Azevedo Perdicoúlis, T; Jank, G; Lopes dos Santos, P;
Systems of Systems - Engineering, Modeling, Simulation and Analysis [Working Title]
dos Santos, PL; Perdicoulis, TPA;
A non-parametric identification algorithm is proposed to identify Linear Time Periodic (LTP) systems. The period is unknown and can be any real positive number. The system is modelled as an ARX Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) system with a virtual scheduling signal consisting of two orthogonal sinusoids (a sine and a cosine) with a period equal to the system period. Hence, the system parameters are polynomial functions of the scheduling vector. As these polynomials may have infinite degree, a non-parametric model is adopted to describe the LPV system. This model is identified by a Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) algorithm where the system period is a hyperparameter. The performance of the proposed identification algorithm is illustrated through the identification of a simulated LTP continuous system described by a state-space model. The ARX-LTP discrete-time model estimated in the noiseless case was taken as the true model. Copyright (C) 2021 The Authors.
Perdicoulis, TPA; Jank, G; dos Santos, PL;
In view to the decentralised problem of gas network optimisation, we model the problem as differential game where the players are the network controllable elements that communicate through nearest-neighbour network components. The controllable elements are sources and compressors. But since these do not have the same relevance within the network, it will be interesting to use a game hierarchical framework, i.e., to model the network operation as a Stackelberg game. Also, the disturbed version of the same problem suits the problem better because is is assumed that the network works with nominated operational levels. The variations of the real operation can then be viewed as disturbances to these system operational levels.
Romano, RA; Lima, MML; dos Santos, PL; Perdicoúlis, TPA;
Data-Driven Modeling, Filtering and Control
Aerospace structures are often submitted to air-load tests to check possible unstable structural modes that lead to failure. These tests induce structural oscillations stimulating the system with different wind velocities, known as flutter test.An alternative is assessing critical operating regimes through simulations. Although cheaper, modelbased flutter tests rely on an accurate simulation model of the structure under investigation. This chapter addresses the data-driven flutter modeling using state-space linear parameter varying (LPV) models. The estimation algorithm employs support vector machines to represent the functional dependence between the model coefficients and the scheduling signal, which values can be used to account for different operating conditions. Besides versatile, that model structure allows the formalization of the estimation task as a linear least-squares problem. The proposed method also exploits the ensemble concept, which consists of estimating multiple models from different data partitions. These models are merged into a final one, according to their ability to reproduce a validation data segment.A case study based on real data shows that this approach resulted in a more accurate model for the available data. The local stability of the identified LPV model is also investigated to provide insights about critical operating ranges as a function of the magnitude of the input and output signals. © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2019.
Azevedo Perdicoulisr, TP; Jank, G; dos Santos, PL;
In this paper, the gas dynamics within the pipelines is written as a wave repetitive process, and modified in a way that the dynamics is driven by the boundary conditions. We study controllability of the system through boundary control and every agent, as well as observability of the system being steered by initial and boundary data. Next, we obtain sufficient criteria for the existence and uniqueness of boundary equilibrium controls. From the point of view of some applications, e.g. in high pressure gas pipeline management, it seems to make sense to consider boundary data controls. The same problem is then extended to its infinite counterpart since it may run infinitely and, in this case, we become interested in studying its stabilisation.
dos Santos, PL; Perdicoulis, TPA; Salgado, PA;
To develop a full battery model in view to accurate battery management, Li-ion cell dynamics is modelled by a capacitor in series with a simplified Randles circuit. The open circuit voltage is the voltage at the capacitor terminals, allowing, in this way, for the dependence of the open circuit voltage on the state-of-charge to be embedded in its capacitance. The Randles circuit is recognised as a trusty description of a cell dynamics. It contains a semi-integrator of the current, known as the Warburg impedance, that is a special case of a fractional integrator. To enable the formulation of a time-domain system identification algorithm, the Warburg impedance impulse response was calculated and normalised, in order to derive a finite order state-space approximation, using the Ho-Kalman algorithm. Thus, this Warburg impedance LTI model, with known parameters (normalised impedance) in series with a gain block, is suitable for system identification, since it has only one unknown parameter. A LTI System identification Algorithm was formulated to estimate the model parameters and the initial values of both the open circuit voltage and the states of the normalised Warburg impedance. The performance of the algorithm was very satisfactory on the whole state-of-charge region and when compared with low order Thevenin models. Once it is understood the parameters variability on the state-of-charge, temperature and ageing, we envisage to continue the work using parameter-varying algorithms.
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