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Publications by Joaquim João Sousa


Monitoring continuous subsidence in the Costa del Sol (Málaga province, southern Spanish coast) using ERS-1/2, Envisat, and Sentinel-1A/B SAR interferometry

Ruiz Armenteros, AM; Lazecky, M; Ruiz Constán, A; Bakon, M; Manuel Delgado, J; Sousa, JJ; Galindo Zaldívar, J; De Galdeano, CS; Caro Cuenca, M; Martos Rosillo, S; Jiménez Gavilán, P; Perissin, D;

Procedia Computer Science

In this paper we analyze the subsidence behavior of a coastal area in the province of Málaga (Costa del Sol), southern Spain, in the period 1992-2018 using C-band SAR interferometry. The area comprises several zones of interest where continuous deformation has happened during the analyzed period. Using SAR data from ESA's ERS-1/2, Envisat, and Sentinel-1A/B satellites, and Multi-Temporal InSAR methods we detect and monitor subsidence in highly populated and industrial areas, airport, harbor, as well as local instabilities over a railway line and a highway. In a previous work, we reported a subsidence due to intensive use of groundwater in some populated towns in the period 1992-2009 with maximum line-of-sight (LOS) rates of the order of -11 mm/yr. In this contribution, we confirm the subsidence trend. Furthermore, we detect an increase in the deformation rates for the most recent period (2014-2018), suggesting that the overexploitation of the aquifers has not ceased. © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license.


3D Surface velocity retrieval of mountain glacier using an offset tracking technique applied to ascending and descending SAR constellation data: a case study of the Yiga Glacier

Wang, Q; Fan, JH; Zhou, W; Tong, LQ; Guo, ZC; Liu, G; Yuan, WL; Sousa, JJ; Perski, Z;


COSMO-SkyMed is a constellation of four X-band high-resolution radar satellites with a minimum revisit period of 12 hours. These satellites can obtain ascending and descending synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images with very similar periods for use in the three-dimensional (3D) inversion of glacier velocities. In this paper, based on ascending and descending COSMO-SkyMed data acquired at nearly the same time, the surface velocity of the Yiga Glacier, located in the Jiali County, Tibet, China, is estimated in four directions using an offset tracking technique during the periods of 16 January to 3 February 2017 and 1 February to 19 February 2017. Through the geometrical relationships between the measurements and the SAR images, the least square method is used to retrieve the 3D components of the glacier surface velocity in the eastward, northward and upward directions. The results show that applying the offset tracking technique to COSMO-SkyMed images can be used to derive the true 3D velocity of a glacier's surface. During the two periods, the Yiga Glacier had a stable velocity, and the maximum surface velocity, 2.4 m/d, was observed in the middle portion of the glacier, which corresponds to the location of the steepest slope.


Deformation monitoring of dam infrastructures via spaceborne MT-InSAR. The case of La Viñuela (Málaga, southern Spain)

Ruiz Armenteros, AM; Lazecky, M; Hlavácová, I; Bakon, M; Manuel Delgado, J; Sousa, JJ; Lamas Fernández, F; Marchamalo, M; Caro Cuenca, M; Papco, J; Perissin, D;

Procedia Computer Science

Dams require continuous security and monitoring programs, integrated with visual inspection and testing in dam surveillance programs. New approaches for dam monitoring focus on multi-sensor integration, taking into account emerging technologies such as GNSS, optic fiber, TLS, InSAR techniques, GBInSAR, GPR, that can be used as complementary data in dam monitoring, eliciting causes of dam deformation that cannot be assessed with traditional techniques. This paper presents a Multi-temporal InSAR (MT-InSAR) monitoring of La Viñuela dam (Málaga, Spain), a 96 m height earth-fill dam built from 1982 to 1989. The presented MT-InSAR monitoring system comprises three C-band radar (~5,7 cm wavelength) datasets from the European satellites ERS-1/2 (1992-2000), Envisat (2003-2008), and Sentinel-1A/B (2014-2018). ERS-1/2 and Envisat datasets were processed using StaMPS. In the case of Sentinel-1A/B, two different algorithms were applied, SARPROZ and ISCE-SALSIT, allowing the comparison of the estimated LOS velocity pattern. The obtained results confirm that LaViñuela dam is deforming since its construction, as an earth-fill dam. Maximum deformation rates were measured in the initial period (1992-2000), being around -7 mm/yr (LOS direction) on the coronation of the dam. In the period covered by the Envisat dataset (2003-2008), the average deforming pattern was lower, of the order of -4 mm/yr. Sentinel-1A/B monitoring confirms that the deformation is still active in the period 2014-2018 in the central-upper part of the dam, with maximums of velocity reaching -6 mm/yr. SARPROZ and ISCE-SALSIT algorithms provide similar results. It was concluded that MT-InSAR techniques can support the development of new and more effective means of monitoring and analyzing the health of dams complementing actual dam surveillance systems. © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license.


