in-Package for 5G Communications with Dual Polarization and High Isolation

Santos, H; Pinho, P; Salgado, H;


In this paper, we describe the design of a dual polarized packaged patch antenna for 5G communications with improved isolation and bandwidth for K-band. We introduce a differential feeding technique and a heuristic-based design of a matching network applied to a single layer patch antenna with parasitic elements. This approach resulted in broader bandwidth, reduced layer count, improved isolation and radiation pattern stability. The results were validated through finite element method (FEM) and method of moments (MoM) simulations. A peak gain of 5 dBi, isolation above 40 dB and a radiation efficiency of 60% were obtained.


Design of an Anechoic Chamber for W-Band and mmWave

Pinho, P; Santos, H; Salgado, H;


In this paper, we describe the design of an electrically large anechoic chamber for usage on millimetre-wave bands. Ansys Savant sotware was used to perform a simulation of the chamber, using physical optics coupled with uniform theory of diffraction (PO/UTD). Moreover, a method based on an open waveguide probe is described in this paper to obtain the electrical properties of the RF absorbers at millimetre-wave frequencies. Two different source antennas were simulated in this work and the corresponding quiet zones predicted. The largest quiet zone was 30 mm x 30 mm x 50mm, for a chamber size of 1.2 m x 0.6 m x 0.6 m.


LASER diode-based transmitter module for optical wireless communications

Araujo, JH; Kraemer, R; Santos, HM; Pereira, F; Salgado, HM; Pessoa, LM;

2020 12th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, CSNDSP 2020

In this paper, we present the design of an analog transmitter based on a blue LD targeting optical wireless communications, suitable for OFDM signals. The approach relies on a thorough characterization of the individual components of the module, whence a detailed circuit model is obtained to design an impedance matching circuit for improved performance, prior to fabrication. The impedance matching is based on non-uniform transmission lines and works well over a wide frequency range (100 MHz to 2 GHz). The results are experimentally validated by the transmitter response exhibiting an increased 6 dB bandwidth limit and 1 GHz bandwidth improvement. © 2020 IEEE.

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