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Publications by João Correia Lopes


An hybrid design solution for spacecraft simulators

Rodrigues, V; Lopes, JC; Moreira, A;

CEUR Workshop Proceedings

The European Space Agency (ESA) has created the Simulation Model Portability 2 (SMP2) standard with the purpose to provide a design solution for the project of Spacecraft Simulators. One element of the SMP2 standard is the metamodel Simulation Model Definition Language (SMDL). The design artefacts of a Spacecraft Simulator consist in descriptions of the business logic shared by a set of SMP2 models. This paper reports results from a study that considers the hypothesis to complement the model-driven design approach of the SMP2 standard with test-driven design techniques. The high-level abstractions of Spacecraft Simulators are used to carry out Model-Driven Development processes, while reusable pieces of software that can to be used by many SMP2 models are designed and developed following Test-Driven-Development. The tool capable to establish the dependencies between the source code produced by the two methodologies and mission specific source code is the GNU Build System.


Sensing the schoolyard: Using senses and sensors to assess georeferenced environmental dimensions

Silva, MJ; Lopes, JC; Da Silva, PM; Marcelino, MJ;

ACM International Conference Proceeding Series

This paper presents the Usense2learn platform, a platform designed and implemented to enable children and teachers to use georeferenced multisensory information together with information acquired by sensors. Usense2learn places the creation of content in the hands of children. While using Usense2learn, mobile sensors can be held across the exploration area and provide georeferenced environmental information such as air temperature and humidity. Using multimedia (video, image, sound and text) teachers and children can bring the outside world into their classroom and share it with other classrooms across the globe. Having the limited schools' budgets in mind, content creation can be made anywhere without communication costs. Internet connection is only required, together with Google Earth, for visualization. The Usense2learn platform was successfully used in a curricular context, engaging children and teachers in meaningful environmental education activities. © 2010 ACM.


Digital preservation, archives management, format migration, transformation, at scale, normalization

da Silva, JR; Riberio, C; Lopes, JC;

Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Digital Preservation, iPRES 2012, Toronto, Canada, October 1 - 5, 2012



UPData - A Data Curation Experiment at U.Porto using DSpace

da Silva, JR; Lopes, JC; Ribeiro, C;

Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Digital Preservation, iPRES 2011, Singapore, November 1-4, 2011



Semi-automated Application Profile Generation for Research Data Assets

da Silva, JR; Ribeiro, C; Lopes, JC;


Selecting the right set of descriptors for the annotation of a specific dataset can be a hard problem in research data management. Considering a dataset in an arbitrary domain, an application profile is complex to build because of the abundance of metadata standards, ontologies and other descriptor sources available for different domains. We propose to partially automate the process of data description by generating application profile recommendations based on a research data asset knowledge base. Our approach builds on existing technologies for exploring linked data and results in a process which can be tightly coupled with the research workflow, giving researchers more control over the description of their data. Preliminary experiments show that we can build on state-of-the-art technologies for search indexes, graph databases and triple stores to explore existing sources of linked data for our profile generation.


Biodiversity information systems using georeferencing and physical identification

Lira, T; Ribeiro, C; Lopes, JC;

WEBIST 2011 - Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies

Biodiversity information can be found in diverse information systems, ranging from large technical repositories for research purposes to dedicated databases supporting the web presence of natural sites. To deal with individual botanical objects, it is important to adopt the established scientific taxonomy. Providing a satisfying experience with current interface devices is also mandatory. Two problems have been addressed in this work: the unique identification of the objects and the representation of their physical location. The former has been tackled with QR code, a two-dimensional barcode standard, and the latter with the use of a PostgreSQL/PostGIS spatial database. The paper describes the development and test of a Web information system integrating physical identification and geo-referencing. The application in biodiversity information management shows that low-cost, state-of-the-art technologies can provide appropriate solutions even for small- and medium-sized natural sites, incorporating existing scientific information on species and contributing for a growing record of their occurrences. The system was tested on a university garden and can be used by site maintainers, visitors and researchers. The dataset collected in the site can be exported according to the Darwin Core biodiversity standard for research purposes.

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