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Publications by CESE


Alignment prediction in collaborative networks

Da Piedade Francisco, R; Azevedo, A; Almeida, A;

Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management

Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to study the alignment measurement in collaborative networks, using the fit concept and predictive performance measurement as its main enablers. A performance prediction approach is used in order to control a collaborative business network based not only in present and past performance measurements of each partner, but also taking into account the future behaviour of the intra- and inter-organisational processes performance. Design/methodology/approach - An exploratory case study was applied to a Brazilian collaborative network and mathematical approaches normally used in control theory were adopted to support alignment measurement. Findings - The use of predictive measurements to manage the alignment between the results of inter-organisational processes and performance targets set by the collaborative network. Research limitations/implications - This approach was applied in a specific supply chain network, based on three industrial companies. For other network typologies it will be necessary to evaluate the alignment that can be achieved. Practical implications - This predictive approach makes it possible to manage performance pro-actively using feedforward and feedback control. Therefore, tools that consider performance estimation are used based on a data fusion approach, with a proper combination of leading and lagging measurements, which make it possible to use forecasting methods and tools to achieve good predictions. Originality/value - The paper introduces an approach to alignment measurement leveraged by the new paradigm of performance prediction and presents an alignment metric for collaborative networks. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


Collaborative Networks Model for Clothing and Footwear Business Sector

Bastos, J; Franchini, V; Azevedo, A; Fornasiero, R;


In clothing and footwear business sector, consumer needs and expectations of specific target groups - such as elderly, obese, disabled, or diabetic persons - are arising as challenging opportunities for European companies that are asked to supply small series of innovative and fashionable goods of high quality, affordable price and eco-compatible. This paper aims at propose a three level (strategic, tactical, and operational) reference model to support the Textile, Clothing and Footwear (TCF) collaborative supply networks in addressing the need for Fashionable and Healthy Clothing & Footwear products.


A Flexibility Reference Model to Achieve Leagility in Virtual Organizations

Bastos, J; Almeida, A; Azevedo, A; Avila, P;


The paper proposes a Flexibility Requirements Model and a Factory Templates Framework to support the dynamic Virtual Organization decision-makers in order to reach effective response to the emergent business opportunities ensuring profitability. Through the construction and analysis of the flexibility requirements model, the network managers can achieve and conceive better strategies to model and breed new dynamic VOs. This paper also presents the leagility concept as a new paradigm fit to equip the network management with a hybrid approach that better tackle the performance challenges imposed by the new and competitive business environments.


A negotiation approach to support conceptual agreements for ontology content

Pereira, C; Sousa, C; Soares, AL;

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

Conceptualisation processes are pervasive to most technical and professional activities, but are seldom addressed explicitly due to the lack of theoretical and practical methods and tools. However, it seems not to be a popular research topic in knowledge representation or its sub-areas such as ontology engineering. The approach described in this paper is a contribution to the development of methods and tools to collaborative conceptualisation processes. The particularly challenging problem of conceptual negotiation is here tackled through a combination of ColBlend method and an argumentation-based strategy, creating an innovative method to conceptual negotiation, argile method. This method was implemented in to the ConceptME platform as an advanced negotiation mechanism. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.


Collaborative Spaces as Mediators for Information Sharing in Collaborative Networks

Soares, AL; Alves, F;


Information and knowledge sharing within collaborative networks stills being a challenging problem. Particularly in self governed or mediated networks the information/collaboration deadlock is likely to occur if there are not instrumental methods, socially accepted, that foster usable and useful patterns of collaborative information management. This paper describes how the vision for a solution to this problem was developed using the design science frameworks and the concept of technological rules. The result is materialised in the concept collaborative spaces as pivoting collaborative structures in the network enabling locally shared information to feed the network global level.


Information Management Barriers in Complex Research and Development Projects: An Exploratory Study on the Perceptions of Project Managers

Santos, VR; Soares, AL; Carvalho, JA;

Knowledge and Process Management

Many organizations depend on the success of rapidly deployed, limited time frame and multipartner projects as an important element of their business strategies. Information management is regarded as a critical and upmost important issue, especially in projects. Complex projects require additional team collaboration and a consistent information management strategy to support the development of the project. This paper reports the findings of an exploratory study on information management barriers in complex projects, particularly focusing issues and difficulties recognized by project participants and managers. Our study intends to fill the gap in empirical research regarding this subject and to provide new insights for project managers of complex projects to devise more effective information management strategies and tools to set up and run information technology platforms. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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