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Publications by Bruno Miguel Veloso


On-line guest profiling and hotel recommendation

Veloso, BM; Leal, F; Malheiro, B; Burguillo, JC;


Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have revolutionised the tourism domain, providing a wide set of new services for tourists and tourism businesses. Both tourists and tourism businesses use dedicated tourism platforms to search and share information generating, constantly, new tourism crowdsourced data. This crowdsourced information has a huge influence in tourist decisions. In this context, the paper proposes a stream recommendation engine supported by crowdsourced information, adopting Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) matrix factorisation algorithm for rating prediction. Additionally, we explore different (i) profiling approaches (hotel-based and theme-based) using hotel multi-criteria ratings, location, value for money (VfM) and sentiment value (StV); and (ii) post-recommendation filters based on hotel location, VfM and StV. The main contribution focusses on the application of post-recommendation filters to the prediction of hotel guest ratings with both hotel and theme multi-criteria rating profiles, using crowdsourced data streams. The results show considerable accuracy and classification improvement with both hotel-based and theme-based multi-criteria profiling together with location and StV post-recommendation filtering. While the most promising results occur with the hotel-based version, the best theme-based version shows a remarkable memory conciseness when compared with its hotel-based counterpart. This makes this theme-based approach particularly appropriate for data streams. The abstract completely needs to be rewritten. It does not provide a clear view of the problem and its solutions the researchers proposed. In addition, it should cover five main elements, introduction, problem statement, methodology, contributions and results. Done.


Scalable modelling and recommendation using wiki-based crowdsourced repositories

Leal, F; Veloso, BM; Malheiro, B; Gonzalez Velez, H; Carlos Burguillo, JC;


Wiki-based crowdsourced repositories have increasingly become an important source of information for users in multiple domains. However, as the amount of wiki-based data increases, so does the information overloading for users. Wikis, and in general crowdsourcing platforms, raise trustability questions since they do not generally store user background data, making the recommendation of pages particularly hard to rely on. In this context, this work explores scalable multi-criteria profiling using side information to model the publishers and pages of wiki-based crowdsourced platforms. Based on streams of publisher-page-review triads, we have modelled publishers and pages in terms of quality and popularity using different criteria and user-page-view events collected via a wiki platform. Our modelling approach classifies statistically, both page-review (quality) and pageview (popularity) events, attributing an appropriate rating. The quality-related information is then merged employing Multiple Linear Regression as well as a weighted average. Based on the quality and popularity, the resulting page profiles are then used to address the problem of recommending the most interesting wiki pages per destination to viewers. This paper also explores the parallelisation of profiling and recommendation algorithms using wiki-based crowdsourced distributed data repositories as data streams via incremental updating. The proposed method has been successfully evaluated using Wikivoyage, a tourism crowdsourced wiki-based repository.


Self Hyper-parameter Tuning for Stream Recommendation Algorithms

Veloso, B; Gama, J; Malheiro, B; Vinagre, J;

ECML PKDD 2018 Workshops - DMLE 2018 and IoTStream 2018, Dublin, Ireland, September 10-14, 2018, Revised Selected Papers

E-commerce platforms explore the interaction between users and digital content – user generated streams of events – to build and maintain dynamic user preference models which are used to make mean-ingful recommendations. However, the accuracy of these incremental models is critically affected by the choice of hyper-parameters. So far, the incremental recommendation algorithms used to process data streams rely on human expertise for hyper-parameter tuning. In this work we apply our Self Hyper-Parameter Tuning (SPT) algorithm to incremental recommendation algorithms. SPT adapts the Melder-Mead optimi-sation algorithm to perform hyper-parameter tuning. First, it creates three models with random hyper-parameter values and, then, at dynamic size intervals, assesses and applies the Melder-Mead operators to update their hyper-parameters until the models converge. The main contribu-tion of this work is the adaptation of the SPT method to incremental matrix factorisation recommendation algorithms. The proposed method was evaluated with well-known recommendation data sets. The results show that SPT systematically improves data stream recommendations.


Stream Recommendation using Individual Hyper-Parameters

Veloso, BM; Malheiro, B; Foss, J;

Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Data-Driven Personalisation of Television co-located with the ACM International Conference on Interactive Experiences for Television and Online Video, DataTV@TVX 2019, Manchester, UK, June 5, 2019.

Nowadays, with the widely usage of on-line stream video platforms, the number of media resources available and the volume of crowd-sourced feedback volunteered by viewers is increasing exponentially. In this scenario, the adoption of recommendation systems allows platforms to match viewers with resources. However, due to the sheer size of the data and the pace of the arriving data, there is the need to adopt stream mining algorithms to build and maintain models of the viewer preferences as well as to make timely personalised recommendations. In this paper, we propose the adoption of optimal individual hyper-parameters to build more accurate dynamic viewer models. First, we use a grid search algorithm to identify the optimal individual hyper-parameters (IHP) and, then, use these hyper-parameters to update incrementally the user model. This technique is based on an incremental learning algorithm designed for stream data. The results show that our approach outperforms previous approaches, reducing substantially the prediction errors and, thus, increasing the accuracy of the recommendations. © 2019 for this paper by its authors.


Distributed Trust & Reputation Models using Blockchain Technologies for Tourism Crowdsourcing Platforms

Veloso, B; Leal, F; Malheiro, B; Moreira, F;


Crowdsourced repositories have become an increasingly important source of information for users and businesses in multiple domains. Everyday examples of tourism crowdsourcing platforms focusing on accommodation, food or travelling in general, influence consumer behaviour in modern societies. These repositories, due to their intrinsic openness, can strongly benefit from independent data quality modelling mechanisms. In this context, building trust & reputation models of contributors and storing crowdsourced data using distributed ledger technology allows not only to ascertain the quality of crowdsourced contributions, but also ensures the integrity of the built models. This paper presents a survey on distributed trust & reputation modelling using blockchain technology and, for the specific case of tourism crowdsourcing platforms, discusses the open research problems and identifies future lines of research. 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.


Detecting Bursts of Activity in Telecommunications

Veloso, B; Martins, C; Espanha, R; Azevedo, R; Gama, J;

Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Big Data, IoT Streams and Heterogeneous Source Mining: Algorithms, Systems, Programming Models and Applications co-located with 25th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2019), Anchorage, Alaska, August 4-8, 2019.

The high asymmetry of international termination rates, where calls are charged with higher values, are fertile ground for the appearance of frauds in Telecom Companies. In this paper, we present a solution for a real problem called Interconnect Bypass Fraud. This problem is one of the most expressive in the telecommunication domain and can be detected by the occurrence of burst of calls from specific numbers. Based on this assumption, we propose the adoption of a new fast forgetting technique that works together with the Lossy Counting algorithm. Our goal is to detect as soon as possible items with abnormal behaviours, e.g. bursts of calls, repetitions and mirror behaviours. The results shows that our technique not only complements the techniques used by the telecom company but also improves the performance of the Lossy Counting algorithm in terms of runtime, memory used and sensibility to detect the abnormal behaviours. Copyright © by the paper's authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

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