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Publications by Mário Cunha


Toward a generalized predictive model of grapevine water status in Douro region from hyperspectral data

Pocas, I; Tosin, R; Goncalves, I; Cunha, M;


The predawn leaf water potential (psi(pd)) is an eco-physiological indicator widely used for assessing vines water status and thus supporting irrigation management in several wine regions worldwide. However, the.pd is measured in a short time period before sunrise and the collection of a large sample of points is necessary to adequately represent a vineyard, which constitute operational constraints. In the present study, an alternative method based on hyperspectral data derived from a handheld spectroradiometer and machine learning algorithms was tested and validated for assessing grapevine water status. Two test sites in Douro wine region, integrating three grapevine cultivars, were studied for the years of 2014, 2015, and 2017. Four machine learning regression algorithms were tested for predicting the psi(pd) as a continuous variable, namely Random Forest (RF), Bagging Trees (BT), Gaussian Process Regression (GPR), and Variational Heteroscedastic Gaussian Process Regression (VH-GPR). Three predicting variables, including two vegetation indices (NRI554,561 and WI900,970) and a time-dynamic variable based on the psi(pd) (psi(pd_0)), were applied for modelling the response variable (psi(pd)). Additionally, the predicted values of psi(pd) were aggregated into three classes representing different levels of water deficit (low, moderate, and high) and compared with the corresponding classes of.pd observed values. A root mean square error (RMSE) and a mean absolute error (MAE) lower or equal than 0.15 MPa and 0.12 MPa, respectively, were obtained with an external validation data set (n= 71 observations) for the various algorithms. When the modelling results were assessed through classes of values, a high overall accuracy was obtained for all the algorithms (82-83%), with prediction accuracy by class ranging between 79% and 100%. These results show a good performance of the predictive models, which considered a large variability of climatic, environmental, and agronomic conditions, and included various grape cultivars. By predicting both continuous values of.pd and classes of psi(pd), the approach presented in this study allowed obtaining 2-levels of accurate information about vines water status, which can be used to feed management decisions of different types of stakeholders.


A semi-automatic approach to derive land cover classification in soil loss models

Duarte, L; Teodoro, A; Cunha, M;


Soil erosion constitute a major threat to human lives and assets worldwide, as well as a major environmental disturbance. The Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) integrated with Geographical Information System (GIS) has been the most widely used model in predicting and mapping soil erosion loss. Remote sensing has particular utility for soil loss model applications, providing observations on several key aspects of Land use and Land cover (LULC) linked to the cover-management factor C of the RUSLE, over wide areas and in consistent and repeatable measurements. A free and open source GIS application coupled with remote sensing data was developed under QGIS software allowing to improve the C factor functionality: (i) automatically download satellite images; (ii) clip with the study case and; (ii) perform a supervised or unsupervised classification, in order to obtain the land cover classification and produce the final C map. One of the most efficient supervised classification algorithms is the Support Vector Machine (SVM). Random Forest (RF) is also an easy-to-use machine learning algorithm for supervised classification. The automation of this functionality was based in the R and SAGA software, both integrated in QGIS. To perform the supervised classification, SVM and RF methods were incorporated. The overall accuracy and Kappa values are also automatically obtained by the R script and GRASS algorithms, which allows to evaluate the result obtained. To perform the unsupervised classification K-means algorithm from SAGA was used. This updating in RUSLE application improve the results obtained for C factor and help us to obtain a most accurate estimation of RUSLE erosion risk map. The application was tested using Sentinel 2A images in two different periods, after and before the forest fire event in Coimbra region, Portugal. In the end, the three resulted maps from SVM, RF and K-means classification were compared.


Estimation of grapevine predawn leaf water potential based on hyperspectral reflectance data in Douro wine region

Tosin, R; Pocas, I; Goncalves, I; Cunha, M;


Hyperspectral data collected through a handheld spectroradiometer (400-1010 nm) were tested for assessing the grapevine predawn leaf water potential (psi(pd)) measured by a Scholander chamber in two test sites of Douro wine region. The study was implemented in 2017, being a year with very hot and dry summer, conditions prone to severe water shortage. Three grapevine cultivars, 'Touriga Nacional', 'Touriga Franca' and 'Tinta Barroca' were sampled both in rainfed and irrigated vineyards, with a total of 325 plants assessed in four post-flowering dates. A large set of vegetation indices computed with the hyperspectral data and optimized for the psi(pd) values, as well as structural variables, were used as predictors in the model. From a total of 631 possible predictors, four variables were selected based on a stepwise forward procedure and the Wald statistics: irrigation treatment, test site, Anthocyanin Reflectance Index Optimized (ARI(opt_656,647)) and Normalized Ratio Index (NRI711,700). An ordinal logistic regression model was calibrated using 70 % of the dataset randomly selected and the 30 of the remaining observations where used in model validation. The overall model accuracy obtained with the validation dataset was 73.2 %, with the class of psi(pd) corresponding to the high-water deficit presenting a positive prediction value of 79.3 %. The accuracy and operability of this predictive model indicates good perspectives for its use in the monitoring of grapevine water status, and to support the irrigation tasks.


