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Publications by CESE


Collaborative networks in the portuguese footwear sector and the cluster of felgueiras

Ribeiro, SP; Santos, VR; Pereira, CS;

IC3K 2017 - Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management

Globalization and the rapid market changes increased the perception in the Portuguese footwear industry that success in the value chain is closely tied to information sharing, the creation and development of collaborative networks, and the management of the knowledge of the various partners. Business to Business (B2B) and e- Commerce (eC) are a key opportunity, and at the same time, a challenge for contemporary companies. We believe that the insights provided in this paper allow theory and practice to better understand the reasons for the success of the Portuguese footwear industry and of its key cluster of Felgueiras. Based on the research conducted, we argue that there is a lack of B2B-eC initiatives in the footwear industry and the existing ones are still incipient. Furthermore, the existence of only one platform that to some extent addresses B2B-eC, also indicates that there is a need for greater research and development of approaches/technology allowing companies to explore opportunities to collaborate and negotiate among themselves.


Does innovation influence the performance of healthcare organizations?

Moreira, MRA; Gherman, M; Sousa, PSA;


Innovation is a widely studied field. It is extremely important for any organization wishing to achieve and maintain a competitive advantage in the market, even though assessing the impacts of innovation represents a challenge due to the difficulty of isolating and measuring it. Furthermore, healthcare institutions are facing an increasing need for innovation in order to become competitive and offer new treatments for patients. Surprisingly, little is known about the nature of innovativeness in healthcare organizations and its relationship with performance. The aim of this research is to analyze whether the several types of innovation influence the relevant measures of performance in healthcare institutions, researching empirically the innovativeness-performance relationship. The study is based on a quantitative analysis on 34 Portuguese hospitals, collecting detailed information about the innovation portfolio of each one. Factor analysis and hypothesis testing were applied. Moreover, the hospitals were classified by type of property and geographical region they belong to, and statistical comparative tests were performed to test the existence of statistical differences. It was found that organizational innovation is correlated with process innovation and service innovation. Furthermore, service and process innovations influence operational performance. However, we cannot conclude that innovation in healthcare units has an overall impact on their financial performance. The results of this study may help hospital administrators to make better decisions with regard to their innovation policy design.


Evaluation of an integrated mobile payment, route planner and social network solution for public transport

Ferreira, MC; Fontes, T; Costa, V; Dias, TG; Borges, JL; Falcao e Cunha, JFE;


The proliferation of new technologies is revolutionizing the public transport sector, allowing Operators to replace complex and expensive infrastructures by travellers' mobile devices and online management channels and platforms. This paper aims to present the Seamless Mobility platform, a disruptive solution based on these new channels, which main goal is to facilitate and promote public transport usage for travellers, as well as reducing operational costs for public transport companies. The Seamless Mobility platform integrates three main components: (i) mobile payments, (ii) route planner, and (iii) social network. The payment component is based on the pay-as-you-go concept with check-in and check-out requiring the reading of the corresponding QR Code station. The route planner combines information from published schedules with real-time information to identify the nearest stops, the next departures, or the best route for a scheduled trip. The social network component allows real time sharing among travellers of public transport information, related to several aspects of the service (e.g. noise, skilfulness of drivers). To test the concept, a mobile application, called OneRide, was developed. This application was tested by users in real environment, in the city of Porto, Portugal. The results show that users considered the system extremely useful, since it is more convenient than traditional systems. It was also clear that users valued the integration of additional and complementary services with mobile payments, such as information about their journey, maps and schedules. Regarding the social component some users found it difficult to understand the concept, but once they understood they considered it very useful. The use of the QR Codes to perform the payment has shown to be one of the main challenges to be addressed, since lighting conditions, position and distance to the QR Code influences the reading process. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.


