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Publications by HASLab


Experiences on teaching alloy with an automated assessment platform

Macedo, N; Cunha, A; Pereira, J; Carvalho, R; Silva, R; Paiva, ACR; Ramalho, MS; Silva, D;


This paper presents Alloy4Fun, a web application that enables online editing and sharing of Alloy models and instances (including dynamic ones developed with the Electrum extension), to be used mainly in an educational context. By introducing secret paragraphs and commands in the models, Alloy4Fun allows the distribution and automated assessment of simple specification challenges, a mechanism that enables students to learn the language at their own pace. Alloy4Fun stores all versions of shared and analyzed models, as well as derivation trees that depict how they evolved over time: this wealth of information can be mined by researchers or tutors to identify, for example, learning breakdowns in the class or typical mistakes made by Alloy users. A data analysis library is also provided to support this process. Alloy4Fun has been used in formal methods graduate courses for 3 years and for the latest editions we present results regarding its adoption by the students, as well as preliminary insights regarding the most common bottlenecks when learning Alloy (and Electrum).


Detailed Black-Box Monitoring of Distributed Systems

Neves, F; Vilaca, R; Pereira, J;


Modern containerized distributed systems, such as big data storage and processing stacks or micro-service based applications, are inherently hard to monitor and optimize, as resource usage does not directly match hardware resources due to multiple virtualization layers. For instance, inter-application traffic is an important factor in as it directly indicates how components interact, it has not been possible to accurately monitor it in an application independent way and without severe overhead, thus putting it out of reach of cloud platforms. In this paper we present an efficient black-box monitoring approach for gathering detailed structural information of collaborating processes in a distributed system that can be queried for various purposes, as it includes both information about processes, containers, and hosts, as well as resource usage and amount of data exchanged. The key to achieving high detail and low overhead without custom application instrumentation is to use a kernel-aided event driven strategy. We validate a prototype implementation by applying it to multi-platform microservice deployments, evaluate its performance with micro-benchmarks, and demonstrate its usefulness for container placement in a distributed data storage and processing stack (i.e., Cassandra and Spark).


Horus: Non-Intrusive Causal Analysis of Distributed Systems Logs

Neves, F; Machado, N; Vilaca, R; Pereira, J;


Logs are still the primary resource for debugging distributed systems executions. Complexity and heterogeneity of modern distributed systems, however, make log analysis extremely challenging. First, due to the sheer amount of messages, in which the execution paths of distinct system components appear interleaved. Second, due to unsynchronized physical clocks, simply ordering the log messages by timestamp does not suffice to obtain a causal trace of the execution. To address these issues, we present Horus, a system that enables the refinement of distributed system logs in a causally-consistent and scalable fashion. Horus leverages kernel-level probing to capture events for tracking causality between application-level logs from multiple sources. The events are then encoded as a directed acyclic graph and stored in a graph database, thus allowing the use of rich query languages to reason about runtime behavior. Our case study with TrainTicket, a ticket booking application with 40+ microservices, shows that Horus surpasses current widely-adopted log analysis systems in pinpointing the root cause of anomalies in distributed executions. Also, we show that Horus builds a causally-consistent log of a distributed execution with much higher performance (up to 3 orders of magnitude) and scalability than prior state-of-the-art solutions. Finally, we show that Horus' approach to query causality is up to 30 times faster than graph database built-in traversal algorithms.


Totally-Ordered Prefix Parallel Snapshot Isolation

Faria, N; Pereira, J;

PaPoC@EuroSys 2021, 8th Workshop on Principles and Practice of Consistency for Distributed Data, Online Event, United Kingdom, April 26, 2021

Distributed data management systems have increasingly been using variants of Snapshot Isolation (SI) as their transactional isolation criteria as it combines strong ACID guarantees with non-blocking reads and scalability. However, most existing proposals are limited by the performance of update propagation and stability detection, in particular, when execution and storage are disaggregated. In this paper, we propose TOPSI, an approach providing a restricted form of Parallel Snapshot Isolation (PSI) that allows partially ordering recent transactions to avoid waiting for remote updates or using a stale snapshot. Moreover, it has the interesting property of making a prefix of history in all sites converge to a common total order. This allows versions to be represented by a single scalar timestamp for certification and storage in a shared store. We demonstrate the impact on throughput and abort rate with a proof-of-concept implementation and the industry-standard TPC-C benchmark. © 2021 ACM.


Towards Generic Fine-Grained Transaction Isolation in Polystores

Faria, N; Pereira, J; Alonso, AN; Vilaça, R;

Heterogeneous Data Management, Polystores, and Analytics for Healthcare - VLDB Workshops, Poly 2021 and DMAH 2021, Virtual Event, August 20, 2021, Revised Selected Papers

Transactional isolation is a challenge for polystores, as along with the limited capabilities of each datastore, we have to contend with their sheer diversity. However, transactional isolation is increasingly desirable as a variety of datastores are being sought after for roles that go beyond data lakes. Transactional guarantees are also relevant for reliability at scale. In this paper, we propose that transactional isolation in polystores can be achieved by leveraging the query engine, i.e., basing some of the responsibilities of a traditional transactional storage manager (TSM) on the query language itself. This has the key advantage of greatly simplifying design and implementation, as it doesn’t need to be re-invented for each datastore, and should increase performance, by taking advantage of dynamic query optimization where available. We demonstrate the feasibility of the proposal with a simple proof-of-concept and experiment. © 2021, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


PAIO: A Software-Defined Storage Data Plane Framework

Macedo, R; Tanimura, Y; Haga, J; Chidambaram, V; Pereira, J; Paulo, J;



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