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Publications by Matthew Davies


SMALLbox - An Evaluation Framework for Sparse Representations and Dictionary Learning Algorithms

Damnjanovic, I; Davies, MEP; Plumbley, MD;


SMALLbox is a new foundational framework for processing signals, using adaptive sparse structured representations. The main aim of SMALLbox is to become a test ground for exploration of new provably good methods to obtain inherently data-driven sparse models, able to cope with large-scale and complicated data. The toolbox provides an easy way to evaluate these methods against state-of-the art alternatives in a variety of standard signal processing problems. This is achieved trough a unifying interface that enables a seamless connection between the three types of modules: problems, dictionary learning algorithms and sparse solvers. In addition, it provides interoperability between existing state-of-the-art toolboxes. As an open source MATLAB toolbox, it can be also seen as a tool for reproducible research in the sparse representations research community.


Beat tracking with a two state model

Davies, MEP; Plumbley, MD;

ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings

In this paper we apply a two state switching model to the problem of audio based beat tracking. Our analysis is based around the generation and application of adaptively weighted comb filter-bank structures to extract beat timing information from the midlevel representation of an input audio signal known as the onset detection function [1]. We evaluate our system using a previously published dataset [2] and in performing a direct comparison with the current state of the art, present comparable results. © 2005 IEEE.


A spectral difference approach to downbeat extraction in musical audio

Davies, MEP; Plumbley, MD;

European Signal Processing Conference

We introduce a method for detecting downbeats in musical audio given a sequence of beat times. Using musical knowledge that lower frequency bands are perceptually more important, we find the spectral difference between band-limited beat synchronous analysis frames as a robust downbeat indicator. Initial results are encouraging for this type of system.


Rhythmic analysis for real-time audio effects

Stark, AM; Davies, MEP; Plumbley, MD;

International Computer Music Conference, ICMC 2008

We outline a set of audio effects that use rhythmic analysis, in particular the extraction of beat and tempo information, to automatically synchronise temporal parameters to the input signal. We demonstrate that this analysis, known as beat-tracking, can be used to create adaptive parameters that adjust themselves according to changes in the properties of the input signal. We present common audio effects such as delay, tremolo and auto-wah augmented in this fashion and discuss their real-time implementation as Audio Unit plug-ins and objects for Max/MSP.


Real-time beat-synchronous audio effects

Stark, AM; Plumbley, MD; Davies, MEP;

Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, NIME '07

We present a new group of audio effects that use beat tracking, the detection of beats in an audio signal, to relate effect parameters to the beats in an input signal. Conventional audio effects are augmented so that their operation is related to the output of a beat tracking system. We present a temposynchronous delay effect and a set of beat synchronous low frequency oscillator effects including tremolo, vibrato and auto-wah. All effects are implemented in real-time as VST plug-ins to allow for their use in live performance.


Causal Tempo Tracking of Audio

Davies, MEP; Plumbley, MD;

ISMIR 2004, 5th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, Barcelona, Spain, October 10-14, 2004, Proceedings


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