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Publications by HASLab


HCI-E2-2023: Second IFIP WG 2.7/13.4 Workshop on HCI Engineering Education

Campos, JC; Nigay, L; Dix, AJ; Dittmar, A; Barbosa, SDJ; Spano, LD;

Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2023 - 19th IFIP TC13 International Conference, York, UK, August 28 - September 1, 2023, Proceedings, Part IV

This second workshop on HCI Engineering Education aims at carrying forward work on identifying, examining, structuring, and sharing educational resources and approaches to support the process of teaching/learning Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Engineering. The widening range of available interaction technologies and their applications in increasingly varied contexts (private or professional) underlines the importance of teaching HCI Engineering but also the difficulty of taking into account changes and developments in this field in often static university curricula. Besides, as these technologies are taught in diverse curricula (ranging from Human Factors and Psychology to hardcore Computer Science), we are interested in what the best approaches and best practices are to integrate HCI Engineering topics in the curricula of programs in Software Engineering, Computer Science, Human-computer Interaction, Psychology, Design, etc. The workshop is proposed on behalf of the IFIP Working Group 2.7/13.4 on User Interface Engineering. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


Prototyping with the IVY Workbench: Bridging Formal Methods and User-Centred Design

da Costa, RB; Campos, JC;

Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2023 - 19th IFIP TC13 International Conference, York, UK, August 28 - September 1, 2023, Proceedings, Part II

The IVY workbench is a model-based tool for the formal modelling and verification of interactive systems. The tool uses model checking to carry out the verification step. The goal is not to replace, but to complement more exploratory and iterative user-centred design approaches. However, the need for formal and rigorous modelling and reasoning raises challenges for the integration of both approaches. This paper presents a new plugin that aims to provide support for the integration of the formal methods based analysis supported by the tool, with user-centred design. The plugin is described, and an initial validation of its functionalities presented. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


Towards Automated Load Testing Through the User Interface

Teixeira, B; Campos, JC;

Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2023 - 19th IFIP TC13 International Conference, York, UK, August 28 - September 1, 2023, Proceedings, Part II

Slight variations in user interface response times can significantly impact the user experience provided by an interface. Load testing is used to evaluate how an application behaves under increasing loads. For interactive applications, load testing can be done by directly calling services at the business logic or through the user interface. In modern web applications, there is a considerable amount of control logic on the browser side. The impact of this logic on applications’ behaviour is only fully considered if the tests are done through the user interface. Capture reply tools are used for this, but their use can become costly. Leveraging an existing model-based testing tool, we propose an approach to automate load testing done through the user interface. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


On difunctions

Backhouse, R; Oliveira, JN;


The notion of a difunction was introduced by Jacques Riguet in 1948. Since then it has played a prominent role in database theory, type theory, program specification and process theory. The theory of difunctions is, however, less known in computing than it perhaps should be. The main purpose of the current paper is to give an account of difunction theory in relation algebra, with the aim of making the topic more mainstream.As is common with many important concepts, there are several different but equivalent characterisations of difunctionality, each with its own strength and practical significance. This paper compares different proofs of the equivalence of the characterisations. A well-known property is that a difunction is a set of completely disjoint rectangles. This property suggests the introduction of the (general) notion of the core of a relation; we use this notion to give a novel and, we believe, illuminating characterisation of difunctionality as a bijection between the classes of certain partial equivalence relations.& COPY; 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons .org /licenses /by /4 .0/).


Why Adjunctions Matter—A Functional Programmer Perspective

Oliveira, JN;

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

For the average programmer, adjunctions are (if at all known) more respected than loved. At best, they are regarded as an algebraic device of theoretical interest only, not useful in common practice. This paper is aimed at showing the opposite: that adjunctions underlie most of the work we do as programmers, in particular those using the functional paradigm. However, functions alone are not sufficient to express the whole spectrum of programming, with its dichotomy between specifications—what is (often vaguely) required—and implementations—how what is required is (hopefully well) implemented. For this, one needs to extend functions to relations. Inspired by the pioneering work of Ralf Hinze on “adjoint (un)folds”, the core of the so-called (relational) Algebra of Programming is shown in this paper to arise from adjunctions. Moreover, the paper also shows how to calculate recursive programs from specifications expressed by Galois connections—a special kind of adjunction. Because Galois connections are easier to understand than adjunctions in general, the paper adopts a tutorial style, starting from the former and leading to the latter (a path usually not followed in the literature). The main aim is to reconcile the functional programming community with a concept that is central to software design as a whole, but rarely accepted as such. © 2023, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


MRVs: Enforcing Numeric Invariants in Parallel Updates to Hotspots with Randomized Splitting

Faria, N; Pereira, J;

Proc. ACM Manag. Data

Performance of transactional systems is degraded by update hotspots as conflicts lead to waiting and wasted work. This is particularly challenging in emerging large-scale database systems, as latency increases the probability of conflicts, state-of-the-art lock-based mitigations are not available, and most alternatives provide only weak consistency and cannot enforce lower bound invariants. We address this challenge with Multi-Record Values (MRVs), a technique that can be layered on existing database systems and that uses randomization to split and access numeric values in multiple records such that the probability of conflict can be made arbitrarily small. The only coordination needed is the underlying transactional system, meaning it retains existing isolation guarantees. The proposal is tested on five different systems ranging from DBx1000 (scale-up) to MySQL GR and a cloud-native NewSQL system (scale-out). The experiments explore design and configuration trade-offs and, with the TPC-C and STAMP Vacation benchmarks, demonstrate improved throughput and reduced abort rates when compared to alternatives.

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