Barbosa, D; Pedrosa, J; Heyde, B; Dietenbeck, T; Friboulet, D; Bernard, O; D'hooge, J;
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics
In this manuscript a novel method is presented for left ventricle (LV) tracking in three-dimensional ultrasound data using a hybrid approach combining segmentation and tracking-based clues. This is accomplished by coupling an affine motion model to an existing LV segmentation framework and introducing an energy term that penalizes the deviation to the affine motion estimated using a global Lucas–Kanade algorithm. The hybrid nature of the proposed solution can be seen as using the estimated affine motion to enhance the temporal coherence of the segmented surfaces, by enforcing the tracking of consistent patterns, while the underlying segmentation algorithm allows to locally refine the estimated global motion. The proposed method was tested on a dataset composed of 24 4D ultrasound sequences from both healthy volunteers and diseased patients. The proposed hybrid tracking platform offers a competitive solution for fast assessment of relevant LV volumetric indices, by combining the robustness of affine motion tracking with the low computational burden of the underlying segmentation algorithm. © 2017 Elsevier Ltd
Ortega, A; Pedrosa, J; Heyde, B; Tong, L; D'hooge, J;
Applied Sciences (Switzerland)
Fast volumetric cardiac imaging requires reducing the number of transmit events within a single volume. One way of achieving this is by limiting the field of view (FOV) of the recording to the myocardium when investigating cardiac mechanics. Although fully automatic solutions towards myocardial segmentation exist, translating that information in a fast ultrasound scan sequence is not trivial. In particular, multi-line transmit (MLT) scan sequences were investigated given their proven capability to increase frame rate (FR) while preserving image quality. The aim of this study was therefore to develop a methodology to automatically identify the anatomically relevant conically shaped FOV, and to translate this to the best associated MLT sequence. This approach was tested on 27 datasets leading to a conical scan with a mean opening angle of 19.7° ± 8.5°, while the mean "thickness" of the cone was 19° ± 3.4°, resulting in a frame rate gain of about 2. Then, to subsequently scan this conical volume, several MLT setups were tested in silico. The method of choice was a 10MLT sequence as it resulted in the highest frame rate gain while maintaining an acceptable cross-talk level. When combining this MLT scan sequence with at least four parallel receive beams, a total frame rate gain with a factor of approximately 80 could be obtained. As such, anatomical scan sequences can increase frame rate significantly while maintaining information of the relevant structures for functional myocardial imaging. © 2017 by the authors.
Pedrosa, J; Heyde, B; Heeren, L; Engvall, J; Zamorano, J; Papachristidis, A; Edvardsen, T; Claus, P; D'Hooge, J;
Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE
The recent advent of three-dimensional echocardiography has led to an increased interest from the scientific community in left ventricle segmentation frameworks for cardiac volume and function assessment. An automatic orientation of the segmented left ventricular mesh is an important step to obtain a point-To-point correspondence between the mesh and the cardiac anatomy. Furthermore, this would allow for an automatic division of the left ventricle into the standard 17 segments and, thus, fully automatic per-segment analysis, e.g. regional strain assessment. In this work, a method for fully automatic short axis orientation of the segmented left ventricle is presented. The proposed framework aims at detecting the inferior right ventricular insertion point. 211 three-dimensional echocardiographic images were used to validate this framework by comparison to manual annotation of the inferior right ventricular insertion point. A mean unsigned error of 8, 05° ± 18, 50° was found, whereas the mean signed error was 1, 09°. Large deviations between the manual and automatic annotations (> 30°) only occurred in 3, 79% of cases. The average computation time was 666ms in a non-optimized MATLAB environment, which potentiates real-Time application. In conclusion, a successful automatic real-Time method for orientation of the segmented left ventricle is proposed. © 2016 SPIE.
Ortega, A; Lines, D; Pedrosa, J; Chakraborty, B; Komini, V; Gassert, H; D'Hooge, J;
2015 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, IUS 2015
Over the past years, volumetric cardiac imaging has matured to a modality that can be used in daily routine clinical practice. However, despite the evolution of volumetric ultrasound systems with remarkable improvement in image quality, spatio-temporal resolution of the 3D data set remains limited and inferior to what can be obtained in 2D. Further development of volumetric ultrasound is thus required. However, the development of new beam forming techniques for 3D ultrasound (US) imaging requires an open, flexible and fully programmable US platform. To date, such systems are scarce and required (custom-made) dedicated electronics. Therefore, the aim of this report is to present a novel High channel Density Programmable ULtrasound System based on consumer Electronics (HD-PULSE). © 2015 IEEE.
Ortega, A; Pedrosa, J; Heyde, B; Tong, L; D'Hooge, J;
2015 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, IUS 2015
Fast volumetric cardiac imaging requires to reduce the number of transmit events within a single volume. One way of achieving this is by limiting the field-of-view (FOV) of the recording to the anatomically relevant domain only (e.g. the myocardium when investigating cardiac mechanics). Although fully automatic solutions towards myocardial segmentation exist, translating that information in a fast ultrasound scan sequence is not trivial. The aim of this study was therefore to develop a methodology to automatically define the FOV from a volumetric dataset in the context of anatomical scanning. Hereto, a method is proposed where the anatomical relevant space is automatically identified as follows. First, the left ventricular myocardium is localized in the volumetric ultrasound recording using a fully automatic real-time segmentation framework (i.e. BEAS). Then, the extracted meshes are employed to define a binary mask identifying myocardial voxels only. Later, using these binary images, the percentage of pixels along a given image line that belong to the myocardium is calculated. Finally, a spatially continuous FOV that covers 'T' percentage of the myocardium is found by means of a ring-shaped template matching, giving as a result the opening angle and 'thickness' for a conical scan. This approach was tested on 27 volumetric ultrasound datasets, a T = 85% was used. The mean initial opening angle for a conical scan was of 19.67±8.53° while the mean 'thickness' of the cone was 19.01±3.35°. Therefore, a reduction of 48.99% in the number of transmit events was achieved, resulting in a frame rate gain factor of 1.96. As a conclusion, anatomical scanning in combination with new scanning sequences techniques can increase frame rate significantly while keeping information of the relevant structures for functional imaging. © 2015 IEEE.
Pedrosa, J; Barbosa, D; Heyde, B; Schnell, F; Rosner, A; Claus, P; D'hooge, J;
Cardiac volume/function assessment remains a critical step in daily cardiology, and 3-D ultrasound plays an increasingly important role. Though development of automatic endocardial segmentation methods has received much attention, the same cannot be said about epicardial segmentation, in spite of the importance of full myocardial segmentation. In this paper, different ways of coupling the endocardial and epicardial segmentations are contrasted and compared with uncoupled segmentation. For this purpose, the B-spline explicit active surfaces framework was used; 27 3-D echocardiographic images were used to validate the different coupling strategies, which were compared with manual contouring of the endocardial and epicardial borders performed by an expert. It is shown that an independent segmentation of the endocardium followed by an epicardial segmentation coupled to the endocardium is the most advantageous. In this way, a framework for fully automatic 3-D myocardial segmentation is proposed using a novel coupling strategy.
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