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Publications by Emanuel Peres Correia


Footwear segmentation and recommendation supported by deep learning: An exploratory proposal

Oliveira, J; Gomes, R; Gonzalez, D; Sousa, N; Shahrabadi, S; Guevara, M; Ferreira, MJ; Alves, P; Peres, E; Magalhães, L; Adão, T;

Procedia Computer Science



The use of mobile devices with multi-tag technologies for an overall contextualized vineyard management

Cunha, CR; Peres, E; Morais, R; Oliveira, AA; Matos, SG; Fernandes, MA; Ferreira, PJSG; Reis, MJCS;


This paper describes a Viticulture Service-Oriented Framework (VSOF) which turns around context elements or tags that are placed in the field and which can be decoded by mobile devices such as mobile phones or PDAs. The tags are used to automatically associate a field location to the relevant database tables or records and also to access contextual information or services. By pointing a mobile device to a tag, the viticulturalist may download data such as climatic data or upload information such as disease and pest incidence in a simple way, without having to provide coordinates or any other references, and without having to return to a central office This work is part of an effort to implement a large-scale distributed cooperative network in the Douro Demarcated Region in Northeast Portugal, a region in which the effort makes particular sense due to the extremely variable topography and mesoclimates The possibility of exchanging contextualized information and accessing contextualized services in the field, using well-known devices such as cell phones, may contribute to increase the rate of adoption of information technology in viticulture, and contribute to more efficient and closer-to-the-crops practices.


An autonomous intelligent gateway infrastructure for in-field processing in precision viticulture

Peres, E; Fernandes, MA; Morais, R; Cunha, CR; Lopez, JA; Matos, SR; Ferreira, PJSG; Reis, MJCS;


Wireless sensor networks have found multiple applications in precision viticulture. Despite the steady progress in sensing devices and wireless technologies, some of the crucial items needed to improve the usability and scalability of the networks, such as gateway infrastructures and in-field processing, have been comparatively neglected. This paper describes the hardware, communication capabilities and software architecture of an intelligent autonomous gateway, designed to provide the necessary middleware between locally deployed sensor networks and a remote location within the whole-farm concept. This solar-powered infrastructure, denoted by iPAGAT (Intelligent Precision Agriculture Gateway), runs an aggregation engine that fills a local database with environmental data gathered by a locally deployed ZigBee wireless sensor network. Aggregated data are then retrieved by external queries over the built-in data integration system. In addition, embedded communication capabilities, including Bluetooth, IEEE 802.11 and GPRS, allow local and remote users to access both gateway and remote data, as well as the Internet, and run site-specific management tools using authenticated smartphones. Field experiments provide convincing evidence that iPAGAT represents an important step forward in the development of distributed service-oriented information systems for precision viticulture applications.


Automatic detection of bunches of grapes in natural environment from color images

Reis, MJCS; Morais, R; Peres, E; Pereira, C; Contente, O; Soares, S; Valente, A; Baptista, J; Ferreira, PJSG; Bulas Cruz, JB;


Despite the benefits of precision agriculture and precision viticulture production systems, its rate of adoption in the Portuguese Douro Demarcated Region remains low. We believe that one way to raise it is to address challenging real-world problems whose solution offers a clear benefit to the viticulturist. For example, one of the most demanding tasks in wine making is harvesting. Even for humans, the environment makes grape detection difficult, especially when the grapes and leaves have a similar color, which is generally the case for white grapes. In this paper, we propose a system for the detection and location, in the natural environment, of bunches of grapes in color images. This system is able to distinguish between white and red grapes, and at the same time, it calculates the location of the bunch stem. The system achieved 97% and 91% correct classifications for red and white grapes, respectively.


The Inov@Douro cooperative network: shaping collaboration among Douro Region viticulture companies focusing tourism

Cunha, CR; Peres, E; Morais, R; Reis, MC;


This paper describes a business and technological model proposal, known as Inov@Douro, intended to support and to promote competitive and sustained precision agriculture practices in the Portuguese Douro Region. Our approach is based on a distributed cooperative network, tailored 10 meet the specific needs of viticulture enterprises which also explore tourism as a valuable national and international business source. Instead of focusing on operational issues, such as remote sensing and data transmission, among others, we present the Inov@Douro model from the knowledge generation point-of-view, intended to support the multidisciplinary concept of a cooperation approach among regional partners. As a result, this collaborative approach might be the most suited technological tool to promote precision agriculture sustainability practices based on a symbiotic cooperation with the tourism sector. The Inov@Douro model aims to represent a new working style for this unique region, where the concept of public and private information is a key feature to achieve the desired success as a knowledge network. As a guideline to attain the implementation of such a model. information technology and infrastructures tools are discussed in order to promote precision agriculture practices while giving valuable and dynamic tourist information to the general public.


Contextualized Ubiquity: A new opportunity for rendering business information and services

Cunha, CR; Peres, E; Morais, R; Bessa, M; Reis, MC;

J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res.

Stating that information and services are ubiquitous, means that they are available anywhere, anytime. The development of mobile-devices with wireless network-access capabilities, together with the decrease in network-traffic costs and the proliferation of free wireless hotspots, makes the use of mobile-devices, as Internet access tools, increasingly common and attractive. With novel forms of presenting information and to provide new ways to interact with consumers, new business strategies can be boosted, in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and m-commerce. This paper describes a different approach to the relationship between customers and business-providers, based on contextualization mechanisms located in commercial products, which in turn acts as a gateway to static tag-embedded information as well as web-based information and services. A wine integrated management system, called SIGPV, is presented as a proof-of-concept, enumerating some of possible major business and CRM benefits. © 2010 Universidad de Talca - Chile.

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