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Publications by CESE


Broker performance for agile/virtual enterprise integration

Avila, P; Putnik, GD; Cunha, MM;

Virtual Enterprise Integration: Technological and Organizational Perspectives

The implementation of the virtual enterprise (VE) model requires an agent, called a broker, who undertakes several functions and whose increased performance contributes to the searched agility of this organisational model. From the set of functions that the broker can provide to the VE, there are some that may explicitly contribute to the process of VE integration. One of the processes that contributes to VE integration, either in the project phase, during the resources system configuration, or in the operation phase, when the system reconfiguration is required, is the resources system selection process. We will approach, in this work, the importance of the broker in the resources system selection through the comparison of his performance in that process to the performance expected of the VE itself, if the person for whom it is responsible (or principal) performs the same process. This comparison is made based on the simulation results obtained from a numeric demonstrator specifically constructed to quantify the time and cost of the selection process for both the selectors (the broker and the principal). We demonstrate that the domain of advantage for the broker, i.e., where the broker's performance exceeds the principal's, grows with the dimension of the tasks plan and with the number of preselected resources, and also with the complexity of the selection method. © 2005, Idea Group Inc.


Market of resources as a virtual enterprise integration enabler

Cunha, MM; Putnik, GD; Gunasekaran, A; Avila, P;

Virtual Enterprise Integration: Technological and Organizational Perspectives

The search for increased competitiveness and efficiency during the last decade resulted in several organizational approaches that presented flexibility as a main characteristic. Some of these approaches rely on dynamically reconfigurable partnerships in permanent alignment with the market and strongly supported by information and communication technology, with the agile/virtual enterprise (A/VE) organizational model as a leading example. Several technologies and valuable applications have been developed to support some of these emerging models, however, the full potential of the A/VE model requires an environment coping with its requirements, and the Market of Resources concept is defended as a solution for virtual enterprise (VE) integration. The chapter discusses the requirements for the A/VE model and introduces the global structure and functionalities of the Market of Resources. © 2005, Idea Group Inc.


Virtual enterprise integration: Challenges of a new paradigm

Putnik, GD; Cunha, MM; Sousa, R; Avila, P;

Virtual Enterprise Integration: Technological and Organizational Perspectives

Virtual enterprise integration (VEI) is virtually the most critical success factor for making virtual enterprise (VE) a real, competitive, and widely implemented organizational and management concept. However, according to many authors, the present solutions for VEI are either insufficient or inexistent. One of the reasons for the situation is the failure of the approach of "traditional" information systems and organizations to dealing with the nowadays turbulent market and organizations' requirements, where actual VEI solutions are mainly sought. This chapter presents a discussion on the VEI issue as a contribution to a better understanding of the VEI phenomenon, and it could be seen as a contribution to an eventual framework for VEI science, engineering, development, and implementation. Also, two metatheoretical structures for VEI research and development are proposed: VEI abstractions hierarchy and VEI semiotics. © 2005, Idea Group Inc.


Analyses of the resources system selection algorithms for agile/virtual enterprises integration through genetic algorithms

Avila, P; Putnik, GD; Madureira, AM;

WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications

The process of resources systems selection takes an important part in Agile/Virtual Enterprises (A/V E) integration. However, the resources systems selection is a difficult matter to solve in A/VE because: it can be of exponential complexity resolution; it can be a multi criteria problem; and because there are different types of A/V Es with different requisites that have originated the creation of a specific resources selection model for each one of them. In our A/V E project we have made some progress in this matter and identified the principal gaps to be solved. This paper will show one of those gaps in the algorithms area to be applied to the problem. In attention to that gaps we address the necessity to develop new algorithms and with more information disposal, for its selection by the Broker. In this paper we propose a genetic algorithm to deal with a specific case of resources system selection problem when the space solution dimension is high.


Reel and sheet cutting at a paper mill

Correia, MH; Oliveira, JF; Ferreira, JS;


This work describes a real-world industrial problem of production planning and cutting optimization of reels and sheets, occurring at a Portuguese paper mill. It will focus on a particular module of the global problem, which is concerned with the determination of the width combinations of the items involved in the planning process: the main goal consists in satisfying an order set of reels and sheets that must be cut from master reels. The width combination process will determine the quantity/weight of the master reels to be produced and their cutting patterns, in order to minimize waste, while satisfying production orders. A two-phase approach has been devised, naturally dependent on the technological process involved. Details of the models and solution methods are presented. Moreover some illustrative computational results are included.


An advanced agent-based order planning system for dynamic networked enterprises

Azevedo, AL; Toscano, C; Sousa, JP; Soares, AL;


There is an increasing interest in exploring the opportunities for competitive advantage that arise from reinforcing core competencies and innovative capabilities of the individual companies, and by forming integrated supply networks. In complex and dynamic environments such as the automotive and semiconductor industries, managing and co-ordinating the procurement of materials, their transformation into intermediate and finished products, and the distribution to the final customers, are very demanding tasks in terms of information systems. In general, current available software packages do not provide the full support needed for networked and distributed organizations, and are clearly insufficient in what concerns the planning and coordination activities needed in these heterogeneous environments. In order to adequately tackle these problems, this work proposes a multi-agent system architecture for real-time customer-order planning in distributed manufacturing enterprises, addressing the requirements of a make-to-order environment. The present research work resulted from the Co-OPERATE European Project. Enhanced visibility of information, early warning of disturbances, synchronized production and collaborative planning in the supply chain are the general goals of the project. In particular, for aggregate planning and order promising, a distributed and decentralized information system, based on an architecture of agents and extensively using the internet, was designed and implemented. This system aims at responding to the basic requirements of cooperativeness, integration and configurability, and at providing new and more powerful decision support.

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