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Publications by Ana Maria Mendonça


Minimizing the imbalance problem in chromatographic profile classification with one-class classifiers

Sousa, AV; Mendonca, AM; Campilho, A;


This paper presents a new classification approach to deal with class imbalance in TLC patterns, which is due to the huge difference between the number of normal and pathological cases as a consequence of the rarity of LSD diseases. The proposed architecture is formed by two decision stages: the first is implemented by a one-class classifier aiming at recognizing most of the normal samples; the second stage is a hierarchical classifier which deals with the remaining outliers that are expected to contain the pathological cases and a small percentage of normal samples. We have also evaluated this architecture by a forest of classifiers, using the majority voting as a, rule to generate the final classification. The results that were obtained proved that this approach is able to overcome some of the difficulties associated with class imbalance.


Feature extraction for classification of thin-layer chromatography images

Sousa, AV; Mendonca, AM; Campilho, A; Aguiar, R; Miranda, CS;


Thin-Layer Chromatography images are used to detect and identify the presence of specific oligosaccharides, expressed by the existence, at different positions, of bands in the gel image. 1D gaussian deconvolution, commonly used for band detection, does not produce good results due to the large curvature observed in the bands. To overcome this uncertainty on the band position, we propose a novel feature extraction methodology that allows an accurate modeling of curved bands. The features are used to classify the data into two different classes, to differentiate normal from pathologic cases. The paper presents the developed methodology together with the analysis and discussion of the results.


Cell Division Detection on the Arabidopsis Thaliana Root

Marcuzzo, M; Guichard, T; Quelhas, P; Mendonca, AM; Campilho, A;


The study of individual plant cells and their growth structure is an important focus of research in plant genetics. To obtain development information at cellular level, researchers need to perform in vivo imaging of the specimen under study, through time-lapse confocal microscopy. Within this research field it is important to understand mechanisms like cell division and elongation of developing cells. We describe a tool to automatically search for cell division in the Arabidopsis thaliana using information of nuclei shape. The nuclei detection is based on a convergence index filter. Cell division detection is performed by an automatic classifier, trained through cross-validation. The results are further improved by a stability criterion based on the Mahalanobis distance of the shape of the nuclei through time. With this approach, we can achieve a correct detection rate of 94.7%.


Optical Flow Based Arabidopsis Thaliana Root Meristem Cell Division Detection

Quelhas, P; Mendonca, AM; Campilho, A;


The study of cell division and growth is a fundamental aspect of plant biology research. In this research the Arabidopsis thaliana plant is the most widely studied model plant and research is based on in vivo observation of plant cell development, by time-lapse confocal microscopy. The research herein described is based on a large amount of image data, which must be analyzed to determine meaningful transformation of the cells in the plants. Most approaches for cell division detection are based on the morphological analysis of the cells' segmentation. However, cells are difficult to segment due to had image quality in the in vivo images. We describe an approach to automatically search for cell division in the Arabidopsis thaliana root meristem using image registration and optical flow. This approach is based on the difference of speeds of the cell division and growth processes (cell division being a much faster process). With this approach, we can achieve a detection accuracy of 96.4%.


A hybrid approach for arabidopsis root cell image segmentation

Marcuzzo, M; Quelhas, P; Campilho, A; Mendonca, AM; Campilho, A;

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

In vivo observation and tracking of the Arabidopsis thaliana root meristem, by time-lapse confocal microscopy, is important to understand mechanisms like cell division and elongation. The research herein described is based on a large amount of image data, which must be analyzed to determine the location and state of cells. The automation of the process of cell detection/marking is an important step to provide research tools for the biologists in order to ease the search for special events, such as cell division. This paper discusses a hybrid approach for automatic cell segmentation, which selects the best cell candidates from a starting watershed-based image segmentation and improves the result by merging adjacent regions. The selection of individual cells is obtained using a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier, based on the shape and edge strength of the cells' contour. The merging criterion is based on edge strength along the line that connects adjacent cells' centroids. The resulting segmentation is largely pruned of badly segmented and over-segmented cells, thus facilitating the study of cell division. © 2008 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


Detection and validation of lung field contours on chest radiographs

Mendonca, AM; Alves Da Silva, J; Campilho, A;

Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering

The purpose of the research herein presented is the automatic detection of lung boundaries in posterior-anterior digital chest radiographs. The precise location of the two lungs is important in a computer-aided diagnosis system as it allows the reduction of the region under analysis, decreasing the computation time and facilitating data compression. Furthermore, it allows the delimitation of the search area, easing the selective tuning of the abnormalities detection algorithms. The results produced by the automatic method were validated by comparison with manual contours traced by an experienced radiologist. For this particular purpose, two programs with friendly interfaces were developed. The achieved comparison results demonstrate the good performance of the automatic method.

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