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Publications by SEM


The assessment of retailing efficiency using Network Data Envelopment Analysis

Vaz, CB; Camanho, AS; Guimaraes, RC;


This paper describes a method for the assessment of retail store performance based on Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The assessment considers the stores as complex organizations that aggregate several subunits, corresponding to sections with management autonomy. This structure motivated an analysis at two different levels: the section level and the store level. The performance assessment of the sections envolves a comparison among similar sections located in different stores, and evaluates efficiency spread. This is followed by an analysis at the store level to define targets for the sections. This analysis takes into account the interdependencies of the sections composing a store, as they share limited resources such as the floor area. This is achieved using a Network DEA model, which determines the maximum store sales allowing for reallocations of area among the sections within a store. The method developed is illustrated using a case study consisting of a Portuguese chain of supermarkets.


Performance Assessment of Construction Companies Integrating Key Performance Indicators and Data Envelopment Analysis

Horta, IM; Camanho, AS; Da Costa, JM;


The web benchmarking systems broadly used in the construction industry (CI) are designed to provide results based on key performance indicators (KPIs). No insights concerning organization overall performance and improvements targets are available. This research aims to fulfill this gap using data envelopment analysis (DEA) as a method to complement the information provided by a set of KPIs. The methodology proposed is useful to all organizations involved in benchmarking routines. To enable a more realistic assessment of CI companies, two types of DEA models were used, one allows factor weights to vary freely and the other includes weight restrictions. These models assign an efficiency score to each organization, identifying efficient organizations and providing performance improvements targets for the others. To enable suggesting targets for all organizations, expert opinion was used to specify virtual units which were included in the efficiency assessment to define a practical frontier located beyond the productivity levels of the original DEA frontier. Based on a sample of 20 Portuguese leading contractors, the Portuguese web benchmarking system for CI, icBench, was used to demonstrate the advantages of integrating the DEA method with KPIs benchmark scores.


Analysis of complementary methodologies for the estimation of school value added

Portela, MCAS; Camanho, AS;


This paper analyses the value added (VA) of a sample of Portuguese schools using two methodologies: data envelopment analysis (DEA) and the methodology used presently by the UK Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF). The VA estimates obtained by the two methods are substantially different. This reflects their different focus: DEA emphasizes on best-observed performance, whereas the DCSF method reveals average performance. The main advantage of the methodology used by the DCSF is its simplicity, although it confounds pupil effects with school effects in the estimation of school VA. In contrast, the DEA methodology can differentiate these effects, but the complexity may prevent its use in a systematic way. This paper shows that the two methods provide complementary information regarding the VA of schools, and their joint use can improve the understanding of the relative effectiveness of schools regarding the progress that pupils make between educational stages.


An improvement on the Tracy and Chen model 'A generalized model for weight restrictions in DEA'

Khalili, M; Camanho, AS; Portela, MCAS; Alirezaee, MR;


Recently Tracy and Chen presented a parametric DEA model (PDEA) to assess relative efficiency in the presence of a generalized form of linear weight restrictions. This paper proposes a modification to the PDEA model that avoids the need to resort to searching algorithms to estimate efficiency, and assures that the correct efficiency scores are obtained in a single stage using mathematical programming solvers. The results of this model and the results of Tracy and Chen's PDEA model are compared using the examples reported in their paper. The results confirm the superiority of the model proposed in this paper. Journal of the Operational Research Society (2010) 61, 1789-1793. doi:10.1057/jors.2009.140 Published online 16 December 2009


The measurement of relative efficiency using data envelopment analysis with assurance regions that link inputs and outputs

Khalili, M; Camanho, AS; Portela, MCAS; Alirezaee, MR;


The most popular weight restrictions are assurance regions (ARs), which impose ratios between weights to be within certain ranges. ARs can be categorized into two types: ARs type I (ARI) and ARs type II (ARII). ARI specify bounds on ratios between input weights or between output weights, whilst ARII specify bounds on ratios that link input to output weights. DEA models with ARI successfully maximize relative efficiency, but in the presence of ARII the DEA models may under-estimate relative efficiency or may become infeasible. In this paper we discuss the problems that can occur in the presence of ARII and propose a new nonlinear model that overcomes the limitations discussed. Also, the dual model is described, which enables the assessment of relative efficiency when trade-offs between inputs and outputs are specified. The application of the model developed is illustrated in the efficiency assessment of Portuguese. secondary schools.


The branch and cut method for the facility location problem with client's preferences

Vasilyev, IL; Klimentova, KB;

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics

Numerical study is provided of the methods for solving the facility location problem when the clients choose some suppliers by their own preferences. Various formulations of this problem as an integer linear programming problem are considered. The authors implement a cutting plane method based on the earlier proposed family of valid inequalities which arises from connection with the problem for a pair of matrices. The results of numerical experiment are presented for testing this method. An optimal solution is obtained by the two versions of the branch and cut method with the suggested cutting plane method. The simulated annealing method is proposed for obtaining the upper bounds of the optimal solution used in exact methods. Numerical experiment approves the efficiency of the implemented approach in comparison with the previously available methods. © 2010 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.

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