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Publications by SEM


Productivity change of the artisanal fishing fleet in Portugal: A Malmquist index analysis

Oliveira, MM; Gaspar, MB; Paixao, BJP; Camanho, AS;


This paper explores the evolution of productivity of the artisanal dredge fleet that operates in the south coast of Portugal. This fleet is considered to be one of the most significant in the sector, essentially due to the volume and value of its catches. In this context, the study carried out sought in first place to determine variation in productivity over a time window of 10 years (between 1995 and 2004). Secondly, it sought to distinguish the performance of local and coastal vessels comprising the chosen fleet, The performance of the five homeports in the Algarve coast was also compared. We used Malmquist indexes to measure productivity change and explored the impact of changes in stock conditions and in regulatory policies on productivity levels. During the time period analysed, the measures defined by regulatory entities included allowing the use of a new type of dredge and the establishment of fishing quotas per vessel and per species. Finally, the fishing quotas allowed for each vessel were confronted with the captures officially declared.


Efficiency analysis accounting for internal and external non-discretionary factors

Camanho, AS; Portela, MC; Vaz, CB;


This paper develops a method based on data envelopment analysis (DEA) for efficiency assessments taking into account the effect of non-discretionary factors. A typology that classifies the non-discretionary factors into two groups is proposed: the factors that characterize the external conditions where the decision making units (DMUs) operate (external factors), and the factors that are internal to the production process but cannot be controlled by the decision makers (internal factors). This paper proposes an enhanced DEA model that accommodates non-discretionary inputs and outputs and treats them differently depending on their classification as internal or external to the production process. This generalized model integrates the previous approaches for dealing with non-discretionary variables described in the DEA literature. The model defines the efficient frontier based exclusively on the discretionary variables and internal non-discretionary factors, but the potential peers of each DMU are restricted to other units facing comparable external conditions (represented by the external non-discretionary factors). The peer selection criteria implemented in the DEA model is informed by decision makers' opinion, The applicability of the model developed is illustrated with a real-world assessment of retailing stores.


New lower bounds for the facility location problem with clients' preferences

Vasil'ev, IL; Klimentova, KB; Kochetov, YA;

Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics

A bilevel facility location problem in which the clients choose suppliers based on their own preferences is studied. It is shown that the coopertative and anticooperative statements can be reduced to a particular case in which every client has a linear preference order on the set of facilities to be opened. For this case, various reductions of the bilevel problem to integer linear programs are considered. A new statement of the problem is proposed that is based on a family of valid inequalities that are related to the problem on a pair of matrices and the set packing problem. It is shown that this formulation is stronger than the other known formulations from the viewpoint of the linear relaxation and the integrality gap. © 2009 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.


Partner selection in virtual enterprises an exploratory approach

Crispim, JA; de Sousa, JP;


Partner selection in virtual enterprises (VE) can be viewed as a multi-criteria decision making problem that involves assessing trade-offs between conflicting tangible and intangible criteria. In general, this is a very complex problem due to the dynamic topology of the network, the large number of alternatives and the different types of criteria. In this paper we propose an iterative and interactive exploratory process to help the decision maker identify the companies that best suit the needs of each particular project. This is achieved by using cluster analysis to distinguish companies according to some selected features. We present an example to illustrate this approach.


A generalisation of the Farrell cost efficiency measure applicable to non-fully competitive settings

Camanho, AS; Dyson, RG;


This paper enhances cost efficiency measurement methods to account for situations where the input prices can depend on negotiation or tend to qualitatively differentiate the resources available at each decision making unit. In these circumstances, there are some shortcomings in the cost efficiency measure described in the data envelopment analysis (DEA) literature. This paper proposes new models and measures for cost efficiency evaluation that overcome the limitations of the existing DEA models. The applicability of the measures developed is illustrated in the context of the analysis of bank branch performance.


A Master Program in Services Engineering and Management at the University of Porto

Falcao e Cunha, JFE; Patricio, L; Camanho, A; Fisk, R;


The education of professional engineers has been mainly oriented towards the requirements of industry, although many graduates will start and end up working in service organizations. Services always involve interaction, either directly between people or using machines. Most services now require the use of technology, including self service machines, Internet and mobile equipments and may involve complex social and organizational issues. Although engineering programs have evolved in order to accommodate changes in the economy, new proposals must be taken into new graduate and postgraduate education. This paper proposes MESG1, a Master program in Services Engineering and Management compatible with the Bologna European framework. It is still a program to educate professional engineers, in the sense that graduates will be prepared to Conceive, Design, Implement and Operate (CDIO) complex value-added engineering systems. But MESG has a strong emphasis on: (i) understanding the innovative technologies now required for service provision, (ii) understanding the functional and the experience requirements of people using services, and (iii) management of the service CDIO process and understanding its value. Knowledge and experience about people and about business, in social-organizational environments, are important components in the advanced education of service engineers and managers.

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