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Publications by CESE


Cross-Learning-Based Sales Forecasting Using Deep Learning via Partial Pooling from Multi-level Data

Oliveira, JM; Ramos, P;

Communications in Computer and Information Science



Asymmetric Wealth Effect between US Stock Markets and US Housing Market and European Stock Markets: Evidences from TAR and MTAR

Coelho, P; Gomes, L; Ramos, P;


Evidence of the asymmetric wealth effect has important implications for investors and continues to merit research attention, not least because much of the evidence based on linear models has been refuted. Indeed, stock and house prices are influenced by economic activity and react non-linearly to positive/negative shocks. This problem justifies our research. The objective of this study is to examine evidence of cointegrations between the US housing and stock markets and between the US and European stock markets, given the international relevance of these exchanges. Using data from 1989:Q1 to 2020:Q2, the Threshold Autoregression model as well as the Momentum Threshold Autoregression model were calculated by combining the US Freddie, DJIA, and SPX indices and the European STOXX and FTSE indices. The results suggest a long-term equilibrium relationship with asymmetric adjustments between the housing market and the US stock markets, as well as between the DJIA, SPX, and FTSE indices. Moreover, the wealth effect is stronger when stock prices outperform house prices above an estimated threshold. This empirical evidence is useful to portfolio managers in their search for non-perfectly related markets that allow investment diversification and control risk exposure across different assets.


The Role of Digitalization, Servitization and Innovation Ecosystem Actors in Boosting Business Model Innovation – A Literature Review

Mesquita, M; Simões, AC; Teles, V;

Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering

The Industry 4.0 technologies and servitization are requiring manufacturers to reinvent themselves to remain competitive. In this sense, companies are putting more emphasis on the customer experience, while associating services to their products with the support of emerging technologies. At the same time, actors in the innovation ecosystem such as universities, research institutes, and service providers are involved in the value co-creation process. Thus, this study aims to systemize and present the main findings of a literature review regarding the role of digitalization, servitization, and innovation ecosystem actors in boosting innovation in business models. The study involved 585 articles in international journals and conference proceedings published till 2021. A detailed selection process led 10 articles for further analysis. As a consequence of digitalization and servitization, there has to be an alignment among ecosystem actors to capture the co-created value generated by BMI. Moreover, the combination of BMI, servitization, and digitalization may also be structured into frameworks according to the different levels of each of those factors, thus allowing for companies to assess and position themselves in such frameworks and identify the path to follow. However, any of these articles addressed the combination of the three topics proposed: digitalization, servitization, and the contribution of the innovation ecosystem actors, even if they showed a clear interdependence between these areas, leading to common findings impacting BMI. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


Servitization on the primary sector – coffee plantations case

Da Silveira, RIM; Torres Júnior, N; Teixeira, R; Simões, AC;


Este trabalho analisa o processo de servitização de diferentes fornecedores na cadeia produtiva do café no Brasil. Foi realizada uma revisão da literatura sobre sistemas produto-serviço (SPS) para estabelecer uma estrutura para identificar a tipologia de serviços no setor agrícola. Os resultados destacaram que a prestação de serviços "menos avançados" não é uma condição necessária para que a empresa ofereça serviços "mais avançados". Entretanto, as características das propriedades rurais parecem afetar o número de serviços associados aos fornecedores de máquinas. Os resultados ajudam os gerentes desse setor a identificar as ofertas de serviços e ampliam a discussão sobre servitização, ao abranger um setor pouco explorado.


Industry 4.0 technologies' adoption by industrial companies - a literature review on the impacts in sustainability dimensions

Almeida, D; Simões, AC;

Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Engineering, Technology, and Innovation: Shaping the Future, ICE 2023

Industrial companies live in a context of dynamic technological innovation, in which new technologies are adopted with a high impact internally and externally, leveraging their competitive advantages. A usual situation is managers deciding to adopt technologies, often without realising the impacts on the company but mainly supported by a strategic vision and the pursuit of differentiation factors. This article aims to present the results of a literature review on the impacts of Industry 4.0 technologies adoption in sustainability dimensions by industrial companies. These impacts were presented according to the three dimensions of sustainability: economic, environmental and social. The results of this study can be used by practitioners and researchers for an overview of the I4.0 technologies adoption by manufacturing companies and their impacts on sustainability dimensions, summarising the knowledge concerning this topic. © 2023 IEEE.


Novel integer programming models for the stable kidney exchange problem

Klimentova, X; Biro, P; Viana, A; Costa, V; Pedroso, JP;


Kidney exchange programs (KEPs) represent an additional possibility of transplant for patients suffering from end-stage kidney disease. If a patient has a willing living donor with whom the patient is not compatible, the pair recipient-donor can join a pool of incompatible pairs and, if compatibility between recipient and donor in two or more pairs exists, organs can be exchanged between them. The problem can be modelled as an integer program that in general aims at finding the pairs that should be selected for transplant such that maximum number of transplants is performed. In this paper, we consider that for each recipient there may exist a preference order over the organs that he/she can receive, since a recipient may be compatible with several donors but the level of compatibility with the recipient might vary for different donors. Under this setting, the aim is to find the maximum cardinality stable exchange, a solution where no blocking cycle exists, i.e., there is no cycle such that all recipients prefer the donor in that cycle rather than that in the exchange. For this purpose we propose four novel integer programming models based on the well-known edge and cycle formulations, and also on the position-indexed formulation. These formulations are adjusted for both finding stable and strongly stable exchanges under strict preferences and for the case when ties in preferences may exist. Further-more, we study a situation when the stability requirement can be relaxed by addressing the trade-off between maximum cardinality versus number of blocking cycles allowed in a solution. The effectiveness of the proposed models is assessed through extensive computational experiments on a wide set of in-stances. Results show that the cycle-edge and position-indexed formulations outperform the other two formulations. Another important practical outcome is that targeting strongly stable solutions has a much higher negative impact on the number of transplants (with an average reduction of up to 20% for the bigger instances), when compared to stable solutions.

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