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Publications by António Pinto


Blockchain and Applications - International Congress, BLOCKCHAIN 2019, Avila, Spain, 26-28 June, 2019

Prieto, J; Das, AK; Ferretti, S; Pinto, A; Corchado, JM;




Exploiting Online Services to Enable Anonymous and Confidential Messaging

Sousa, P; Pinto, A; Pinto, P;

J. Cybersecur. Priv.

Messaging services are usually provided within social network platforms and allow these platforms to collect additional information about users, such as what time, for how long, with whom, and where a user communicates. This information allows the identification of users and is available to the messaging service provider even when communication is encrypted end-to-end. Thus, a gap still exists for alternative messaging services that enable anonymous and confidential communication and that are independent of a specific online service. Online services can still be used to support this messaging service, but in a way that enables users to communicate anonymously and without the knowledge and scrutiny of the online services. In this paper, we propose messaging using steganography and online services to support anonymous and confidential communication. In the proposed messaging service, only the sender and the receiver are aware of the existence of the exchanged data, even if the online services used or other third parties have access to the exchanged secret data containers. This work reviews the viability of using existing online services to support the proposed messaging service. Moreover, a proof-of-concept of the proposed message service is implemented and tested using two online services acting as proxies in the exchange of encrypted information disguised within images and links to those images. The obtained results confirm the viability of such a messaging service. © 2022 by the authors.


Revisiting Blockhain Use in Notary Services: An European Perspective

Pinto, A; Silva, J;

Blockchain and Applications - 2nd International Congress, BLOCKCHAIN 2020, L'Aquila, Italy, 17-19 June, 2020.

Notary services have long been identified as a recurrent example for dematerialisation through blockchain adoption, but has failed to become a world wide reality. The key issue being the distinct legal frameworks throughout the world. Europe in this context has a more restrictive legal context with regard to blockchain use. In this work, we briefly discuss the European role of the Notary, review the existing European solutions and identify related open issues that are not resolved in the existing solutions. © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.


Blockchain Based Informed Consent with Reputation Support

de Sousa, HR; Pinto, A;

Blockchain and Applications - International Congress, BLOCKCHAIN 2019, Avila, Spain, 26-28 June, 2019.

Digital economy relies on global data exchange flows. On May 25th 2018 the GDPR came into force, representing a shift in data protection legislation by tightening data protection rules. This paper introduces an innovative solution that aims to diminish the burden resulting from new regulatory demands on all stakeholders. The presented solution allows the data controller to collect the consent, of a European citizen, in accordance to the GDPR and persist proof of said consent on public a blockchain. On the other hand, the data subject will be able to express his consent conveniently through his smartphone and evaluate the data controller’s performance. The regulator’s role was also contemplated, meaning that he can leverage certain system capabilities specifically designed to gauge the status of the relationships between data subjects and data controllers. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.



Prieto, J; Partida, A; Leitão, P; Pinto, A;

Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems




Prieto, J; Pinto, A; Das, AK; Ferretti, S;

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing


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