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Publications by SEM


An approach to knowledge management with an E-learning platform

Mamede, HS;

Handbook of Research on Strategic Innovation Management for Improved Competitive Advantage

Knowledge management is still a problem for many organizations and at two different levels: tacit knowledge, which typically resides in the head of each individual and gets lost for the organizations when a person goes to work with a different company; and explicit knowledge, which presents growing costs for its dissemination in the organization. In the chapter, the author proposes a model to address those problems, taking for base the SECI (socialization, externalization, combination, and internalization) model, originally developed for knowledge management, together with an e-learning platform and a set of activities as tools to implement a working solution. Such models have the ability to solve organizational knowledge problems, implementing a knowledge management process, allowing the transformation of tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge. © 2018, IGI Global.


Exploring the CIMO-Logic in the Design of Collaborative Networks Mediated by Digital Platforms

Costa, E; Soares, AL; de Sousa, JP;


Collaborative networks (CNs) of organizations are nowadays complex and intertwined compositions of technological, cognitive and social artifacts. The design of such compositions should be addressed as a socio-technical endeavor as a way to maximize the success probability. In despite of intensive research in this community, much has to be explored to achieve sound contributions to a design theory of CNs. In this paper, we make use of the context intervention -mechanism-outcome logic (CIMO-logic) as a way to improve the design propositions component of a CN design theory. Variations of the concept of "mechanism" are explored with the goal of making clearer the socio-technical perspective in the design propositions. This theoretical exploration is illustrated with a case of transforming an industrial business association (IBA) in a digital collaborative network.


Operational flexibility in forest fire prevention and suppression: a spatially explicit intra-annual optimization analysis, considering prevention, (pre)suppression, and escape costs

Pacheco, AP; Claro, J;


Increasing wildfire threats and costs escalate the complexity of forest fire management challenges, which is grounded in complex interactions between ecological, social, economic, and policy factors. It is immersed in this difficult context that decision-makers must settle on an investment mix within a portfolio of available options, subject to limited funds and under great uncertainty. We model intra-annual fire management as a problem of multistage capacity investment in a portfolio of management resources, enabling fuel treatments and fire preparedness. We consider wildfires as the demand, with uncertainty in the severity of the fire season and in the occurrence, time, place, and severity of specific fires. We focus our analysis on the influence of changes in the volatility of wildfires and in the costs of escaped wildfires, on the postponement of capacity investment along the year, on the optimal budget, and on the investment mix. Using a hypothetical test landscape, we verify that the value of postponement increases significantly for scenarios of increased uncertainty (higher volatility) and higher escape costs, as also does the optimal budget (although not proportionally to the changes in the escape costs). Additionally, the suppression/prevention budget ratio is highly sensitive to changes in escape costs, while it remains mostly insensitive to changes in volatility. Furthermore, we show the policy implications of these findings at operational (e.g., spatial solutions) and strategic levels (e.g., climate change). Exploring the impact of increasing escape costs in the optimal investment mix, we identified in our instances four qualitative system stages, which can be related to specific socioecological contexts and used as the basis for policy (re)design. In addition to questioning some popular myths, our results highlight the value of fuel treatments and the contextual nature of the optimal portfolio mix.


Metaheuristic Algorithms in Maritime Operations Optimization

Homayouni, SM; Fontes, DBMM;

Metaheuristic Algorithms in Maritime Operations Optimization

Metaheuristic Algorithms in Maritime Operations Optimization focuses on the seaside and port side problems regarding the maritime transportation. The book reviews and introduces the most important problems regarding the shipping network design, long-term and short-term scheduling and planning problems in both bulk and container shipping as well as liquid maritime transportation. Application of meta heuristic algorithm is important for these problems, as most of them are hard and time-consuming to be solved optimally.


Linking fields with GMA: Sustainability, companies, people and Operational Research

Teles, MD; de Sousa, JF;


This article is about making decisions concerning the management of sustainability, decisions that may influence the use or protection of natural resources or address difficult societal choices. Managers have more and more to tackle a diversity of problems in a rigorous and transparent way. One of the distinctive features of these decisions is that managers must give attention to both the values of people affected and factual information concerning the potential consequences of actions. This imposes the adoption of new methods for structuring spaces, strategy alternatives, and organizational planning. The support from operational research analysts becomes increasingly important, as we are dealing with people mostly without strong quantitative or model-building backgrounds. With the presence of different perspectives and mental models, behavior elements are at the core of the problem and unintentional biases in model use may occur. Our intention is to help promote the transference of knowledge to and within companies so that they may assure resilience. We found in general morphological analysis a great help for that. We want to make available a meta-model based on Operational Research for fields involving public resources and multiple interests to aid current and future managers of companies. We conclude the article with two case studies to illustrate our approach.


An Ontology Based Semantic Data Model Supporting A Maas Digital Platform

Landolfi, G; Barth, A; Izzo, G; Montini, E; Bettoni, A; Vujasinovic, M; Gugliotta, A; Soares, AL; Silva, HD;


The integration of IoT infrastructures across production systems, together with the extensive digitalisation of industrial processes, are drastically impacting manufacturing value chains and the business models built on the top of them. By exploiting these capabilities companies are evolving the nature of their businesses shifting value proposition towards models relying on product servitization and share, instead of ownership. In this paper, we describe the semantic data-model developed to support a digital platform fostering the reintroduction in the loop and optimization of unused industrial capacity. Such data-model aims to establish the main propositions of the semantic representation that constitutes the essential nature of the ecosystem to depict their interactions, the flow of resources and exchange of production services. The inference reasoning on the semantic representation of the ecosystem allows to make emerge nontrivial and previously unknown opportunities. This will apply not only to the matching of demand and supply of manufacturing services, but to possible and unpredictable relations. For instance, a particular kind of waste being produced at an ecosystem node can be linked to the requirements for an input material needed in a new product being developed on the platform, or new technologies can be suggested to enhance processes under improvement. The overall architecture and individual ontologies are presented and their usefulness is motivated via the application to use cases.

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