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Publications by Ricardo Queirós


User Experience Evaluation in a Code Playground (Short Paper)

Queirós, R; Pinto, M; Terroso, T;

Second International Computer Programming Education Conference, ICPEC 2021, May 27-28, 2021, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal.

Learning computer programming is a complex activity and requires a lot of practice. The viral pandemic that we are facing has intensified these difficulties. In this context, programming learning platforms play a crucial role. Most of them are characterized by providing a wide range of exercises with progressive complexity, multi-language support, sophisticated interfaces and automatic evaluation and gamification services. Nevertheless, despite the various features provided, others features, which influence user experience, are not emphasized, such as performance and usability. This article presents an user experience evaluation of the LearnJS playground, a JavaScript learning platform which aims to foster the practice of coding. The evaluation highlights two facets of the code playground: performance and a usability. In the former, lab and field data were collected based on Google Lighthouse and PageSpeed Insights reports. In the later, an inquiry was distributed among students from a Web Technologies course with a set of questions based on flexibility, usability and consistency heuristics. Both evaluation studies have a twofold goal: to improve the learning environment in order to be officially used in the next school year and to foster the awareness of user experience in all phases of the software development life-cycle as a key facet in Web applications engagement and loyalty. © Ricardo Queirós, Mário Pinto, and Teresa Terroso; licensed under Creative Commons License CC-BY 4.0 Second International Computer Programming Education Conference (ICPEC 2021).


Virtual and Augmented Reality Awareness Tools for Universal Design

Coelho, LP; Freitas, I; Kaminska, DU; Queirós, R; Laska-Lesniewicz, A; Zwolinski, G; Raposo, R; Vairinhos, M; Pereira, ET; Haamer, E; Anbarjafari, G;

Emerging Advancements for Virtual and Augmented Reality in Healthcare - Advances in Medical Technologies and Clinical Practice

This chapter will be focused on contributing to the increase of universal design competencies of future engineers, educators, and designers through the use of mixed reality technologies, closing the gap between theory and field application of principles, towards a more inclusive world and promoting health and wellbeing for all. The experience of a situation where limitations arise in relation to what is taken for granted is an important experience that leads to a personal knowledge of the difficulties. By the use of simulators, especially virtual (VR) and mixed reality (MR) technologies, it is possible to create such experiences. Training based on MR can prepare future and current professionals for up-to-date requirements of the labor market. In addition, it can ensure that the standards such as barrier-free concepts, broader accessibility, adaptive and assistive technology will be familiar to trainees.


Integration of Computer Science Assessment into Learning Management Systems with JuezLTI

Carrillo, JV; Sierra, A; Leal, JP; Queirós, R; Pellicer, S; Primo, M;

Third International Computer Programming Education Conference, ICPEC 2022, June 2-3, 2022, Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave (IPCA), Barcelos, Portugal.

Computer science is a skill that will continue to be in high demand in the foreseeable future. Despite this trend, automated assessment in computer science is often hampered by the lack of systems supporting a wide range of topics. While there is a number of open software systems and programming exercise collections supporting automated assessment, up to this date, there are few systems that offer a diversity of exercises ranging from computer programming exercises to markup and databases languages. At the same time, most of the best-of-breed solutions force teachers and students to alternate between the Learning Management System - a pivotal piece of the e-learning ecosystem - and the tool providing the exercises. This issue is addressed by JuezLTI, an international project whose goal is to create an innovative tool to allow the automatic assessment of exercises in a wide range of computer science topics. These topics include different languages used in computer science for programming, markup, and database management. JuezLTI borrows part of its name from the IMS Learning Tools Interoperability (IMS LTI) standard. With this standard, the tool will interoperate with reference systems such as Moodle, Sakai, Canvas, or Blackboard, among many others. Another contribution of JuezLTI will be a pool of exercises. Interoperability and content are expected to foster the adoption of JuezLTI by many institutions. This paper presents the JuezLTI project, its architecture, and its main components. © Carrillo, Juan V.; Sierra, Alberto; Leal, Jose Paulo; Queirs, Ricardo; Pellicer, Salvador; Primo, Marco; licensed under Creative Commons License CC-BY 4.0


A Roadmap to Convert Educational Web Applications into LTI Tools

Leal, JP; Queirós, R; Ferreirinha, P; Swacha, J;

Third International Computer Programming Education Conference, ICPEC 2022, June 2-3, 2022, Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave (IPCA), Barcelos, Portugal.

This paper proposes a roadmap to integrate existing educational web applications into the ecosystem based on a learning management system. To achieve this integration, applications must support the Learning Tools Interoperability specification in the role of tool provider. The paper starts with an overview of the evolution of this specification, emphasizing the main features of the current stable version. Then, it proposes a set of design goals and milestones to guide the adaptation process. The proposed roadmap was validated with existing applications. This paper reports on the challenges faced to apply it in these concrete cases. © Leal, Jose Paulo; Queirs, Ricardo; Ferreirinha, Pedro; Swacha, Jakub; licensed under Creative Commons License CC-BY 4.0


A Survey on Computer Programming Learning Environments

Queirós, RAPd;

Advances in Computer and Electrical Engineering - Code Generation, Analysis Tools, and Testing for Quality

We are assisting the rise of online coding environments as a strategy to promote youth tech employment. With the growing importance of the technology sector, these type of technical training programs give learners emergent tech skills with a big impact and relevance to the current professional market needs. In this realm, MOOCs (massive open online courses) and online coding bootcamps are two increasingly popular options for learners to improve their code development skills and find work within a relatively short amount of time. Among all the features available on these environments, one stands out, which is the code generation. This chapter aims to detail and compare the most popular solutions for both learning contexts based on several criteria such as impact and maturity, user groups, and tools and features. In the features field, the authors highlight the code generation feature as an efficient way to enhance exercise resolution.


WebPuppet - A Tiny Automated Web UI Testing Tool

Queirós, R;

Third International Computer Programming Education Conference, ICPEC 2022, June 2-3, 2022, Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave (IPCA), Barcelos, Portugal.

One of the most important phases in the Web development cycle is testing. There are several types of tests, different approaches to their use and a wide range of tools. However, most of them are not open source, require coding and do not have a pedagogical nature. This article introduces WebPuppet as an automated Web UI testing tool. The tool is distributed as a small Node package and can be easily integrated into any learning environment in the web development domain. In addition, it does not require coding in any language, just use a very simple domain-specific language that will generate a test script to run in client applications. In order to exemplify its use, a simple test scenario based on a login page is presented. © Queiros, Ricardo; licensed under Creative Commons License CC-BY 4.0

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