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Publications by Ricardo Queirós


A Survey on CSS Preprocessors

Queirós, R;

6th Symposium on Languages, Applications and Technologies, SLATE 2017, June 26-27, 2017, Vila do Conde, Portugal

In the Web realm, the adoption of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is unanimous, being widely used for styling web documents. Despite their intensive use, this W3C specification was written for web designers with limit programming background. Thus, it lack several programming constructs, such as variables, conditional and repetitive blocks, and functions. This absence a ects negatively code reuse, and consequently, the maintenance of the styling code. In the last decade, several languages (e.g. Sass, Less) appeared to extend CSS, defined as CSS preprocessors, with the ultimate goal to bring those missing constructs and to foster stylesheets structured programming. The paper provides an introductory survey on CSS Preprocessors. It gathers information on a specific set of preprocessors, categorizes them and compares their features regarding a set of predefined criteria such as: maturity, coverage and performance. © Ricardo Queirós


ESEIG Mobile: An M-Learning Approach in a Superior School

Queirós, Ricardo; Pinto, Mario;




Innovative teaching strategies and new learning paradigms in computer programming

Queirós, R;

Innovative Teaching Strategies and New Learning Paradigms in Computer Programming

Courses in computer programming combine a number of different concepts, from general problem-solving to mathematical precepts such as algorithms and computational intelligence. Due to the complex nature of computer science education, teaching the novice programmer can be a challenge. Innovative Teaching Strategies and New Learning Paradigms in Computer Programming brings together pedagogical and technological methods to address the recent challenges that have developed in computer programming courses. Focusing on educational tools, computer science concepts, and educational design, this book is an essential reference source for teachers, practitioners, and scholars interested in improving the success rate of students.


SOS - Simple Orchestration of Services

Queirós, R; Simões, A;

6th Symposium on Languages, Applications and Technologies, SLATE 2017, June 26-27, 2017, Vila do Conde, Portugal

Nowadays, we continue to write redundant code which can often be reused from the Web. Reusing programming tasks is beneficial since it speeds up the process of creating applications and reduces the errors related with the task creation from scratch. At the same time, the demands of our applications are increasing, leading to a simple problem having to be solved through several tasks. With the advent of the cloud, there are countless Web services that proliferate on the Web. One solution for developers is to use these Web Services. However, the process of mastering and coordinating all these services manually is time-consuming and error-prone. This paper presents SOS, a Simple Orchestration of Services. The ultimate goal of this tool is to act as a service composer while promoting the separation of concerns for two typical actors in this realm: the developer and the business analyst. The developer must define a service as a SOS task based on a JSON schema and submit it in a Web specialized editor. The business analyst uses the SOS editor, in an interactive way, to chain the required tasks to solve a specific problem. Then, the developer, uses a a simple client API – a SOS engine wrapper – to load a SOS manifest and to iterate over all tasks, without the need to dominate any bureaucratic aspects related with HTTP clients and messages. As a case study, several tasks are instantiated and aggregated in order to generate a composite service for a mobile app whose goal is to give an translated description of a picture taken with a mobile phone. © Ricardo Queirós and Alberto Simões


BabeLO-An Extensible Converter of Programming Exercises Formats

Queiros, R; Leal, JP;


In the last two decades, there was a proliferation of programming exercise formats that hinders interoperability in automatic assessment. In the lack of a widely accepted standard, a pragmatic solution is to convert content among the existing formats. BabeLO is a programming exercise converter providing services to a network of heterogeneous e-learning systems such as contest management systems, programming exercise authoring tools, evaluation engines and repositories of learning objects. Its main feature is the use of a pivotal format to achieve greater extensibility. This approach simplifies the extension to other formats, just requiring the conversion to and from the pivotal format. This paper starts with an analysis of programming exercise formats representative of the existing diversity. This analysis sets the context for the proposed approach to exercise conversion and to the description of the pivotal data format. The abstract service definition is the basis for the design of BabeLO, its components and web service interface. This paper includes a report on the use of BabeLO in two concrete scenarios: to relocate exercises to a different repository, and to use an evaluation engine in a network of heterogeneous systems.


CSS Preprocessing: Tools and Automation Techniques

Queirós, R;


Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a W3C specification for a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language, more precisely, for styling Web documents. However, in the last few years, the landscape for CSS development has changed dramatically with the appearance of several languages and tools aiming to help developers build clean, modular and performance-aware CSS. These new approaches give developers mechanisms to preprocess CSS rules through the use of programming constructs, defined as CSS preprocessors, with the ultimate goal to bring those missing constructs to the CSS realm and to foster stylesheets structured programming. At the same time, a new set of tools appeared, defined as postprocessors, for extension and automation purposes covering a broad set of features ranging from identifying unused and duplicate code to applying vendor prefixes. With all these tools and techniques in hands, developers need to provide a consistent workflow to foster CSS modular coding. This paper aims to present an introductory survey on the CSS processors. The survey gathers information on a specific set of processors, categorizes them and compares their features regarding a set of predefined criteria such as: maturity, coverage and performance. Finally, we propose a basic set of best practices in order to setup a simple and pragmatic styling code workflow.

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