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Publications by António Lucas Soares


A Digital Platform Architecture to Support Multi-dimensional Surplus Capacity Sharing

Silva, HD; Soares, AL; Bettoni, A; Francesco, AB; Albertario, S;


The highly disruptive transformation that digital platforms are imposing on entire sectors of the economy, along with the broad digitalization of industrial business processes, is having an impact on supply chains around the world. To take advantage of this new aggregated market paradigm new business models with a heavy focus on servitization are changing the value proposition of businesses. In this paper, we describe a reference architectural framework designed to support a digital platform fostering the optimization of supply chains by the pairing of unused industrial capacity with production demand. This framework aims at harmonizing stakeholder requirements with specifications of different levels in order to set up a coherent reference blueprint that serves as a starting point for development activities. A four-layer approach is used to articulate between technical components, with the data and tools layers, and the ecosystem, with the business and interfaces layers. The overall architecture and component description is presented as extensions of the initial set of affordances.



Afsarmanesh, H; Camarinha Matos, LM; Soares, AL;

IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology



Bulding ontologies with ontoforinfoscience methodology: A detailed approach to the activiyies of ontology development [Construindo ontologias com a metodologia ontoforinfoscience: Uma abordagem detalhada das atividades do desenvolvimento ontológico] [Construyendo ontologías con la metodología ontoforinfoscience: Un enfoque detallado de las actividades del desarrollo ontológico]

Mendonça, FM; Soares, AL;

Ciencia da Informacao

In the use of ontologies as knowledge information systems (KOS) for purposes of representation, organization and information retrieval, one of the biggest challenges is the ontology development process, which is complex and requires specific technical knowledge of the developers. In the recent years, several methodologies have been developed to support the ontologies building, which have steps well established, but not always well detailed for developers, causing problems in the ontologies development. This paper describes a methodology for the ontologies development, called OntoForInfoScience, which has a differential the detail of the activities of the ontology development cycle, explaining more clearly technical terms, logical and philosophical issues involved in the construction of ontologies. As current practical results of OntoForInfoScience, we presented part of the content of two ontologies developed with such methodology: (i) Hemonto: a biomedical ontology on the human blood components used for hematology and hemotherapy; (ii) Ontolegis: a legal domain ontology that represents the knowledge related to Brazilian legislative information on medical law. It is concluded that the OntoForInfoScience was very useful for the construction of formal ontological representations in both domains modeled and their details allowed to help the developers in logical and philosophical questions of the process of development and in the understanding of technical concepts of ontologies.


Industrial business associations improving the internationalisation of SMEs with digital platforms: A design science research approach

Costa, E; Soares, AL; Sousa, JP;


This paper aims to contribute to the lack of design knowledge on digital platforms (DPs), by studying the new and specific context of DPs managed by industrial business associations (IBAs) to improve the inter- nationalisation of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). A specific objective is to elicit detailed digital plat- form ?s requirements and features for this particular organisational context. A design science research (DSR) approach is adopted to develop design propositions (the artifact), following the context -intervention -me- chanism -outcome logic (CIMO-logic). The design propositions are derived for DPs that can support different types of generative mechanisms of social interaction: information sharing, collaboration, and collective action. The design propositions are obtained by balancing empirical knowledge based on interviews performed with IBAs and SMEs in Portugal and in the UK, with theoretical knowledge from the literature of information systems, DPs and collaborative networks (CNs). The utility of the design propositions is further evaluated by experts and IBAs. The findings are proved to be relevant for practice, mainly for IBAs, SMEs, and digital platform designers to develop more effective collaborative DPs and sociotechnical systems, supporting CNs and the internationalisa- tion needs of SMEs. The knowledge generated in this study brings new design knowledge on DPs, contributing with design propositions translated into tangible and concrete requirements and capabilities, situated in a specific context and empirical setting.


Portuguese textile association fostering the internationalisation of small and medium-sized enterprises

Silva, SCe; Elo, M; Sousa, JPD; Costa, E; Soares, AL;

International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business



Forming intersectoral partnerships for social innovation in Portugal [O processo de formação de parcerias intersetoriais em iniciativas de inovação social em Portugal]

Borges, MA; Dandolini, GA; Soares, AL;

Analise Social

The purpose of this article is to describe the process of forming intersectoral partnerships in social innovation initiatives in Portugal. The methodological approach used was the qualitative study of multiple cases through a triangulated analysis of the data. This resulted in a set of interrelated categories explaining the formation process of the partnerships: formation of the partners, means of identification, motivation of the partners to form the partnership, criteria for forming the partnership, determining factors, facilitators, and training process. We discuss the implications of this process and foment some strategies to support the development of intersectoral partnerships for social innovation initiatives.

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