UAV-Based Automatic Detection and Monitoring of Chestnut Trees

Marques, P; Padua, L; Adao, T; Hruska, J; Peres, E; Sousa, A; Sousa, JJ;


Unmanned aerial vehicles have become a popular remote sensing platform for agricultural applications, with an emphasis on crop monitoring. Although there are several methods to detect vegetation through aerial imagery, these remain dependent of manual extraction of vegetation parameters. This article presents an automatic method that allows for individual tree detection and multi-temporal analysis, which is crucial in the detection of missing and new trees and monitoring their health conditions over time. The proposed method is based on the computation of vegetation indices (VIs), while using visible (RGB) and near-infrared (NIR) domain combination bands combined with the canopy height model. An overall segmentation accuracy above 95% was reached, even when RGB-based VIs were used. The proposed method is divided in three major steps: (1) segmentation and first clustering; (2) cluster isolation; and (3) feature extraction. This approach was applied to several chestnut plantations and some parameterssuch as the number of trees present in a plantation (accuracy above 97%), the canopy coverage (93% to 99% accuracy), the tree height (RMSE of 0.33 m and R-2 = 0.86), and the crown diameter (RMSE of 0.44 m and R-2 = 0.96)were automatically extracted. Therefore, by enabling the substitution of time-consuming and costly field campaigns, the proposed method represents a good contribution in managing chestnut plantations in a quicker and more sustainable way.


mySense: A comprehensive data management environment to improve precision agriculture practices

Morais, R; Silva, N; Mendes, J; Adao, T; Padua, L; Lopez Riquelme, J; Pavon Pulido, N; Sousa, JJ; Peres, E;


Over the last few years, an extensive set of technologies have been systematically included in precision agriculture (PA) and also in precision viticulture (PV) practices, as tools that allow efficient monitoring of nearly any parameter to achieve sustainable crop management practices and to increase both crop yield and quality. However, many technologies and standards are not yet included on those practices. Therefore, potential benefits that may result from putting together agronomic knowledge with electronics and computer technologies are still not fully accomplished. Both emergent and established paradigms, such as the Internet of Everything (IoE), Internet of Things (IoT), cloud and fog computing, together with increasingly cheaper computing technologies - with very low power requirements and a diversity of wireless technologies, available to exchange data with increased efficiency - and intelligent systems, have evolved to a level where it is virtually possible to expeditiously create and deploy any required monitoring solution. Pushed by all of these technological trends and recent developments, data integration has emerged as the layer between crops and knowledge needed to efficiently manage it. In this paper, the mySense environment is presented, aimed to systematize data acquisition procedures to address common PA/PV issues. mySense builds over a 4-layer technological structure: sensor and sensor nodes, crop field and sensor networks, cloud services and support to front-end applications. It makes available a set of free tools based on the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) concept and enables the use of Arduino (R) and Raspberry Pi (RN) low-cost platforms to quickly prototype a complete monitoring application. Field experiments provide compelling evidences that mySense environment represents an important step forward towards Smart Farming, by enabling the use of low-cost, fast deployment, integrated and transparent technologies to increase PA/PV monitoring applications adoption.


Procedural Modeling of Buildings Composed of Arbitrarily-Shaped Floor-Plans: Background, Progress, Contributions and Challenges of a Methodology Oriented to Cultural Heritage

Adao, T; Padua, L; Marques, P; Sousa, JJ; Peres, E; Magalhaes, L;


Virtual models' production is of high pertinence in research and business fields such as architecture, archeology, or video games, whose requirements might range between expeditious virtual building generation for extensively populating computer-based synthesized environments and hypothesis testing through digital reconstructions. There are some known approaches to achieve the production/reconstruction of virtual models, namely digital settlements and buildings. Manual modeling requires highly-skilled manpower and a considerable amount of time to achieve the desired digital contents, in a process composed by many stages that are typically repeated over time. Both image-based and range scanning approaches are more suitable for digital preservation of well-conserved structures. However, they usually require trained human resources to prepare field operations and manipulate expensive equipment (e.g., 3D scanners) and advanced software tools (e.g., photogrammetric applications). To tackle the issues presented by previous approaches, a class of cost-effective, efficient, and scarce-data-tolerant techniques/methods, known as procedural modeling, has been developed aiming at the semi- or fully-automatic production of virtual environments composed of hollow buildings exclusively represented by outer facades or traversable buildings with interiors, either for expeditious generation or reconstruction. Despite the many achievements of the existing procedural modeling approaches, the production of virtual buildings with both interiors and exteriors composed by non-rectangular shapes (convex or concave n-gons) at the floor-plan level is still seldomly addressed. Therefore, a methodology (and respective system) capable of semi-automatically producing ontology-based traversable buildings composed of arbitrarily-shaped floor-plans has been proposed and continuously developed, and is under analysis in this paper, along with its contributions towards the accomplishment of other virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) projects/works oriented to digital applications for cultural heritage. Recent roof production-related enhancements resorting to the well-established straight skeleton approach are also addressed, as well as forthcoming challenges. The aim is to consolidate this procedural modeling methodology as a valuable computer graphics work and discuss its future directions.

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