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Publications by João Bispo


Regular expression matching for reconfigurable packet inspection

Bispo, J; Sourdis, L; Cardoso, JMP; Vassiliadis, S;


Recent intrusion detection systems (IDS) use regular expressions instead of static patterns as a more efficient way to represent hazardous packet payload contents. This paper focuses on regular expressions pattern matching engines implemented in reconfigurable hardware. We present a Nondeterministic Finite Automata (NFA) based implementation, which takes advantage of new basic building blocks to support more complex regular expressions than the previous approaches. Our methodology is supported by a tool that automatically generates the circuitry for the given regular expressions, outputting VHDL representations ready for logic synthesis. Furthermore, we include techniques to reduce the area cost of our designs and maximize performance when targeting FPGAs. Experimental results show that our tool is able to generate a regular expression engine to match more than 500 IDS regular expressions (from the Snort ruleset) using only 25K logic cells and achieving 2 Gbps throughput on a Virtex2 and 2.9 on a Virtex4 device. Concerning the throughput per area required per matching non-Meta character, our design is 3.4 and 10x more efficient than previous ASIC and FPGA approaches, respectively.


Regular expression matching in reconfigurable hardware

Sourdis, I; Vassiliadis, S; Bispo, J; Cardoso, JMP;


In this paper we describe a regular expression pattern matching approach for reconfigurable hardware. Following a Non-deterministic Finite Automata direction, we introduce three new basic building blocks to support constraint repetitions syntaxes more efficiently than previous works. In addition, a number of optimization techniques are employed to reduce the area cost of the designs and maximize performance. Our design methodology is supported by a tool that automatically generates the circuitry for the given regular expressions and outputs Hardware Description Language representations ready for logic synthesis. The proposed approach is evaluated on network Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS). Recent IDS use regular expressions to represent hazardous packet payload contents. They require high-speed packet processing providing a challenging case study for pattern matching using regular expressions. We use a number of IDS rulesets to show that our approach scales well as the number of regular expressions increases, and present a step-by-step optimization to survey the benefits of our techniques. The synthesis tool described in this study is used to generate hardware engines to match 300 to 1,500 IDS regular expressions using only 10-45 K logic cells and achieving throughput of 1.6-2.2 and 2.4-3.2 Gbps on Virtex2 and Virtex4 devices, respectively. Concerning the throughput per area required per matching non-Meta character, our hardware engines are 10-20 x more efficient than previous Field Programmable Gate Array approaches. Furthermore, the generated designs have comparable area requirements to current application-specific integrated circuit solutions.


Synthesis of regular expressions for FPGAs

Bispo, J; Cardoso, JMP;


Regular expressions are being used in many applications to specify multiple and complex text patterns in a compact way. In some of these applications large sets of regular expressions need to be evaluated to detect matched content. Specialised hardware engines are employed when software-based regular expression engines are not able to meet the performance requirements imposed by such applications. Since the sets of regular expressions are periodically modified and/or extended, FPGAs are an attractive hardware solution to achieve both programmability and high-performance demands. However, efficient automatic synthesis tools are of paramount importance to achieve fast prototyping of regular expression engines on these devices. This paper presents an overview of the synthesis of regular expressions with the aim of achieving high-performance engines for FPGAs. We focus on describing current solutions, proposing new solutions for constraint repetitions and overlapped matching, and discussing a number of challenges and open issues. As a case study, we present FPGA implementations of the regular expressions included in two rule-sets of network intrusion detection system (NIDS), Bleeding Edge and Snort, obtained using a state-of-the-art synthesis approach.


The role of programming models on reconfigurable computing fabrics

Cardoso, JMP; Bispo, J; Sanches, AK;

Behavioral Modeling for Embedded Systems and Technologies: Applications for Design and Implementation

Reconfigurable computing architectures are becoming increasingly important in many computing domains (e.g., embedded and high-performance systems). These architectures promise comparable characteristics to specific hardware solutions with the flexibility and programmability of microprocessor solutions. This chapter gives a comprehensible overview of reconfigurable computing concepts and programming paradigms for the current and future generation of reconfigurable computing architectures. Two paramount aspects are highlighted: understanding how the programming model can help the mapping of computations to these architectures, and understanding also the way new programming models can be used to develop applications to these architectures. We include a set of simple examples to show different aspects of the use of the reconfigurable computing synergies, driven by the initial programming model used. © 2010, IGI Global.


Synthesis of regular expressions targeting FPGAs: Current status and open issues

Bispo, J; Sourdis, I; Cardoso, JMP; Vassiliadis, S;


This paper presents an overview regarding the synthesis of regular expressions targeting FPGAs. It describes current solutions and a number of open issues. Implementation of regular expressions can be very challenging when performance is critical. Software implementations may not be able to satisfy performance requirements and thus dedicated hardware engines have to be used. In the later case, automatic synthesis tools are of paramount importance to achieve fast prototyping of regular expression engines. As a case study, experimental results are presented, for FPGA implementations of the regular expressions included in the rule-set of a Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS), Bleeding Edge, obtained using a state-of-the-art synthesis approach.


From Instruction Traces to Specialized Reconfigurable Arrays

Bispo, J; Cardanha Paulino, NM; Cardoso, JMP; Ferreira, JC;

2011 International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs, ReConFig 2011, Cancun, Mexico, November 30 - December 2, 2011

This paper presents an offline tool-chain which automatically extracts loops (Mega blocks) from Micro Blaze instruction traces and creates a tailored Reconfigurable Processing Unit (RPU) for those loops. The system moves loops from the CPU to the RPU transparently, at runtime, and without changing the executable binaries. The system was implemented in an FPGA and for the tested kernels measured speedups ranged between 3.9x and 18.2x for a Micro Blaze CPU without cache. We estimate speedups from 1.03x to 2.01x, when comparing to the best estimated performance achieved with a single Micro Blaze. © 2011 IEEE.

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