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Publications by LIAAD


Nutritional Status among Portuguese and Turkish Older Adults Living in the Community: Relationships with Sociodemographic, Health and Anthropometric Characteristics

Ozturk, ME; Poinhos, R; Afonso, C; Ayhan, NY; de Almeida, MDV; Oliveira, BMPM;


Malnutrition is widespread among older adults, and its determinants may differ between countries. We compared Portuguese and Turkish non-institutionalized older adults regarding nutritional status, sociodemographic, health and anthropometric characteristics and studied the relationships between nutritional status and those characteristics. This cross-sectional study analyzed data from 430 Portuguese and 162 Turkish non-institutionalized older adults regarding sociodemographics, health conditions, the Mini-Nutritional Assessment (MNA-FF) and anthropometry. Turkish older adults were more likely to be malnourished or at risk of malnutrition and had lower average BMI but a higher calf circumference. A higher proportion of the Portuguese sample had tooth loss, diabetes, hypertension, oncologic diseases, kidney diseases, osteoarticular problems or eye problems, while less had anemia. A better nutritional status (higher MNA-FF score) was found among the Portuguese, males, people using dentures, those without tooth loss, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, anemia or oncological diseases and was related to younger age, higher BMI and a higher calf circumference. Malnutrition and its risk were higher among older adults from Turkey, despite Portuguese older adults presenting a higher prevalence of chronic diseases. Being female, older age, tooth loss, hypertension, anemia, CVD or oncological disorders and having a lower BMI or CC were associated with higher rates of malnutrition among older adults from Portugal and Turkey.


Patterns of Eating Behavior among 13-Year-Old Adolescents and Associated Factors: Findings from the Generation XXI Birth Cohort

Nakamura, I; Oliveira, A; Warkentin, S; Oliveira, BMPM; Poihos, R;


Eating behavior adopted during adolescence may persist into adulthood. The aims of this study were to identify eating behavior patterns among Portuguese adolescents and to explore whether groups differ in terms of early life and family characteristics, severity of depressive symptoms, and body mass index (BMI) z-score. Participants were 3601 13-year-olds enrolled in the birth cohort Generation XXI. Eating behavior was assessed using the self-reported Adult Eating Behavior Questionnaire (AEBQ), validated in this sample. The severity of depressive symptoms was measured through the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II), and data on sociodemographic and anthropometrics were collected at birth and 13-years-old. Latent class analysis was conducted, and associations were estimated using multinomial logistic regression models. Five patterns of individuals were identified: Picky eating, Disinterest towards food, Food neophilia, Emotional eating, and Food attractiveness. The adolescents' sex, maternal education, BMI z-score, and severity of depressive symptoms were significantly associated with the identified patterns. In particular, adolescents with a higher BMI z-score were more likely in Food neophilia while individuals with more severe depressive symptoms were in the Picky eating, Emotional eating, and Food attractiveness patterns. These findings suggest a starting point for the development and planning of targeted public health interventions.


Impacto do confinamento nos estilos de vida de crianças e adolescentes do norte de Portugal

Martins, J; Teixeira, B; MPM Oliveira, B; Afonso, C;

Acta Portuguesa de Nutrição

A escola desempenha um papel essencial na promoção de estilos de vida e hábitos alimentares saudáveis. Com o encerramento destes estabelecimentos, devido ao 2.º confinamento imposto pela pandemia COVID-19, tornou-se pertinente avaliar o seu impacto nos estilos de vida das crianças/adolescentes e estudar os respetivos fatores associados. Aplicou-se um questionário online (aos encarregados de educação dos alunos da Educação Pré-Escolar/1.º Ciclo e aos alunos do 2.º/3.º Ciclo) recolhendo informação sociodemográfica, antropométrica, de estado da saúde, estilos de vida e respetivas alterações provocadas pelo 2.º confinamento. Recorreu-se à UniANCOVA para identificar os fatores associados às alterações encontradas. Este estudo realizou-se num Agrupamento de Escolas do Norte de Portugal em 494 alunos (idade média de 11 anos, variando entre os 3 e os 16 anos, 51,0% sexo feminino, 49,2% 3.º Ciclo, 35,2% excesso de peso). Do total, 57,0% cumpre as recomendações das horas de sono, 24,0% do tempo de atividade física e 31,4% de tempo de ecrã. Mais de 70,0% dos alunos incluiu alimentos não recomendáveis aos lanches e ao jantar. Devido ao confinamento, 93,0% relatou pelo menos uma alteração negativa, sendo a mais frequente o aumento do tempo de ecrã diário (63,8%). A alteração positiva mais relatada foi a realização de mais refeições em família (66,5%). Os inquiridos que reportaram uma melhor autoperceção da sua alimentação foram os que tiveram mais alterações positivas dos estilos de vida devido à pandemia. Por outro lado, estar entre o percentil 15 e 85 de Índice de Massa Corporal associou-se a mais alterações negativas.


