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Publications by CESE


An interpretative revision on new product development [Uma revisão interpretativa sobre o desenvolvimento de novos produtos] [Una revisión interpretativa sobre el desarrollo de nuevos productos]

Carrizo Moreira, A; Leonidivna Karachun, H;

Cuadernos de Administracion

This paper analyzes the scientific literature produced recently about new product development (NPD) in order to identify and classify the major fields of knowledge, possible connections, as well as the nature of articles and analytics tools used. A review of the literature was implemented on 461 articles focused on NPD, published in three leading journals between 2000 and 2010. It was possible to create 13 main categories, in which innovation, research and development, NPD products and processes and NPD teams stand out. Results conclude that NPD is multifaceted, includes multiple concepts and interrelated categories. Moreover, future studies need to complement qualitative with quantitative research and to analyze how small and large firms differ.


Do regulatory mechanisms promote competition and mitigate market power? Evidence from Spanish electricity market

Moutinho, V; Moreira, AC; Mota, J;


This paper estimates the relationships between bidding quantities, marginal cost and market power measures in the Spanish wholesale electricity market for two different regulatory periods: 2002-2005 and 2006-2007. Using panel econometric techniques we find differences in the impacts on bidding strategies for both periods. Hence, the marginal cost and the market power measures affect bid and net quantities. The market power measures also suggest that the coefficient is consistently positive and highly significant for both periods. Moreover, the market power and marginal costs have mixed effects according to the models proposed for both periods. In addition, our results point to the effectiveness of the different effects of mitigating the market power in the Spanish electricity market. For the 2006-2007 period, the proposed causal relationships are partially validated by the cointegration results, which assumes there is a significant causality between the Lerner Index and the marginal cost. (C) 2014 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


Innovation Strategies, Risk and Proactivity: Family vs. Non-Family Businesses [Estratégias de Inovação, Risco e Proactividade: Empresas Familiares vs Não-Familiares]

de Sousa Diniz, FJL; Duarte, N;

Revista Brasileira de Gestao e Desenvolvimento Regional

In the present study the strategies of innovation, risk and proactiveness in micro and small businesses comparing their results between family and non- family firms were studied. Although it is common to find in the literature a trend of better performance of family businesses, this work is counteracted this trend. Not to the particular performance level, but the strategies presented, whose adoption leads to better performance. The study was carried out in the Vale do Sousa region and industrial and construction companies were considered. In terms of results, the sample allows us to conclude by 47 % of family businesses. Comparing the family business groups and unfamiliar, it was found that there were no differences in terms of innovation strategies and risks, however, the non- family businesses have become more proactive. In line with these results also found that it is not possible to distinguish between family and non- family firms in terms of entrepreneurship.


Improving Conflict Support Environments with Information Regarding Social Relationships

Gomes, M; Alfonso Cendon, J; Marques Sanchez, P; Carneiro, D; Novais, P;


Having knowledge about social interactions as a basis for informed decision support in situations of conflict can be determinant. However, lower attention is given to the social network interpretation process in conflict management approaches. The main objective of the work presented here is to identify how the parties' social networks correlate to their negotiation performance and how this can be formalized. Therefore, an experiment was set up in which was tried to streamline all the relevant aspects of the interaction between the individual and its environment that occur in a rich sensory environment (where the contextual modalities were monitored). This research explicitly focuses on the idea that an Ambient Intelligence system can create scenarios that augment the possibilities of reaching a positive outcome taking into account the role of contextualized social relationships in various conflict management strategies.


A multi-modal approach for activity classification and fall detection

Castillo, JC; Carneiro, D; Serrano Cuerda, J; Novais, P; Fernandez Caballero, A; Neves, J;


The society is changing towards a new paradigm in which an increasing number of old adults live alone. In parallel, the incidence of conditions that affect mobility and independence is also rising as a consequence of a longer life expectancy. In this paper, the specific problem of falls of old adults is addressed by devising a technological solution for monitoring these users. Video cameras, accelerometers and GPS sensors are combined in a multi-modal approach to monitor humans inside and outside the domestic environment. Machine learning techniques are used to detect falls and classify activities from accelerometer data. Video feeds and GPS are used to provide location inside and outside the domestic environment. It results in a monitoring solution that does not imply the confinement of the users to a closed environment.


Analysis of Human Performance as a Measure of Mental Fatigue

Pimenta, A; Carneiro, D; Novais, P; Neves, J;


In our daily life, we often have the feeling of being exhausted due to mental or physical work, and a sense of performance degradation in the execution of simple tasks. The maximum capacity of operation and performance of an individual, whether physical or mental, usually also decreases gradually as the day progresses. The loss of these resources is linked to the onset of fatigue, which is particularly noticeable in long and demanding tasks or repetitive jobs. However, good management of the working time and effort invested in each task, as well as the effect of breaks at work, can result in better performance and better mental health, delaying the effects of fatigue. This paper details a non-invasive approach on the monitoring of fatigue of a human being, based on the analysis of the performance of his interaction with the computer.

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