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Publications by HASLab


Performance and explainability of feature selection-boosted tree-based classifiers for COVID-19 detection

Rufino, J; Ramírez, JM; Aguilar, J; Baquero, C; Champati, J; Frey, D; Lillo, RE; Fernández-Anta, A;


In this paper, we evaluate the performance and analyze the explainability of machine learning models boosted by feature selection in predicting COVID-19-positive cases from self-reported information. In essence, this work describes a methodology to identify COVID-19 infections that considers the large amount of information collected by the University of Maryland Global COVID-19 Trends and Impact Survey (UMD-CTIS). More precisely, this methodology performs a feature selection stage based on the recursive feature elimination (RFE) method to reduce the number of input variables without compromising detection accuracy. A tree-based supervised machine learning model is then optimized with the selected features to detect COVID-19-active cases. In contrast to previous approaches that use a limited set of selected symptoms, the proposed approach builds the detection engine considering a broad range of features including self-reported symptoms, local community information, vaccination acceptance, and isolation measures, among others. To implement the methodology, three different supervised classifiers were used: random forests (RF), light gradient boosting (LGB), and extreme gradient boosting (XGB). Based on data collected from the UMD-CTIS, we evaluated the detection performance of the methodology for four countries (Brazil, Canada, Japan, and South Africa) and two periods (2020 and 2021). The proposed approach was assessed in terms of various quality metrics: F1-score, sensitivity, specificity, precision, receiver operating characteristic (ROC), and area under the ROC curve (AUC). This work also shows the normalized daily incidence curves obtained by the proposed approach for the four countries. Finally, we perform an explainability analysis using Shapley values and feature importance to determine the relevance of each feature and the corresponding contribution for each country and each country/year.


Pondering the Ugly Underbelly, and Whether Images Are Real

Hill, RK; Baquero, C;

Commun. ACM

[No abstract available]


A large-scale empirical study on mobile performance: energy, run-time and memory

Rua, R; Saraiva, J;


Software performance concerns have been attracting research interest at an increasing rate, especially regarding energy performance in non-wired computing devices. In the context of mobile devices, several research works have been devoted to assessing the performance of software and its underlying code. One important contribution of such research efforts is sets of programming guidelines aiming at identifying efficient and inefficient programming practices, and consequently to steer software developers to write performance-friendly code.Despite recent efforts in this direction, it is still almost unfeasible to obtain universal and up-to-date knowledge regarding software and respective source code performance. Namely regarding energy performance, where there has been growing interest in optimizing software energy consumption due to the power restrictions of such devices. There are still many difficulties reported by the community in measuring performance, namely in large-scale validation and replication. The Android ecosystem is a particular example, where the great fragmentation of the platform, the constant evolution of the hardware, the software platform, the development libraries themselves, and the fact that most of the platform tools are integrated into the IDE's GUI, makes it extremely difficult to perform performance studies based on large sets of data/applications. In this paper, we analyze the execution of a diversified corpus of applications of significant magnitude. We analyze the source-code performance of 1322 versions of 215 different Android applications, dynamically executed with over than 27900 tested scenarios, using state-of-the-art black-box testing frameworks with different combinations of GUI inputs. Our empirical analysis allowed to observe that semantic program changes such as adding functionality and repairing bugfixes are the changes more associated with relevant impact on energy performance. Furthermore, we also demonstrate that several coding practices previously identified as energy-greedy do not replicate such behavior in our execution context and can have distinct impacts across several performance indicators: runtime, memory and energy consumption. Some of these practices include some performance issues reported by the Android Lint and Android SDK APIs. We also provide evidence that the evaluated performance indicators have little to no correlation with the performance issues' priority detected by Android Lint. Finally, our results allowed us to demonstrate that there are significant differences in terms of performance between the most used libraries suited for implementing common programming tasks, such as HTTP communication, JSON manipulation, image loading/rendering, among others, providing a set of recommendations to select the most efficient library for each performance indicator. Based on the conclusions drawn and in the extension of the developed work, we also synthesized a set of guidelines that can be used by practitioners to replicate energy studies and build more efficient mobile software.


On Quantum Natural Policy Gradients

Sequeira, A; Santos, LP; Barbosa, LS;




Digital quantum simulation of non-perturbative dynamics of open systems with orthogonal polynomials

Guimaraes, JD; Vasilevskiy, MI; Barbosa, LS;


Classical non-perturbative simulations of open quantum systems' dynamics face several scalability problems, namely, exponential scaling of the computational effort as a function of either the time length of the simulation or the size of the open system. In this work, we propose the use of the Time Evolving Density operator with Orthogonal Polynomials Algorithm (TEDOPA) on a quantum computer, which we term as Quantum TEDOPA (Q-TEDOPA), to simulate nonperturbative dynamics of open quantum systems linearly coupled to a bosonic environment (continuous phonon bath). By performing a change of basis of the Hamiltonian, the TEDOPA yields a chain of harmonic oscillators with only local nearestneighbour interactions, making this algorithm suitable for implementation on quantum devices with limited qubit connectivity such as superconducting quantum processors. We analyse in detail the implementation of the TEDOPA on a quantum device and show that exponential scalings of computational resources can potentially be avoided for time-evolution simulations of the systems considered in this work. We applied the proposed method to the simulation of the exciton transport between two light-harvesting molecules in the regime of moderate coupling strength to a non-Markovian harmonic oscillator environment on an IBMQ device. Applications of the Q-TEDOPA span problems which can not be solved by perturbation techniques belonging to different areas, such as the dynamics of quantum biological systems and strongly correlated condensed matter systems.


The Blocklace: A Universal, Byzantine Fault-Tolerant, Conflict-free Replicated Data Type

Almeida, PS; Shapiro, E;



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