Modelos de gestão de oferta alimentar em refeitórios escolares do Alto Minho – comparação no âmbito do projeto P0DE

Rocha, L; Martins, C; Afonso, C; Oliveira, B; Gonçalves, A; Fernandes, L; Oliveira, M; Sá Azevedo, R; Karim, S; Quintas, S; Ferro, G;

Acta Portuguesa de Nutrição

INTRODUÇÃO: De forma a contribuir para a diminuição da incidência e prevalência das doenças relacionadas com os hábitos alimentares, implementou-se o Projeto de Otimização das Dietas Escolares que pretende contribuir para uma oferta alimentar escolar alinhada com as premissas de uma alimentação saudável. OBJETIVOS: Comparar qualitativa e quantitativamente a oferta alimentar escolar referente à refeição do almoço considerando os modelos de gestão direta e concessionada. METODOLOGIA: Estudo observacional de desenho transversal. O Projeto de Otimização das Dietas Escolares, implementado em 34 escolas do ensino público do distrito de Viana do Castelo, tem como objetivo garantir a oferta de refeições variadas, normoenergéticas, nutricionalmente equilibradas e que garantam os critérios de higiene e segurança alimentar. Analisaram-se dados correspondentes a uma avaliação mensal de cada escola, entre 2014 e 2019. RESULTADOS: Os refeitórios com gestão direta cumpriram maior percentagem (82%), em mediana, de critérios qualitativos do Projeto de Otimização das Dietas Escolares, relativamente aos de gestão concessionada (p = 0,022). Todos os refeitórios com gestão direta cumpriram a periodicidade de oferta de peixe rico em ómega-3 (?3) exigida. Estes utilizaram uma maior quantidade de gordura e gordura saturada comparativamente aos de gestão concessionada (p = 0,030 e 0,040, respetivamente). O contrário ocorreu na oferta de fibra (p = 0,016). CONCLUSÕES: Considerando a avaliação qualitativa, os refeitórios com gestão direta cumpriram melhor os critérios do Projeto de Otimização das Dietas Escolares e ofereceram peixe rico em ?3 com maior periodicidade, relativamente aos com gestão concessionada. Quantitativamente, os refeitórios com gestão concessionada ofereceram refeições com menor quantidade de gordura e gordura saturada e maior quantidade de fibra.


Public News Archive: A Searchable Sub-archive to Portuguese Past News Articles

Campos, R; Correia, D; Jatowt, A;


Over the past fewdecades, the amount of information generated turned the Web into the largest knowledge infrastructure existing to date. Web archives have been at the forefront of data preservation, preventing the losses of significant data to humankind. Different snapshots of the web are saved everyday enabling users to surf the past web and to travel through this overtime. Despite these efforts, many people are not aware that the web is being preserved, often finding these infrastructures to be unattractive or difficult to use, when compared to common search engines. In this paper, we give a step towards making use of this preserved information to develop Public Archive an intuitive interface that enables end-users to search and analyze a large-scale of 67,242 past preserved news articles belonging to a Portuguese reference newspaper (Jornal Publico). The referred collection was obtained by scraping 10,976 versions of the homepage of the Jornal Publico preserved by the Portuguese web archive infrastructure ( during the time-period of 2010 to 2021. By doing this, we aim, not only to mark a stand in what respects to make use of this preserved information, but also to come up with an easy-to-follow solution, the Public Archive python package, which creates the roots to be used (with minor adaptations) by other news source providers interested in offering their readers access to past news articles.


Contrastive text summarization: a survey

Ströhle, T; Campos, R; Jatowt, A;


In our data-flooded age, an enormous amount of redundant, but also disparate textual data is collected on a daily basis on a wide variety of topics. Much of this information refers to documents related to the same theme, that is, different versions of the same document, or different documents discussing the same topic. Being aware of such differences turns out to be an important aspect for those who want to perform a comparative task. However, as documents increase in size and volume, keeping up-to-date, detecting, and summarizing relevant changes between different documents or versions of it becomes unfeasible. This motivates the rise of the contrastive or comparative summarization task, which attempts to summarize the text of different documents related to the same topic in a way that highlights the relevant differences between them. Our research aims to provide a systematic literature review on contrastive or comparative summarization, highlighting the different methods, data sets, metrics, and applications. Overall, we found that contrastive summarization is most commonly used in controversial news articles, controversial opinions or sentiments on a topic, and reviews of a product. Despite the great interest in the topic, we note that standard data sets, as well as a competitive task dedicated to this topic, are yet to come to be proposed, eventually impeding the emergence of new methods. Moreover, the great breakthrough of using deep learning-based language models for abstract summaries in contrastive summarization is still missing.

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