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Publications by Guilherme Amaral Silva


UAV Cooperative Perception for Target Detection and Tracking in Maritime Environment

Amaral, G; Silva, H; Lopes, F; Ribeiro, JP; Freitas, S; Almeida, C; Martins, A; Almeida, J; Silva, E;


This paper addresses the topic of target detection and tracking using a team of UAVs for maritime border surveillance. We present a novel method on how to integrate the perception into the control loop using two distinct teams of UAVs that are cooperatively tracking the same target. We demonstrate and evaluate the effectiveness of our approach in a simulation environment.


Use of multi-domain robots in search and rescue operations - contributions of the ICARUS team to the euRathlon 2015 challenge

Marques, MM; Parreira, R; Lobo, V; Martins, A; Matos, A; Cruz, N; Almeida, JM; Alves, JC; Silva, E; Bedkowski, J; Majek, K; Pelka, M; Musialik, P; Ferreira, H; Dias, A; Ferreira, B; Amaral, G; Figueiredo, A; Almeida, R; Silva, F; Serrano, D; Moreno, G; De Cubber, G; Balta, H; Beglerovic, H;


Today, in our landscape perception exists a gap that needs to be fulfilled. It's important to increase the coverage, temporal and spatial resolution in order to cover this gap, as well as reduce costs with human resources that usually take this kind of tasks. Unmanned Autonomous vehicles with their inherent autonomy and reduced needs of human and communication resources, can provide additional capabilities and a new innovative solution to this problem This paper presents and describes the participation of ICARUS Team at euRathlon 2015 and the importance of this type of events performed with multiple unnamed systems.


Simtwo as a simulation environment for flight robot dynamics evaluation

Amaral, G; Costa, P;

U.Porto Journal of Engineering

Aerial Robots has become very popular in robotics groups. This ongoing interest is driven by a significant number of potential end-user applications where it is necessary to reduce human intervention. The validation of control/cooperation algorithms not always is an easy task and requires a large number of humans to keep tests safety. Is present in this paper the simulation of a quadrotor model in SimTwo simulation environment and evaluated the flight dynamic of the robot. To do that was developed a control layer responsible to the hovering maneuver and “go to” position function. The results prove that the objectives were achieved successfully and the simulation was validated. The navigation simulation is left as future work.


Low Cost Underwater Acoustic Positioning System with a Simplified DoA Algorithm

Guedes, P; Viana, N; Silva, J; Amaral, G; Ferreira, H; Dias, A; Almeida, JM; Martins, A; Silva, EP;


For the context of a mobile tracking system, an underwater acoustic positioning system was developed, using three hydrophones to compute the direction of an acoustic source relative to an Autonomous Surface Vehicle (ASV). The paper presents an algorithm for the Direction of Arrival (DoA) of an acoustic source, which allows to estimate its position. Preliminary results will be shown in this paper relative to the detection and identification (ID) of the acoustic sources, as well as an analysis of the proposed algorithm. The solution allows the position estimation of an acoustic source, which can be used in tracking solutions. The system can be applied in an ASV or fixed buoys, as long as the baseline's hydrophones are at equal angular distances. The main objective is to track targets with the DoA algorithm as well to estimate their position, improving what was done in [1].


ROSM - Robotic Oil Spill Mitigation

Dias, A; Mucha, AP; Santos, T; Pedrosa, D; Amaral, G; Ferreira, H; Oliveira, A; Martins, A; Almeida, J; Almeida, CM; Ramos, S; Magalhaes, C; Carvalho, MF; Silva, E;


The overall aim of the ROSM project is the implementation of an innovative solution based on heterogeneous autonomous vehicles to tackle maritime pollution (in particular, oil spills). These solutions will be based on native microbial consortia with bioremediation capacity, and the adaptation of air and surface autonomous vehicles for in-situ release of autochthonous microorganisms (bioaugmentation) and nutrients (biostimulation). By doing so, these systems can be used as the first line of the responder to pollution incidents from several origins that may occur inside ports, around industrial and extraction facilities, or during transport activities, in a fast, efficient and low-cost way. The paper will address the development of a team of autonomous vehicles able to carry, as payload, native organisms to naturally degrade oil spills (avoiding the introduction of additional chemical or biological additives), the development of a multi-robot system able to provide a first line responses to oil spill incidents under unfavourable and harsh conditions with low human intervention, and then a decentralized cooperative planning with the ability to coordinate an efficient oil spill combat. Field tests have been performed in Leixoes Harbour in Porto and Medas, Portugal, with a simulated oil spill and validated the decentralized coordinated task between the autonomous surface vehicle (ASV) ROAZ and the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).


An holistic monitoring system for measurement of the atmospheric electric field over the ocean - the SAIL campaign

Barbosa, S; Dias, N; Almeida, C; Amaral, G; Ferreira, A; Lima, L; Silva, I; Martins, A; Almeida, J; Camilo, M; Silva, E;


The atmospheric electric field is a key characteristic of the Earth system. Despite its relevance, oceanic measurements of the atmospheric electric field are scarce, as typically oceanic measurements tend to be focused on ocean properties rather than on the atmosphere above. This motivated the set-up of an innovative campaign on board the sail ship NRP Sagres focused on the measurement of the atmospheric electric field in the marine boundary layer. This paper describes the monitoring system that was developed to measure the atmospheric electric field during the planned circumnavigation expedition of the sail ship NRP Sagres.

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