Mobile payments adoption in public transport

Fontes, T; Costa, V; Ferreira, MC; Li, SX; Zhao, PJ; Dias, TG;


Nowadays, mobile phones are ubiquitous systems of our society. Nevertheless, the adoption of this technology to perform mobile payments, namely in public transport, was only implemented in a few number of transport networks. Thus, this paper aims to understand which are the main factors that may influence the adoption of mobile payments in public transport. For this purpose, a survey was applied to different groups of population. The study was conducted on the public transport networks of a medium-sized metropolitan area (Oporto-Portugal) and of a big-sized metropolitan area (Beijing-China). The evaluation results of the current services of purchase and validation of public transport tickets almost never show significant statistical differences (p>0.05) for the traditional variables used by the literature. This is particularly true for age. Nevertheless, some mobility factors can sometimes play an important role in the assessment of ticketing systems. Moreover, although the high differences between the ticketing systems in both cities, Chinese and Portuguese have a similar opinion about the systems implemented in their cities. Still, Chinese reveal a higher motivation to adopt the new ticketing system. In general, such system is greatly accepted by the respondents and the potential market is expected to be high (30-68%). Although this technology cannot replace the traditional systems, it can contribute to increasing the overall efficiency of the transport networks. The improvement of the passengers' appraisal, the reduction of operational and the maintenance costs of transport operators are the network impacts most expected. Convenience and time saving are the main advantages mentioned while questions about privacy, interaction and reliability are stated as the main concerns to adopt it. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.


Trends of PM2.5 concentrations in China: A long term approach

Fontes, T; Li, PL; Barros, N; Zhao, PJ;


The fast economic growth of China along the last two decades has created a strong impact on the environment. The occurrence of heavy haze pollution days is the most visible effect. Although many researchers have studied such problem, a high number of spatio-temporal limitations in the recent studies were identified. From our best knowledge the long trends of PM2.5 concentrations were not fully investigated in China, in particular the year-to-year trends and the seasonal and daily cycles. Therefore, in this work the PM2.5 concentrations collected from automatic monitors from five urban sites located in megacities with different climatic zones in China were analysed: Beijing (40 degrees N), Chengdu (31 degrees N), Guangzhou (23 degrees N), Shanghai (31 degrees N) and Shenyang (43 degrees N). For an inter-comparison a meta-analysis was carried out. An evaluation conducted since 1999 demonstrates that PM2.5 concentrations have been reduced until 2008, period which match with the occurrence of the Olympic Games. However, a seasonal analysis highlight that such decrease occurs mostly during warmer seasons than cold seasons. During winter PM2.5 concentrations are typically 1.3 to 2.7 higher than in summer. The average daily cycle shows that the lowest and highest PM2.5 concentrations often occurs in the afternoon and evening hours respectively. Such daily variations are mostly driven by the daily variation of the boundary layer depth and emissions. Although the PM2.5 levels have showing signs of improvement, even during the warming season the values are still too high in comparison with the annual environmental standards of China (35 mu g m(-3)). Moreover, during cold seasons the north regions have values twice higher than this limit. Thus, to fulfil these standards the governmental mitigation measures need to be strongly reinforced in order to optimize the daily living energy consumption, primarily in the north regions of China and during the winter periods.


A Cloud-Based Architecture with embedded Pragmatics Renderer for Ubiquitous and Cloud Manufacturing

Ferreira, L; Putnik, G; Cruz Cunha, MM; Putnik, Z; Castro, H; Alves, C; Shah, V; Varela, L;


The paper presents a Cloud-based architecture for Ubiquitous and Cloud Manufacturing as a multilayer communicational architecture designated as the Communicational Architecture. It is characterised as (a) rich client interfaces (Rich Internet Application) with sufficient interaction to allow user agility and competence, (b) multimodal, for multiple client device classes support and (c) communicational to allow pragmatics, where human-to-human real interaction is completely supported. The main innovative part of this architecture is sustained by a semiotic framework organised on three main logical levels: (a) device level, which allows the user `to use' pragmatics with the system, (b) application level which results for a set of tools which allows users pragmatics-based interaction and (c) application server level that implements the Pragmatics renderer,a pragmatics supporting engine that supports all pragmatics services. The Pragmatics renderer works as a communication enabler, and consists of a set of integrated collaboration technology that makes the bridge between the user/devices and the `system'. A federated or community cloud is developed using a particular cloud REST ful Application Programming Interface that supports (cloud) services registration, composition and governance (pragmatics services behaves as SaaS in the cloud).

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