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Publications by Orlando Frazão


Hollow microsphere combined with optical harmonic Vernier effect for strain and temperature discrimination

Gomes, AD; Ferreira, MS; Bierlich, J; Kobelke, J; Rothhardt, M; Bartelt, H; Frazao, O;


Achieving a new generation of enhanced sensors requires the development of structures that result from the fusion of different concepts and effects. In this paper, we combine a special strain sensing structure with an optical sensitivity magnification, through harmonics of the Vernier effect. The recently demonstrated harmonics of the Vernier effect result from increasing the optical path length (OPL) of one of two interferometers by multiple times the OPL of the other interferometer. The effect generates higher magnification factors, proportional to the order of the harmonics. The sensing structure is demonstrated for strain and temperature discrimination, allowing compensation for temperature fluctuations. We explore the complex case of the optical Vernier effect in series, where both interferometers are used as sensing interferometers (no reference interferometer is used). Our results also suggest that the magnification enhancement provided by harmonics of the Vernier effect for a configuration in series is the same as for a configuration in parallel: the magnification factor increases proportionally to the order of the harmonics.


yy Optical Fiber Temperature Sensors and Their Biomedical Applications

Roriz, P; Silva, S; Frazao, O; Novais, S;


The use of sensors in the real world is on the rise, providing information on medical diagnostics for healthcare and improving quality of life. Optical fiber sensors, as a result of their unique properties (small dimensions, capability of multiplexing, chemical inertness, and immunity to electromagnetic fields) have found wide applications, ranging from structural health monitoring to biomedical and point-of-care instrumentation. Furthermore, these sensors usually have good linearity, rapid response for real-time monitoring, and high sensitivity to external perturbations. Optical fiber sensors, thus, present several features that make them extremely attractive for a wide variety of applications, especially biomedical applications. This paper reviews achievements in the area of temperature optical fiber sensors, different configurations of the sensors reported over the last five years, and application of this technology in biomedical applications.


Optical signal recording from optogenetic stimulation of human pulp dental cells using twin-core fiber optic biosensor based on Mach-Zender interoferometer

Akbari, F; Layeghi, A; Nazari, MHS; Ghorbani, A; Nejad, SC; Dragahi, L; Frazao, O; Santos, JL; Latifi, H; Zibaii, MI;

2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2019

In this study, an optical signal recording method for optogenetics stimulation of ChR2 channels expressed in human pulp dental (HPD) cells by using a fiber optic refractive index (RI) sensor based on all fiber Mach-Zehnder interferometer was proposed. All-fiber Mach-Zender interferometric biosensor is composed of a specially fabricated twin-core fiber spliced between two pieces of a single-mode fiber which one of the cores was doped with germanium and the other with phosphorous [1]. The interference pattern in the fiber Mach-Zehnder interferometer is occurred by coupling of the propagation lights of both fiber cores. For coupling the light into both cores, a short length of a coreless fiber optic was used. The length of twin-core fiber was 40 cm. Here, one core of the fiber acts as a reference arm and the other cores as sensing arm. For increasing evanescent wave around the sensing arm of the fiber optic biosensor, a short section of the cladding of the twin-core fiber about 2 cm was etched with HF solution. For this propose, after determining the direction of the cores so that the two cores were in the vertical direction, one side of the twin-core fiber was fixed on Plexiglas substrate by using UV glow and the upper side of the sensor was etched. The thickness of remained clad around the upper core was about 1 micrometer. In the experimental setup as is shown in Fig. 1(a), light from an SLD at 1550 nm after passing an isolator arrived at the sensor and output spectrum was monitored with an optical spectrum analyzer which has 10 pm wavelength resolution. The best RI sensitivity of the sensor in the range of 1.39 to 1.43 was obtained to be 675.74 nm/RIU. For detecting of cell signal by using optogenetic stimulation which ChR2 opsin was expressed on HPD cells, it needs that high concentrations of cells were immobilized to the etched fiber surface by PLL biopolymer. Optogenetic stimulation of ChR2 channel was done using a 470 nm laser diode [2] pulse with a frequency of 15 Hz, a number of pulses 120, duty cycle 50 in 60 seconds, and 300 second rest time. As a result of optogenetic stimulation and activation of light-sensitive ion channels, effective RI around the fiber optic biosensor changes [3]. Obtained results were shown in Fig. 1(b). Changes in the RI lead to a wavelength shift of the sensor spectrum. © 2019 IEEE.


