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Publications by José Paiva Proença


A Refinement Relation for Families of Timed Automata

Cledou, G; Proenca, J; Barbosa, LS;


Software Product Lines (SPLs) are families of systems that share a high number of common assets while differing in others. In component-based systems, components themselves can be SPLs, i.e., each component can be seen as a family of variations, with different interfaces and functionalities, typically parameterized by a set of features and a feature model that specifies the valid combinations of features. This paper explores how to safely replace such families of components with more refined ones. We propose a notion of refinement for Interface Featured Timed Automata (IFTA), a formalism to model families of timed automata with support for multi-action transitions. We separate the notion of IFTA refinement into behavioral and variability refinement, i.e., the refinement of the underlying timed automata and feature model. Furthermore, we define behavioral refinement for the semantic level, i.e., transition systems, as an alternating simulation between systems, and lift this definition to IFTA refinement. We illustrate this notion with examples throughout the text and show that refinement is a pre-order and compositional.


Typed Connector Families

Proença, Jose; Clarke, Dave;

Formal Aspects of Component Software - 12th International Conference, FACS 2015, Niterói, Brazil, October 14-16, 2015, Revised Selected Papers

Typed models of connector/component composition specify interfaces describing ports of components and connectors. Typing ensures that these ports are plugged together appropriately, so that data can flow out of each output port and into an input port. These interfaces typically consider the direction of data flow and the type of values flowing. Components, connectors, and systems are often parameterised in such a way that the parameters affect the interfaces. Typing such connector families is challenging. This paper takes a first step towards addressing this problem by presenting a calculus of connector families with integer and boolean parameters. The calculus is based on monoidal categories, with a dependent type system that describes the parameterised interfaces of these connectors. As an example, we demonstrate how to define n-ary Reo connectors in the calculus. The paper focusses on the structure of connectors—well-connectedness—and less on their behaviour, making it easily applicable to a wide range of coordination and componentbased models. A type-checking algorithm based on constraints is used to analyse connector families, supported by a proof-of-concept implementation. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016.


Composing Families of Timed Automata

Cledou, G; Proenca, J; Barbosa, LS;


Featured Timed Automata (FTA) is a formalism that enables the verification of an entire Software Product Line (SPL), by capturing its behavior in a single model instead of product-by-product. However, it disregards compositional aspects inherent to SPL development. This paper introduces Interface FTA (IFTA), which extends FTA with variable interfaces that restrict the way automata can be composed, and with support for transitions with atomic multiple actions, simplifying the design. To support modular composition, a set of Reo connectors are modelled as IFTA. This separation of concerns increases reusability of functionality across products, and simplifies modelling, maintainability, and extension of SPLs. We show how IFTA can be easily translated into FTA and into networks of Timed Automata supported by UPPAAL. We illustrate this with a case study from the electronic government domain.


Formal Verification of ROS-based Robotic Applications using Timed-Automata

Halder, R; Proenca, J; Macedo, N; Santos, A;


Robotic technologies are continuously transforming the domestic and the industrial environments. Recently the Robotic Operating System (ROS), has been widely adopted both by industry and academia, becoming one of the most popular middleware frameworks for developing robot applications. Guaranteeing the correct behaviour of robotic systems is, however, challenging due to their potential for parameterization and heterogeneity. Although different approaches exist, focusing on concrete domain spaces for specific scenarios, no general approach to reason about ROS systems has yet arisen. This paper proposes an approach to model and verify ROS systems using real time properties, focusing on one of the main features of ROS, the communication between nodes. It takes low-level parameters into account, such as queue sizes and timeouts, and uses timed automata as the modelling language. The robot Kobuki is used as a complex case study, over which properties are automatically verified using the UPPAAL model checker, enabling the identification of problematic parameter combinations.


Quality-Aware Reactive Programming for the Internet of Things

Proenca, J; Baquero, C;


The reactive paradigm recently became very popular in user-interface development: updates - such as the ones from the mouse, keyboard, or from the network - can trigger a chain of computations organised in a dependency graph, letting the underlying engine control the scheduling of these computations. In the context of the Internet of Things (IoT), typical applications deploy components in distributed nodes and link their interfaces, employing a publish-subscribe architecture. The paradigm for Distributed Reactive Programming marries these two concepts, treating each distributed component as a reactive computation. However, existing approaches either require expensive synchronisation mechanisms or they do not support pipelining, i.e., allowingmultiple "waves" of updates to be executed in parallel. We propose Quarp (Quality-Aware Reactive Programming), a scalable and light-weight mechanism aimed at the IoT to orchestrate components triggered by updates of data-producing components or of aggregating components. This mechanism appends meta-information tomessages between components capturing the context of the data, used to dynamically monitor and guarantee useful properties of the dynamic applications. These include the so-called glitch freedom, time synchronisation, and geographical proximity. We formalise Quarp using a simple operational semantics, provide concrete examples of useful instances of contexts, and situate our approach in the realm of distributed reactive programming.


Refraction: Low-Cost Management of Reflective Meta-Data in Pervasive Component-Based Applications

Daniels, W; Proenca, J; Clarke, D; Joosen, W; Hughes, D;

2015 18th International ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE)

This paper proposes the concept of refraction, a principled means to lower the cost of managing reflective meta-data for pervasive systems. While prior work has demonstrated the bene fits of reflective component-based middleware for building open and reconfigurable applications, the cost of using remote reflective operations remains high. Refractive components address this problem by selectively augmenting application data flows with their reflective meta-data, which travels at low cost to reflective pools, which serve as loci of inspection and control for the distributed application. Additionally reflective policies are introduced, providing a mechanism to trigger reconfigurations based on incoming reflective meta-data. We evaluate the performance of refraction in a case-study of automatic con figuration repair for a real-world pervasive application. We show that refraction reduces network overhead in comparison to the direct use of reflective operations while not increasing development overhead. To enable further experimentation with the concept of refraction, we provide RxCom, an open-source refractive component model and supporting runtime environment.

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