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Publications by CESE


The influence of ecological concern on green purchase behavior

Fontes, E; Moreira, AC; Carlos, V;


The present paper seeks to address a gap in the literature regarding green marketing and examines the relationship between ecological concern, inward and outward environmental attitudes, purchasing behavior and environmental behavior as antecedents of green purchasing behavior. The data was gathered through an online survey carried out in Portugal with 530 valid answers. Structural Equation Modelling Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS) was used to evaluate the model. A t-test was applied to identify differences between men and women. The results show that ecological concern, environmental attitude, environmental behavior and purchase intention are good predictors of green purchase behavior. Women scored higher than men on all variables, meaning that they are indeed superior environmentalists than men. Green purchase behavior is strongly influenced by both purchase intention and environmental behavior, so green brands should focus on targeting individuals that already take some actions in what concerns the environment, or to those who intend to do so.


Unveiling Entrepreneurial Ecosystems' Transformation: A GEM Based Portrait

Pita, M; Costa, J; Moreira, AC;


Entrepreneurial Ecosystems (EEs) have attracted the attention of academics, practitioners, and policymakers, that attempt to unlock 'a winning recipe' considering the different EEs pillars in order to ignite entrepreneurship at large. Therefore, understanding the degree of influence of each pillar on Entrepreneurial Initiative (EI) is helpful in framing more effective policies towards entrepreneurship. This study aims to bring a new facet to entrepreneurship research, specifically on decomposing the transformation of EEs and the influence of EEs pillars on EI. The transformation of EEs is shown by a balanced panel approach based on the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) dataset over 8 years (2010-2017), comprising 18 countries. The study has several implications for entrepreneurship theory and practice as well as public policy since discusses three main issues, mainly supported by empirical results. First, the results show an unbalanced influence of EEs pillars on EI. Second, results also show the ineffectiveness of institutions in encouraging the desire to act entrepreneurially. Third, entrepreneurship needs to be part of the acculturation process evidencing the importance of collective normative. Therefore, providing the instruments and structures is not enough to encourage individuals to start an entrepreneurial journey. Generally, the results reveal that contextual determinants are significant in fostering entrepreneurial propensity to start a business. But the impact of the nine pillars is not equalized, revealing a fragmented influence with funding measures, R&D transfer, and cultural and social norms discouraging entrepreneurial initiative. Overall, the study contributes to the understanding of a multidimensional perspective on EEs and points future policy directions to overcome the lack of entrepreneurship and amend flawed entrepreneurship policies.


Competitive dynamics of strategic groups in the Portuguese banking industry

Rosario, AT; Moreira, AC; Macedo, P;


tThe objective of this paper is to analyse the retail banking behaviour in Portugal (2008-2010, 2011-2013 and 2014-2016), by taking into account the financial and economic assistance programme (FEAP) - monitored by the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund - that Portugal went through and that started in 2011. With competitive dynamics it is possible to understand the evolution of competitive strategies of the institutions of a strategic group within a given time horizon. Data were collected after consultation of reports and accounts of Banks from Banco de Portugal database. The results were analysed and discussed in light of the theory of strategic groups and their competitive dynamics allows us to conclude that: Banks implemented different competitive strategies; Strategic groups have dissimilar resources; and Strategic groups display different strategies. The 2008-2010 period can be considered as a 'deregulated' period, the 2011-2013 as a period of 'imposed regulation', and the 2014-2016 as a period of 'strategic consolidation' with strategic changes that have prompted strategic groupings of the various institutions as consequence of a low mobility barrier strategy.


Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and Entrepreneurial Initiative: Building a Multi-Country Taxonomy

Pita, M; Costa, J; Moreira, AC;


The main goal of this article is to appraise the existence of different patterns of the Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, to identify its relationship with Entrepreneurial Initiative, and recommend entrepreneurship policies that may influence the growth of entrepreneurial action. Without evidence on entrepreneurial ecosystems landscape and what determinants stimulate entrepreneurship in a given environment, policies could become flawed and miss the target. To address research purposes, the analysis was performed using data extracted from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) Database carried out between 2010 and 2016. To ensure a longitudinal perspective, it was used a balanced panel approach followed by Logistic Regression estimations. The article offers a novel and systematic approach, the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Taxonomy, to overcome a disaggregated perspective on entrepreneurial ecosystems, between individual and context levels. Empirical findings capture four different country profiles, based on two measures: Entrepreneurial ecosystems and entrepreneurial initiative. The results allow to compare the four groups and appraise significant disparities around entrepreneurship determinants, namely, the education factor. While education is commonly recognized as a positive influence on entrepreneurship, the results suggest a contradictory effect. The existence of differentiated profiles and its determinants points outs the importance of developing specific entrepreneurship policy packages attending group specificities.


Gender Affirmative Action and Management: A Systematic Literature Review on How Diversity and Inclusion Management Affect Gender Equity in Organizations

Furtado, JV; Moreira, AC; Mota, J;


Gender affirmative action (AA) in management remains a controversial topic among scholars, practitioners, and employees. While some individuals may support the use of AA policies as a means of increasing representation of women, others are not supportive at all, further understanding gender AA as an unacceptable violation of merit-even when targeted by it. With the aim of analyzing how scholars have approached the subject, we systematically reviewed 76 published articles (SCOPUS database), covering the extant literature on gender AA and management. Findings indicate a consensus regarding the common antecedents of attitudes towards gender AA with prior experiences with AA and diversity management (DM) (as well as general perceptions of AA). Performance and satisfaction appear as the predominant outcomes. In addition, while investigating the differences among AA, equal employment opportunity (EEO) and diversity management (DM), scholars are mainly focused on the effectiveness of AA as a means of increasing the inclusion of minorities in general. We conclude that despite marginal studies on employees' attitudes toward gender AA, there is a gap in the literature, particularly an absence of research on the bivalent position of meritocracy (or merit violation) as both an antecedent and outcome of attitudes towards AA, which deserves further scrutiny.


Implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on the headquarters-subsidiary relationship. A qualitative approach

Moreira, AC; Pinto, BF; Ribau, CP;


The main objective of this paper was to analyze the internationalization process of a small and medium-sized enterprise, with special emphasis on the headquarters-subsidiary relationship, which is a little-studied subject in the field of this type of company. A qualitative approach was followed, based on case studies in which the evolutionary perspective and the headquarters-subsidiary relationship were analyzed; in addition, the resource dependency theory was used. It is concluded that there are several paths and relationships between the headquarters and each branch. Moreover, these trajectories changed during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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