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Publications by Aurélio Campilho


Spectral methods in image segmentation: A combined approach

Monteiro, FC; Campilho, AC;


Grouping and segmentation of images remains a challenging problem in computer vision. Recently, a number of authors have demonstrated a good performance on this task using spectral methods that are based on the eigensolution of a similarity matrix. In this paper, we implement a variation of the existing methods that combines aspects from several of the best-known eigenvector segmentation algorithms to produce a discrete optimal solution of the relaxed continuous eigensolution.


Cancer cell detection and invasion depth estimation in brightfield images

Quelhas, P; Marcuzzo, M; Mendonca, AM; Oliveira, MJ; Campilho, A;

British Machine Vision Conference, BMVC 2009 - Proceedings

The study of cancer cell invasion under the effect of different conditions is fundamental for the understanding of the invasion mechanism and to test possible therapies for its regulation. In this study, to simulate cancer cell invasion across tissue basement membrane, biologists established in vitro invasion assays with cancer cells invading extracellular matrix components. However, analysis of the assay is manual, being time-consuming and error-prone, which motivates an objective and automated analysis tool. With the objective of automating the analysis of cell invasion assays we present a new methodology to detect cells in 3D matrix cell assays and correctly estimate their invasion, measured by the depth of the penetration in the gel. Detection is based on the sliding band filter, by evaluating the gradient convergence and not intensity. As such it can detect low contrast cells which otherwise would be lost. For cell depth estimation we present a new tool based on the analysis of cell detections from multiple brightfield images taken at different depths of focus, using a new focus estimation approach based on the convergence gradient's magnitude. The final cell detection's precision and recall are of 0.896 and 0.910 respectively, and the average error in the cell's position estimate is of 0.41µm, 0.37µm and 3.7µm in the x, y and z directions, respectively. © 2009. The copyright of this document resides with its authors.


Time-lapse analysis of stem-cell divisions in the Arabidopsis thaliana root meristem

Campilho, A; Garcia, B; Van der Toorn, H; Van Wijk, H; Campilho, A; Scheres, B;


In the Arabidopsis root, asymmetric stem-cell divisions produce daughters that form the different root cell types. Here we report the establishment of a confocal tracking system that allows the analysis of numbers and orientations of cell divisions in root stem cells. The system provides direct evidence that stem cells have lower division rates than cells in the proximal meristem. It also allows tracking of cell division timing, which we have used to analyse the synchronization of root cap divisions. Finally, it gives new insights into lateral root cap formation: epidermal stem-cell daughters can rotate the orientation of the division plane like the stem cell.


Cell Nuclei and Cytoplasm Joint Segmentation Using the Sliding Band Filter

Quelhas, P; Marcuzzo, M; Mendonca, AM; Campilho, A;


Microscopy cell image analysis is a fundamental tool for biological research. In particular, multivariate fluorescence microscopy is used to observe different aspects of cells in cultures. It is still common practice to perform analysis tasks by visual inspection of individual cells which is time consuming, exhausting and prone to induce subjective bias. This makes automatic cell image analysis essential for large scale, objective studies of cell cultures. Traditionally the task of automatic cell analysis is approached through the use of image segmentation methods for extraction of cells' locations and shapes. Image segmentation, although fundamental, is neither an easy task in computer vision nor is it robust to image quality changes. This makes image segmentation for cell detection semi-automated requiring frequent tuning of parameters. We introduce a new approach for cell detection and shape estimation in multivariate images based on the sliding band filter (SBF). This filter's design makes it adequate to detect overall convex shapes and as such it performs well for cell detection. Furthermore, the parameters involved are intuitive as they are directly related to the expected cell size. Using the SBF filter we detect cells' nucleus and cytoplasm location and shapes. Based on the assumption that each cell has the same approximate shape center in both nuclei and cytoplasm fluorescence channels, we guide cytoplasm shape estimation by the nuclear detections improving performance and reducing errors. Then we validate cell detection by gathering evidence from nuclei and cytoplasm channels. Additionally, we include overlap correction and shape regularization steps which further improve the estimated cell shapes. The approach is evaluated using two datasets with different types of data: a 20 images benchmark set of simulated cell culture images, containing 1000 simulated cells; a 16 images Drosophila melanogaster Kc167 dataset containing 1255 cells, stained for DNA and actin. Both image datasets present a difficult problem due to the high variability of cell shapes and frequent cluster overlap between cells. On the Drosophila dataset our approach achieved a precision/recall of 95%/69% and 82%/90% for nuclei and cytoplasm detection respectively and an overall accuracy of 76%.


Segmentation of retinal blood vessels by combining the detection of centerlines and morphological reconstruction

Mendonca, AM; Campilho, A;


This paper presents an automated method for the segmentation of the vascular network in retinal images. The algorithm starts with the extraction of vessel centerlines, which are used as guidelines for the subsequent vessel filling phase. For this purpose, the outputs of four directional differential operators are processed in order to select connected sets of candidate points to be further classified as centerline pixels using vessel derived features. The final segmentation is obtained using an iterative region growing method that integrates the contents of several binary images resulting from vessel width dependent morphological filters. Our approach was tested on two publicly available databases and its results are compared with recently published methods. The results demonstrate that our algorithm outperforms other solutions and approximates the average accuracy of a human observer without a significant degradation of sensitivity and specificity.


Chromatographic pattern classification

Sousa, AV; Mendonca, AM; Campilho, A;


In this paper, we propose and evaluate methodologies for the classification of images from thin-layer chromatography. Each individual sample is characterized by an intensity profile that is further represented into a feature space. The first steps of this process aim at obtaining a robust estimate of the intensity profile by filtering noise, reducing the influence of background changes, and by fitting a mixture of Gaussians. The resulting profiles are represented by a set of appropriate features trying to characterize the state of nature, here spread out over four classes, one for normal subjects and the other three corresponding to lysosomal diseases, which are disorders responsible for severe nerve degeneration. For classification purposes, a novel solution based on a hierarchical structure is proposed. The main conclusion of this paper is that an automatically generated decision tree presents better results than more conventional solutions, being able to deal with the natural imbalance of the data that, as consequence of the rarity of lysosomal disorders, has very few representative cases in the disease classes when compared with the normal population.

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