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Publications by Dalila Fontes


A hybrid biased random key genetic algorithm approach for the unit commitment problem

Roque, LAC; Fontes, DBMM; Fontes, FACC;


This work proposes a hybrid genetic algorithm (GA) to address the unit commitment (UC) problem. In the UC problem, the goal is to schedule a subset of a given group of electrical power generating units and also to determine their production output in order to meet energy demands at minimum cost. In addition, the solution must satisfy a set of technological and operational constraints. The algorithm developed is a hybrid biased random key genetic algorithm (HBRKGA). It uses random keys to encode the solutions and introduces bias both in the parent selection procedure and in the crossover strategy. To intensify the search close to good solutions, the GA is hybridized with local search. Tests have been performed on benchmark large-scale power systems. The computational results demonstrate that the HBRKGA is effective and efficient. In addition, it is also shown that it improves the solutions obtained by current state-of-the-art methodologies.


Optimal Control Formulations for the Unit Commitment Problem

Fontes, DBMM; Fontes, FACC; Roque, LAC;


The unit commitment (UC) problem is a well-known combinatorial optimization problem arising in operations planning of power systems. It involves deciding both the scheduling of power units, when each unit should be turned on or off, and the economic dispatch problem, how much power each of the on units should produce, in order to meet power demand at minimum cost while satisfying a set of operational and technological constraints. This problem is typically formulated as nonlinear mixed-integer programming problem and has been solved in the literature by a huge variety of optimization methods, ranging from exact methods (such as dynamic programming and branch-and-bound) to heuristic methods (genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, and particle swarm). Here, we discuss how the UC problem can be formulated with an optimal control model, describe previous discrete-time optimal control models, and propose a continuous-time optimal control model. The continuous-time optimal control formulation proposed has the advantage of involving only real-valued decision variables (controls) and enables extra degrees of freedom as well as more accuracy, since it allows to consider sets of demand data that are not sampled hourly.


A multi-objective unit commitment problem combining economic and environmental criteria in a metaheuristic approach

Roque, LAC; Fontes, DBMM; Fontes, FACC;


The environmental concerns are having a significant impact on the operation of power systems. The traditional Unit Commitment problem (UCP), which minimizes the total production costs is inadequate when environmental emissions need to be considered in the operation of power plants. This paper proposes a metaheuristic approach combined with a non-dominated sorting procedure to find solutions for the multi-objective UCP. The metaheuristic proposed, a Biased Random Key Genetic Algorithm, is a variant of the random-key genetic algorithm, since bias is introduced in the parent selection procedure, as well as in the crossover strategy. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.


Future liquefied natural gas business structure: a review and comparison of oil and liquefied natural gas sectors

Nikhalat Jahromi, H; Fontes, DBMM; Cochrane, RA;


The liquefied natural gas (LNG) trade provides the means of trading gas globally and represents about 10% of the gas trade. The forecasts show the LNG business will grow, over the next 20 years, at about twice the rate of the whole gas trade. Although the current state of LNG trade is well studied, the literature on the future business structure of it is limited and conflictual. This work considers the future LNG business structure by comparing the development trajectories of the oil and LNG sectors. In addition, it assesses the conclusions drawn by researchers against this background and the current pattern of change in the industry. The comparison involves three stages: (1) trade flows-oil and LNG trade flows are very similar, mainly due to the common distribution of the oil and gas reserves. (2) Supply chain configuration-the international trade for both fuels is tanker based thus allowing for a similar market responsive trade policy, i.e., real-time destination selection (spot sale) at a global scale. (3) Institutional developments-the current transparent and competitive global oil trade, with prices dominated by physical and paper markets, was driven previously by long-term contracts, in the same manner as the current LNG business. This analysis, together with transaction cost economics, supports the argument that, in future, LNG spot trade will increase and give rise to a competitive and globally unified LNG market. Further-more, LNG pricing will become transparent and would be dominated by physical and paper markets benchmark prices. (C) 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


A Metaheuristic Approach to the Multi-Objective Unit Commitment Problem Combining Economic and Environmental Criteria

Roque, LAC; Fontes, DBMM; Fontes, FACC;


We consider a Unit Commitment Problem (UCP) addressing not only the economic objective of minimizing the total production costs-as is done in the standard UCP-but also addressing environmental concerns. Our approach utilizes a multi-objective formulation and includes in the objective function a criterion to minimize the emission of pollutants. Environmental concerns are having a significant impact on the operation of power systems related to the emissions from fossil-fuelled power plants. However, the standard UCP, which minimizes just the total production costs, is inadequate to address environmental concerns. We propose to address the UCP with environmental concerns as a multi-objective problem and use a metaheuristic approach combined with a non-dominated sorting procedure to solve it. The metaheuristic developed is a variant of an evolutionary algorithm, known as Biased Random Key Genetic Algorithm. Computational experiments have been carried out on benchmark problems with up to 100 generation units for a 24 h scheduling horizon. The performance of the method, as well as the quality, diversity and the distribution characteristics of the solutions obtained are analysed. It is shown that the method proposed compares favourably against alternative approaches in most cases analysed.


Spot sale of uncommitted LNG from Middle East: Japan or the UK?

Nikhalat Jahromi, H; Bell, MGH; Fontes, DBMM; Cochrane, RA; Angeloudis, P;


The importance of liquefied natural gas (LNG) is rising as demand for it grows rapidly and steadily due to growth in energy demand, the transition to a low carbon economy and the longer distances over which natural gas is now traded. Given its importance, this work proposes an optimization model that assists to decide on when and where LNG should be delivered by coordinating tanker type, assignment and routing, inventory management, contract obligations, arbitrage and uncommitted LNG. The model maximizes the profit mainly by taking advantage of price differences between different markets. The contributions of this work are twofold. First, following the analysis of expenses and revenues, a new mixed integer programming model for LNG liquefaction and shipping is proposed from a corporate finance perspective. Furthermore, a solution approach for it is implemented and tested. Second, the model is used to derive a short term trade policy for the Middle Eastern LNG producers regarding the spot sale of their uncommitted product to Japan or to the UK, namely to: dispatch to whichever market has the higher current spot price, regardless of the variability of the transport expenses.

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