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Publications by CESE


Data mining based framework to assess solution quality for the rectangular 2D strip-packing problem

Neuenfeldt Junior, A; Silva, E; Gomes, M; Soares, C; Oliveira, JF;


In this paper, we explore the use of reference values (predictors) for the optimal objective function value of hard combinatorial optimization problems, instead of bounds, obtained by data mining techniques, and that may be used to assess the quality of heuristic solutions for the problem. With this purpose, we resort to the rectangular two-dimensional strip-packing problem (2D-SPP), which can be found in many industrial contexts. Mostly this problem is solved by heuristic methods, which provide good solutions. However, heuristic approaches do not guarantee optimality, and lower bounds are generally used to give information on the solution quality, in particular, the area lower bound. But this bound has a severe accuracy problem. Therefore, we propose a data mining-based framework capable of assessing the quality of heuristic solutions for the 2D-SPP. A regression model was fitted by comparing the strip height solutions obtained with the bottom-left-fill heuristic and 19 predictors provided by problem characteristics. Random forest was selected as the data mining technique with the best level of generalisation for the problem, and 30,000 problem instances were generated to represent different 2D-SPP variations found in real-world applications. Height predictions for new problem instances can be found in the regression model fitted. In the computational experimentation, we demonstrate that the data mining-based framework proposed is consistent, opening the doors for its application to finding predictions for other combinatorial optimisation problems, in particular, other cutting and packing problems. However, how to use a reference value instead of a bound, has still a large room for discussion and innovative ideas. Some directions for the use of reference values as a stopping criterion in search algorithms are also provided.


Raster penetration map applied to the irregular packing problem

Sato, AK; Martins, TC; Gomes, AM; Guerra Tsuzuki, MSG;


Among the most complex problems in the field of 2-dimensional cutting & packing are irregular packing problems, in which items may have a more complex geometry. These problems are prominent in several areas, including, but not limited to, the textile, shipbuilding and leather industries. They consist in placing a set of items, whose geometry is often represented by simple polygons, into one or more containers such that there is no overlap between items and the utility rate of the container is maximized. In this work, the irregular strip packing problem, an irregular packing variant with a variable length container, is investigated. The placement space is reduced by adopting a rectangular grid and a full search is performed using preprocessed raster penetration maps to efficiently determine the new position of an item. Tests were performed using simple dotted board model cases and irregular strip packing benchmark instances. The comparison of our results with the state of the art solutions showed that the proposed algorithm is very competitive, achieving better or equal compaction in 9 out of 15 instances and improving the average density in 13 instances. Besides the contribution of the new best results, the proposed approach showed the advantage of adopting discrete placement, which can be potentially applied to other irregular packing problems.


KnowBots: Discovering Relevant Patterns in Chatbot Dialogues

Rivolli, A; Amaral, C; Guardão, L; de Sá, CR; Soares, C;

Discovery Science - 22nd International Conference, DS 2019, Split, Croatia, October 28-30, 2019, Proceedings

Chatbots have been used in business contexts as a new way of communicating with customers. They use natural language to interact with the customers, whether while offering products and services, or in the support of a specific task. In this context, an important and challenging task is to assess the effectiveness of the machine-to-human interaction, according to business’ goals. Although several analytic tools have been proposed to analyze the user interactions with chatbot systems, to the best of our knowledge they do not consider user-defined criteria, focusing on metrics of engagement and retention of the system as a whole. For this reason, we propose the KnowBots tool, which can be used to discover relevant patterns in the dialogues of chatbots, by considering specific business goals. Given the non-trivial structure of dialogues and the possibly large number of conversational records, we combined sequential pattern mining and subgroup discovery techniques to identify patterns of usage. Moreover, a friendly user-interface was developed to present the results and to allow their detailed analysis. Thus, it may serve as an alternative decision support tool for business or any entity that makes use of this type of interactions with their clients. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019.


Assessing the impact of performance determinants in complex MTO/ETO supply chains through an extended hybrid modelling approach

Barbosa, C; Azevedo, A;


In make-to-order (MTO)/engineer-to-order (ETO) business environments multiple customer-oriented projects compete for and share resources through interdependent engineering and production activities. Deep knowledge of critical dimensions that affect performance is key in this context. For this, we propose a set of determinants - workload, complexity, outsourcing, design reuse, project type, and knowledge/experience with technology, that impact performance. These determinants are input to an extended hybrid simulation model using system dynamics (SD), discrete event simulation (DES) and agent-based simulation (ABS) that tackles the needs imposed by activities of very different nature, as the project development and manufacturing/assembly operations. The hybrid model is applied to the case of an advanced manufacturing company. Through Monte Carlo sampling, the influence of different combinations of determinants in the performance variability is assessed. A correlation analysis shows evidence of association between all performance determinants and the project time and cost, while no evidence of association between the design reuse and project type determinants and the manufacturing and assembly time.


Design of an assessment industry 4.0 maturity model: An application to manufacturing company

Azevedo, A; Santiago, SB;

Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

The context of the fourth industrial revolution brings companies numerous challenges. Agility, flexibility, and responsiveness are necessary characteristics in this business ecosystem, with the deep insertion of digital technologies in manufacturing. Therefore, this work has the objective of developing a model of measurement of the maturity and readiness of the industry 4.0 so that companies can visualize their positioning in this new reality. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used for the development of the model that contemplates 6 (six) dimensions. It was applied in the Industrial Pole of Manaus (PIM), in a multinational manufacturing company. The results obtained are adherent to the reality of the company in relation to the industry 4.0. © 2019, IEOM Society International.


Industrial IoT integrated with simulation -A digital twin approach to support real-time decision making

Santos, R; Basto, J; Alcalá, SGS; Frazzon, E; Azevedo, A;

Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

The industry faces more and more the challenge of deploying and taking advantage of evidence-based strategic decisions to enhance profit gain. In this research, the possibility of having a fully integrated system composed by a simulator and an IoT platform with the capability of collecting real-time data from the shop floor and returning performance indicators to support decision making is evaluated. The suggested approach involves a Manufacturing Executing System (MES) producing a production schedule, an IoT Platform composed by a message broker and a real-time database, a Simulator including simulation software and a wrapper, and a user application serving as an interface between the user and the IoT Platform and Simulator integrated system. A detailed analysis of the functionalities and integration of the Simulator and the IoT Platform will also be explored. To evaluate the approach, one use case of a production line in the automotive industry is used. The application of the integrated IoT Simulation system permits its validation and consequent future work. © 2019, IEOM Society International.

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