High Enhancement Strain Sensor Based on Vernier Effect Using 2-Fiber Loop Mirrors

Ribeiro Robalinho, PMR; Gomes, AD; Frazao, O;


In this letter, a strain sensor with high sensitivity enhancement using a special case of Vernier effect is presented. The sensor configuration is composed of two-fiber loop mirrors in a cascaded configuration with opposite strain responses when individually characterized. Thus, the enhanced Vernier effect is explored, which is the most sensitive of three possible cases Vernier effect. Here, the Vernier response depends on the difference between the sensitivities of each Hi-Bi optical fiber. In addition to this, the fundamental and the first harmonic were also explored. The results obtained are a strain sensitivity of (13.3 +/- 0.3) pm/mu epsilon for the carrier, (80.0 +/- 0.3) pm/mu epsilon or the Vernier envelope of the fundamental case and (120 +/- 1) pm/mu epsilon for the Vernier envelope of the first harmonic. The first harmonic could achieve a magnification factor of 8. Considering that the optical interrogation system allows a minimum resolution of 0.02 nm, the minimum measurement step achievable is 0.2 mu epsilon. This work proves the possibility of applying the concept of enhanced Vernier effect to fiber loop mirrors, obtaining higher sensitivity than a standard fiber loop mirror alone. Besides, the sensitivity can be increased through the usage of harmonics of the Vernier effect. Moreover, the use of large interferometers allows a better discretization of the envelope, which implies a greater ease of analysis.


Discrimination of Benign and Malignant Lesions in Canine Mammary Tissue Samples Using Raman Spectroscopy: A Pilot Study

Dantas, D; Soares, L; Novais, S; Vilarinho, R; Moreira, JA; Silva, S; Frazao, O; Oliveira, T; Leal, N; Faisca, P; Reis, J;


Simple Summary Neoplastic diseases are among the leading causes of death worldwide and constitute the main health problem in both human and veterinary medicine, particularly as the occurrence of the disease continues to increase. Comparative oncology is a quickly expanding field that examines both cancer risk and tumor development across species. Characterized by interdisciplinary collaboration, its goal is the improvement of both human and animal health. Canine neoplastic disease occurs spontaneously and has comparable clinical presentation and pathophysiology to corresponding human cancers. Since the nature of the disease is spontaneous, the complex interactions between tumor cells, tissues and the immune system can be better studied. Such relations are otherwise difficult to study in other experimental animal models. Raman spectroscopy has proved to be a suitable technique to detect and study breast microcalcifications. Raman spectroscopy is a specific and sensitive tool for identifying biomarkers of oncologic disease and also shows further potential in differentiating malignant and benign tumors, and these tumors from healthy tissue. Breast cancer is a health problem that affects individual life quality and the family system. It is the most frequent type of cancer in women, but men are also affected. As an integrative approach, comparative oncology offers an opportunity to learn more about natural cancers in different species. Methods based on Raman spectroscopy have shown significant potential in the study of the human breast through the fingerprinting of biological tissue, which provides valuable information that can be used to identify, characterize and discriminate structures in breast tissue, in both healthy and carcinogenic environments. One of the most important applications of Raman spectroscopy in medical diagnosis is the characterization of microcalcifications, which are highly important diagnostic indicators of breast tissue diseases. Raman spectroscopy has been used to analyze the chemical composition of microcalcifications. These occur in benign and malignant lesions in the human breast, and Raman helps to discriminate microcalcifications as type I and type II according to their composition. This paper demonstrates the recent progress in understanding how this vibrational technique can discriminate through the fingerprint regions of lesions in unstained histology sections from canine mammary glands.


Giant refractometric sensitivity by combining extreme optical Vernier effect and modal interference

Gomes, AD; Kobelke, J; Bierlich, J; Dellith, J; Rothhardt, M; Bartelt, H; Frazao, O;


The optical Vernier effect consists of overlapping responses of a sensing and a reference interferometer with slightly shifted interferometric frequencies. The beating modulation thus generated presents high magnified sensitivity and resolution compared to the sensing interferometer, if the two interferometers are slightly out of tune with each other. However, the outcome of such a condition is a large beating modulation, immeasurable by conventional detection systems due to practical limitations of the usable spectral range. We propose a method to surpass this limitation by using a few-mode sensing interferometer instead of a single-mode one. The overlap response of the different modes produces a measurable envelope, whilst preserving an extremely high magnification factor, an order of magnification higher than current state-of-the-art performances. Furthermore, we demonstrate the application of that method in the development of a giant sensitivity fibre refractometer with a sensitivity of around 500 mu m/RIU (refractive index unit) and with a magnification factor over 850.

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