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Publications by José Coelho


iMOOC on Climate Change: Evaluation of a Massive Open Online Learning Pilot Experience

Rocio, V; Coelho, J; Caeiro, S; Nicolau, P; Teixeira, A;


MOOCs are a recent phenomenon, although given their impact, they have been subject to a large debate. Several questions have been raised by researchers and educators alike regarding their sustainability, both economically and as an efficient mode of education provision. In this paper we contribute to this discussion by presenting a case study of the MOOC on Lived Experiences of Climate Change, which piloted the iMOOC pedagogical model developed at Universidade Aberta (UAb), the Portugese Distance Learning University. The iMOOC is a hybrid model which incorporates elements from existing MOOCs but adds other features drawn from UAb's experience with online learning and aims at better integrating in the larger context of the institutional pedagogical culture. The iMOOC implied also an integration of platforms - Moodle and Elgg. The pilot course had more than one thousand registrations, and it was the largest MOOC course on Portuguese language delivered so far. We discuss the effort required to design and deliver the course, the technological solution developed, and the results obtained. We registered a moderate effort to create and run the course, ensured by internal staff from the University. The technological solution was a success: an integrated architecture combining well-established, well-tested open software. The completion rate was 3.3%, but the high success of this innovative learning experience was demonstrated by the active involvement of about 50% of the registered participants, that followed the course until the end. Lessons learned from this experience and future research on the field are also discussed.


The multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem

Coelho, J; Vanhoucke, M;

Handbook on Project Management and Scheduling Vol. 1

This chapter reports on a new solution approach for the multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem (MRCPSP, MPS|jprec|Cmax). This problem type aims at the selection of a single activity mode from a set of available modes in order to construct a precedence and a (renewable and nonrenewable) resource-feasible project schedule with a minimal makespan. The problem type is known to be N P-hard and has been solved using various exact as well as (meta-)heuristic procedures. The new algorithm splits the problem type into a mode assignment and a single mode project scheduling step. The mode assignment step is solved by a satisfiability (SAT) problem solver and returns a feasible mode selection to the project scheduling step. The project scheduling step is solved using an efficient meta-heuristic procedure from literature to solve the resourceconstrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP). However, unlike many traditional meta-heuristic methods in literature to solve the MRCPSP, the new approach executes these two steps in one run, relying on a single priority list. Straightforward adaptations to the pure SAT solver by using pseudo boolean nonrenewable resourceconstraints has led to a high quality solution approach in a reasonable computational time. Computational results show that the procedure can report similar or sometimes even better solutions than found by other procedures in literature, although it often requires a higher CPU time. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015.


An overview of project data for integrated project management and control

Vanhoucke, M; Coelho, J; Batselier, J;

Journal of Modern Project Management

In this paper, an overview is given of the project data instances available in the literature to carry out academic research in the field of integrated project management and control. This research field aims at integrating static planning methods and risk analyses with dynamic project control methodologies using the state-of-the-art knowledge from literature and the best practices from the professional project management discipline. Various subtopics of this challenging discipline have been investigated from different angles, each time using project data available in literature, obtained from project data generators or based on a sample of empirical case studies. This paper gives an overall overview of the wide variety of project data that are available and are used in various research publications. It will be shown how the combination of artificial data and empirical data leads to improved knowledge on and deeper insights into the structure and characteristics of projects useful for academic research and professional use. While the artificial data can be best used to test novel ideas under a strict design in a controlled academic environment, empirical data can serve as the necessary validation step to translate the academic research results into practical ideas, aiming at narrowing the bridge between the theoretical knowledge and practical relevance. A summary of the available project data discussed in this paper can be downloaded from


An approach using SAT solvers for the RCPSP with logical constraints

Vanhoucke, M; Coelho, J;


This paper presents a new solution approach to solve the resource-constrained project scheduling problem in the presence of three types of logical constraints. Apart from the traditional AND constraints with minimal time-lags, these precedences are extended to OR constraints and bidirectional (BI) relations. These logical constraints extend the set of relations between pairs of activities and make the RCPSP definition somewhat different from the traditional RCPSP research topics in literature. It is known that the RCPSP with AND constraints, and hence its extension to OR and BI constraints, is NP-hard. The new algorithm consists of a set of network transformation rules that removes the OR and BI logical constraints to transform them into AND constraints and hereby extends the set of activities to maintain the original logic. A satisfiability (SAT) solver is used to guarantee the original precedence logic and is embedded in a metaheuristic search to resource feasible schedules that respect both the limited renewable resource availability as well as the precedence logic. Computational results on two well-known datasets from literature show that the algorithm can compete with the multi-mode algorithms from literature when no logical constraints are taken into account. When the logical constraints are taken into account, the algorithm can report major reductions in the project makespan for most of the instances within a reasonable time.


Hybrid tabu search and a truncated branch-and-bound for the unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem

Sels, V; Coelho, J; Dias, AM; Vanhoucke, M;


We consider the problem of scheduling a number of jobs on a number of unrelated parallel machines in order to minimize the makespan. We develop three heuristic approaches, i.e., a genetic algorithm, a tabu search algorithm and a hybridization of these heuristics with a truncated branch-and-bound procedure. This hybridization is made in order to accelerate the search process to near-optimal solutions. The branch-and-bound procedure will check whether the solutions obtained by the meta-heuristics can be scheduled within a tight upper bound. We compare the performances of these heuristics on a standard dataset available in the literature. Moreover, the influence of the different heuristic parameters is examined as well. The computational experiments reveal that the hybrid heuristics are able to compete with the best known results from the literature.


An exact composite lower bound strategy for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem

Coelho, J; Vanhoucke, M;


This paper reports on results for the well-known resource-constrained project scheduling problem. A branch-and-bound procedure is developed that takes into account all best performing components from literature, varying branching schemes and search strategies, using the best performing dominance rules and assembling these components into a unified search algorithm. A composite lower bound strategy that statically and dynamically selects the best performing bounds from literature is used to find optimal solutions within reasonable times. An extensive computational experiment is set up to determine the best combination of the various components used in the procedure, in order to benchmark the current existing knowledge on four different datasets from the literature. By varying the network topology, resource scarceness and the size of the projects, the computational experiments are carried out on a diverse set of projects. The procedure was able to find some new lower bounds and optimal solutions for the PSPLIB instances. Moreover, new best known results are reported for other, more diverse datasets that can be used in future research studies. The experiments revealed that even project instances with 30 activities cannot be solved to optimality when the topological structure is varied.

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