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Publications by Carlos Rompante Cunha


Promoting heritage through a pervasive and mobile computing approach: The case of the Portuguese city of Mirandela

Cunha, CR; Morais, EP; Alves, A;

Proceedings of the 31st International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2018: Innovation Management and Education Excellence through Vision 2020

Promoting Heritage is a challenge for all generations. The heritage is a legacy that we inherit from our ancestors and that we should deliver to our decedents. In this sense, the first steep that we should take, after preserve the heritage, is to develop solutions that enable effective and democratic ways to promote it. This promotion starts with the ability that of those who visit this heritage be able to know and enjoy it. Information and Communication Technologies and specifically Pervasive and Mobile Computing represents nowadays a big opportunity to develop innovative solutions capable to inform tourists about heritage and even enable them to experience past realities related to immaterial heritage like ancestral legends, past events and even no longer existing physical patrimony. This paper starts to make a reflection and the evolution the Information and Communication Technologies role on tourism and present a technological architecture to respond to the challenge of promote heritage and inform tourist in their travel experiences. After that, the paper presents also a developed prototype created to the Portuguese City of Mirandela capable to promote its historical and gastronomic heritage and also support the tours of the tourists through its territory. Finally, there are made some remarks about the future growing and directions for technology applied to tourism.


Promoting Heritage Through a Pervasive and Mobile Computing Approach: The Case of the Portuguese City of Mirandela

Cunha, CR; Morais, EP; Alves, A;


Promoting Heritage is a challenge for all generations. The heritage is a legacy that we inherit from our ancestors and that we should deliver to our decedents. In this sense, the first steep that we should take, after preserve the heritage, is to develop solutions that enable effective and democratic ways to promote it. This promotion starts with the ability that of those who visit this heritage he able to know and enjoy it. Information and Communication Technologies and specifically Pervasive and Mobile Computing represents nowadays a big opportunity to develop innovative solutions capable to inform tourists about heritage and even enable them to experience past realities related to immaterial heritage like ancestral legends, past events and even no longer existing physical patrimony. This paper starts to make a reflection and the evolution the information and Communication Technologies role on tourism and present a technological architecture to respond to the challenge of promote heritage and inform tourist in their travel experiences. After that, the paper presents also a developed prototype created to the Portuguese City of Mirandela capable to promote its historical and gastronomic heritage and also support the tours of the tourists through its territory. Finally, there are made some remarks about the future growing and directions for technology applied to tourism.


Promotion of destinations through interactive digital marketing: collaborative model for smart cities

Cunha, CR; Mendonça, V; Martins, M; Carneiro, M;

International Conference on Tourism Research

Smart cities are, by nature, spaces with a richness and diversity of technologies incorporated in their physical spaces, in such a way that they can be seen as a single intelligent and collaborative space. As technological pillars, two important layers arise – the sensory layer and the actuator layer, both of which are strongly interconnected with each other, emerging as a large Internet of Things network. This scenario reveals an enormous potential for marketing science and for the creation of innovative strategies to promote territories as touristic destinations. Within the multiple opportunities, there is space for the development of an interactive marketing experience, revolutionizing, through creative rethink, the way destinations interact with their visitors, and make known all their potential. Although in the context of tourism, there are three main moments in the visit process – the before, the during and the after, this work focuses on the moment of the destination visit – the during. In order to understand how creative rethink can be carried out to create innovative strategies to promote touristic destinations, an introduction is carried out, substantiating the concepts of digital marketing, smart cities and Internet of Things. Then, the methodology that governed the creation of a collaborative model for smart cities is clearly defined, being contextualized the importance of destinations-communication, the concept of a smart city and some of the major technology that support this concept. After contextualization and methodological aspects, this article presents a conceptual model where its components are described and where it is discussed how the model can take advantage of the variety of technologies that exist in a smart city, in order to allow innovative digital marketing strategies and innovating in the interaction between the city and the visitant, and vice versa – the vision of interactive digital marketing. In the model discussion, some interaction-scenarios and their main benefits are highlighted, which serve as examples for validating the proposed model. Finally, we present the work limitations and mains conclusions.


Proposal for an Intelligent System to Stimulate the Demand for Thermal Tourism

Mendonca, VJD; Cunha, CR; Correia, RAF; Carvalho, AMO;


The economic sector of tourism has gained significant weight in the economy of many countries, highlighting the weight of this sector in Portugal. However, the inconsistency and seasonality of demand causes companies linked to the sector to encounter difficulties regarding the planning and management of resources allocated to the activity. It is often the case that there are periods of economic loss caused by a small volume of demand that is insufficient to support the costs of the activity. In this context, this article proposes a system that, based on intelligent data analysis, allows a hotel chain to segment customers and enhance exclusive offers to minimize fluctuation and demand gaps in hotel units installed in thermal instances.


Proposal for an Intelligent System to Stimulate the Demand for Thermal Tourism [Proposta de um Sistema Inteligente para Estimular a Procura do Turismo Termal]

Mendonca, VJD; Cunha, CR; Correia, RAF; Carvalho, AMO;

Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI

The economic sector of tourism has gained significant weight in the economy of many countries, highlighting the weight of this sector in Portugal. However, the inconsistency and seasonality of demand causes companies linked to the sector to encounter difficulties regarding the planning and management of resources allocated to the activity. It is often the case that there are periods of economic loss caused by a small volume of demand that is insufficient to support the costs of the activity. In this context, this article proposes a system that, based on intelligent data analysis, allows a hotel chain to segment customers and enhance exclusive offers to minimize fluctuation and demand gaps in hotel units installed in thermal instances. © 2021 AISTI.


Reengineering the way tourists interact with heritage: A conceptual iot based model

Cunha C.R.; Carvalho A.; Esteves E.;

Proceedings of the International Conference on Tourism Research

Tourism is an information-intensive sector and today's tourist is hungry for information about everything that surrounds him and is increasingly demanding about the mechanisms that are made available for access and interaction with information. This new reality requires rethinking many of the existing solutions. In this context, the Internet of Things (IoT) is revolutionizing the way we think, design and implement Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) solutions for the tourism sector, opening up unprecedented opportunities in terms of how we can provide information and services. This new reality is enabling reengineering the interaction-process between tourists and its surrounding space. For heritage spaces, typically visited by countless tourists, there is an opportunity to rethink the entire process of supporting the interpretation and fruition of heritage, carried out by tourists. In order to understand how this reengineering can be carried out, a review of the state of the art is carried out with regard to how the IoT has been applied in the context of tourism. Then, the methodology that governed the creation of a conceptual model based on IoT is clearly defined, capable of transforming the way physical spaces of tourist interest can be interpreted and how their fruition can be improved. Particular importance is given to the contextualization of the experience, since the information provided must be adjusted to the visitor, according to their profile, which may necessarily reflect different types of interest or prior knowledge about the space. Finally, this article presents a conceptual model where its components are described and where it is discussed how the model can transform the experience of visiting touristic spaces and how tourists can access information and services that entities promoters of these spaces wish to make available. In the dissertation carried out, important aspects of the model and the gains it may generate for the revitalization and promotion of heritage are discussed.

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