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Publications by Luís Paulo Reis


Editorial: Dossier "Technologies, Epistemological Convergence of Complexity" [Editorial: Dossiê "Tecnologias, Convergência Epistemológica da Complexidade"]

Costa, AP; Dos Reis, LPG; Cravo, PVL; Delbem, ACB; Coelho, CJ;




Portuguese teacher placement system: Issues and solutions [Sistema de Colocação de Professores em Portugal: Problemas e soluções]

Santos, D; Reis, LP; Sá, JOE;


Portuguese teacher placements' system is a centralized system managed by the Portuguese government, specifically by the Ministry of Education and Science. It is a system with some issues and, therefore, has been criticized by its stakeholders, mainly by teachers. This paper aims to do a systematic review and a meta-analysis of the Portuguese teacher placements' system. An objective is to understand and describe how this system works in European Union countries. Another objective is to interview school leaders to find solutions for teacher placements' system. Finally, from solutions from European Union countries and from solutions arising from schools' leaders, a set of requirements is identified that the teacher placements' system should take into account, in order to avoid the issues identified.


New Contributions in Information Systems and Technologies - Volume 2 [WorldCIST'15, Azores, Portugal, April 1-3, 2015]

Rocha, A; Correia, AMR; Costanzo, S; Reis, LP;

WorldCIST (2)



Strategic negotiation and trust in diplomacy–the DipBlue approach

Ferreira, A; Cardoso, HL; Reis, LP;

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

The study of games in Artificial Intelligence has a long tradition. Game playing has been a fertile environment for the development of novel approaches to build intelligent programs. Multi-agent systems (MAS), in particular, are a very useful paradigm in this regard, not only because multi-player games can be addressed using this technology, but most importantly because social aspects of agenthood that have been studied for years by MAS researchers can be applied in the attractive and controlled scenarios that games convey. Diplomacy is a multi-player strategic zero-sum board game, including as main research challenges an enormous search tree, the difficulty of determining the real strength of a position, and the accommodation of negotiation among players. Negotiation abilities bring along other social aspects, such as the need to perform trust reasoning in order to win the game. The majority of existing artificial players (bots) for Diplomacy do not exploit the strategic opportunities enabled by negotiation, focusing instead on search and heuristic approaches. This paper describes the development of DipBlue, an artificial player that uses negotiation in order to gain advantage over its opponents, through the use of peace treaties, formation of alliances and suggestion of actions to allies. A simple trust assessment approach is used as a means to detect and react to potential betrayals by allied players. DipBlue was built to work with DipGame, a MAS testbed for Diplomacy, and has been tested with other players of the same platform and variations of itself. Experimental results show that the use of negotiation increases the performance of bots involved in alliances, when full trust is assumed. In the presence of betrayals, being able to perform trust reasoning is an effective approach to reduce their impact. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015.


Lessons learned on developing educational systems using a hybrid user centered methodology

Costa, AP; Reis, LP; Loureiro, MJ;

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

This paper describes the lessons learned on the development of educational applications using a Hybrid User Centered Development Methodology (HUCDM). This is a simple, iterative and incremental development process that has as building blocks the principles of User Centered Design (UCD), specified in the International Organization for Standardization 9241-210 - Ergonomics of Human -System Interaction (210: Human -centered design for interactive systems), together with practices and values from agile software development methods. The process consists of four main stages: specification/planning, design, implementation and maintenance. Prototyping and evaluation are carried out across the entire process. By developing a application in a Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) we were able to learn several lessons that may be useful for other educational software developers such as the need to involve the user in the evaluation (as verifier), but also to integrate him into the team, as informant or co-designer. This improves user satisfaction in comparison to involve the user only on the evaluation phase. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015.


Focused interaction analysis in collaboration and cooperation of the 4c model [Analyse d’interactions focalisée sur la collaboration et coopération du modèle 4C] [Análise de interações focada na colaboração e cooperação do modelo 4C] [Análisis de interacción centrado en la colaboración y cooperación del modelo 4C]

Costa, AP; Loureiro, MJ; Reis, LP; de Souza, FN;

Revista Lusofona de Educacao

Collaboration and cooperation are two of the main factors in the development of good quality software. Thus, it is particularly important to examine these two dimensions in the course of a software development process to ensure its quality and enable improvements in the development process. Having as fundamentals these premises the 4C model was proposed, based on the following dimensions: Communication, Coordination, Collaboration and Cooperation. This paper describes the 4C model and its applicability in the analysis of the Hybrid User Centered Development Methodology (HUCDM) which formed the basis for the development of the educational resource Courseware Sere -The Human Being and the Natural Resources. The 4C model allowed the analysis of the process defined in HUCDM to be performed based on the interactions arising in the forums available on Moodle. This paper is based on the interactions that occurred on the development of the software first screen of phase I -Oil, focusing the analysis on the collaboration and cooperation dimensions. The results achieved clearly support the importance of developing educational resources based on collaborative and cooperative work based on multidisciplinary teams.

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