Improving the detection of wildfire disturbances in space and time based on indicators extracted from MODIS data: a case study in northern Portugal

Marcos, B; Goncalves, J; Alcaraz Segura, D; Cunha, M; Honrado, JP;


Wildfires constitute an important threat to human lives and livelihoods worldwide, as well as a major ecological disturbance. However, available wildfire databases often provide incomplete or inaccurate information, namely regarding the timing and extension of fire events. In this study, we described a generic framework to compare, rank and combine multiple remotely-sensed indicators of wildfire disturbances, in order to not only select the best indicators for each specific case, as well as to provide multi-indicator consensus approaches that can be used to detect wildfire disturbances in space and time. For this end, we compared the performance of different remotely-sensed variables to discriminate burned areas, by applying a simple change-point analysis procedure on time-series of MODIS imagery for the northern half of Portugal, without external information (e.g. active fire maps). Overall, our results highlight the importance of adopting a multi-indicator consensus approach for mapping and detecting wildfire disturbances at a regional scale, that allows to profit from spectral indices capturing different aspects of the Earth's surface, and derived from distinct regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Finally, we argue that the framework here described can be used: (i) in a wide variety of geographical and environmental contexts; (ii) to support the identification of the best possible remotely-sensed functional indicators of wildfire disturbance; and (iii) for improving and complementing incomplete wildfire databases.


Machine Learning predictive model of grapevine yield based on agroclimatic patterns

Sirsat, MS; Mendes Moreira, J; Ferreira, C; Cunha, M;

Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food

Grapevine yield prediction during phenostage and particularly, before harvest is highly significant as advanced forecasting could be a great value for superior grapevine management. The main contribution of the current study is to develop predictive model for each phenology that predicts yield during growing stages of grapevine and to identify highly relevant predictive variables. Current study uses climatic conditions, grapevine yield, phenological dates, fertilizer information, soil analysis and maturation index data to construct the relational dataset. After words, we use several approaches to pre-process the data to put it into tabular format. For instance, generalization of climatic variables using phenological dates. Random Forest, LASSO and Elasticnet in generalized linear models, and Spikeslab are feature selection embedded methods which are used to overcome dataset dimensionality issue. We used 10-fold cross validation to evaluate predictive model by partitioning the dataset into training set to train the model and test set to evaluate it by calculating Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) and Relative Root Mean Squared Error (RRMSE). Results of the study show that rf_PF, rf_PC and rf_MH are optimal models for flowering (PF), colouring (PC) and harvest (MH) phenology respectively which estimate 1484.5, 1504.2 and 1459.4 (Kg/ha) low RMSE and 24.6%, 24.9% and 24.2% RRMSE, respectively as compared to other models. These models also identify some derived climatic variables as major variables for grapevine yield prediction. The reliability and early-indication ability of these forecast models justify their use by institutions and economists in decision making, adoption of technical improvements, and fraud detection. © 2019 Asian Agricultural and Biological Engineering Association


Remote sensing for estimating and mapping single and basal crop coefficientes: A review on spectral vegetation indices approaches

Pocas, I; Calera, A; Campos, I; Cunha, M;


The advances achieved during the last 30 years demonstrate the aptitude of the remote sensing-based vegetation indices (VI) for the assessment of crop evapotranspiration (ETc) and irrigation requirements in a simple, robust and operative manner. The foundation of these methodologies is the well-established relationship between the VIs and the basal crop coefficient (K-cb), resulting from the ability of VIs to measure the radiation absorbed by the vegetation, as the main driver of the evapotranspiration process. In addition, VIs have been related with single crop coefficient (K-c), assuming constant rates of soil evaporation. The direct relationship between VIs and ET is conceptually incorrect due to the effect of the atmospheric demand on this relationship. The rising number of Earth Observation Satellites potentiates a data increase to feed the VI-based methodologies for estimating and mapping either the K-c or K-cb, with improved temporal coverage and spatial resolution. The development of operative platforms, including satellite constellations like Sentinels and drones, usable for the assessment of K-cb through VIs, opens new possibilities and challenges. This work analyzes some of the questions that remain inconclusive at scientific and operational level, including: (i) the diversity of the K-cb-VI relationships defined for different crops, (ii) the integration of K-cb-VI relationships in more complex models such as soil water balance, and (iii) the operational application of K-cb-VI relationships using virtual constellations of space and aerial platforms that allow combining data from two or more sensors.

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