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Publications by CESE


Lean Design-for-X: Case study of a new design framework applied to an adaptive robot gripper development process

Atilano, L; Martinho, A; Silva, MA; Baptista, AJ;


Design-for-X (DfX) approaches continues to prove their importance to support design management in increased complexity products and towards sustainable development. Permanent increasing of market competitiveness lead the companies to narrow budgets and increase the application of Lean practices among their departments. Lean Design for eXcellence (LeanDfX) methodology was developed to cross Lean Thinking and Design-for-X project support, assessing multiple domains such as optimization, manufacturing, assembly, maintenance, eco-design, modularity or adaptability. This approach brings a systematic applicability for design engineers and technical managers, assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of a given product design. A LeanDIX index metric, ranging between 0-100%, and original scorecard were created for consistent decision support for comparison of different design concepts or design versions of products, integrating different 'X' domains. In this work, the LeanDIX methodology results are presented for a real industrial case study related to a robot gripper design of a palletizing production cell. (C) 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.


0-3D Design method: a new design management technique to support Design for Manufacturing

Baptista, AJ; Reis, L; Leite, M;


Design complexity and its relation to Design for Manufacturing continues to be a challenging topic, namely when the objective is to address these aspects in a straightforward manner to young or less experienced design teams. The availability of practical methodologies that induce rules to support novel design creation, in the environment of manufacturing processes, continues to be scarce. This work presents a novel approach named - 0-3D Design Method - that aims to define, in a systematic and geometrical manner, practical rules that allows mechanical designers to relate, in a codified manner, the design geometry of a given mechanical component to the typical manufacturing processes that permit its physical embodiment. The method proposes the definition of types and sub-types of parts, based on the number of spatial dimensions that need to be modified for a given design construction, and its relation to the manufacturing phase of the product life-cycle. A practical mechanical design example is presented to demonstrate the methodology, mapping the parts necessary for the design of a cutting head of a machine-tool. (C) 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.


Multidimensional Design Assessment Model for eco-efficiency and efficiency in aeronautical assembly processes

Lourenco, EJ; Oliva, M; Estrela, MA; Baptista, AJ;


This manuscript presents a novel framework, the Multidimensional Design Assessment Model, which encompasses a multi-criteria approach to efficiency, eco-efficiency and costs assessment for a given design system in aeronautical industry production. The framework is established by adopting Design-for-X and Multi-Layer Stream Mapping approaches, based on Lean Thinking, for efficiency assessment and adopting modules of ecoPROSYS to eco-efficiency assessment. A real case study from aeronautical sector is given to demonstrate the approach, for the assembly of aircraft structure Horizontal Tale Plane, where different results are presented and discussed for each dimension of analysis and how improvement strategies can be designed.


MAESTRI toolkit for industrial symbiosis: Overview, lessons learnt and implications

Holgado, M; Evans, S; Benedetti, M; Dubois, M; Li, Y; Morgan, D; Ferrera, E; Rossini, R; Baptista, AJ; Lourenço, E; Silva, EJ; Estrela, MA;

Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies

This paper presents a structured approach to support the development of self-organized industrial symbiosis, the Toolkit for Industrial Symbiosis. Developed within MAESTRI project, it provides a set of tools and methods to help companies gain value from wasted resources and contributes to MAESTRI goal of advancing the sustainability of European manufacturing and process industry. A participatory approach was taken for its development. The ultimate objective of this work is to encourage companies to change their attitude and consider waste as a resource and potential source for value creation. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019.


Multicriteria Location-Routing Problems with Sectorization

Martinho, A; Alves, E; Rodrigues, AM; Ferreira, JS;


Logistic decisions involving the location of facilities in connection with vehicle routing appear in many contexts and applications. Given a set of potential distribution centers (DC) and a group of clients, the choice of which DC to open together with the design of a number of vehicle routes, satisfying clients' demand, may define Location-Routing Problems (LRP). This paper contributes with a new method, the 4-Phase Method (4-PhM), to deal with Capacitated LRP. Relevant advantages of 4-PhM are its generality, the possibilities of handling Multiple-Criteria and of facing large dimension problems. This last aptitude is a consequence of the sectorization phases, which permit a simplification of the solution space. Sectors are constructed by two Simulated Annealing based procedures, and they follow SectorEl, a sectorization approach inspired by electrostatics. In the last phase, the results obtained are evaluated using multicriteria analysis. Here, decision makers play an important role by reflecting preferences in a pairwise comparison matrix of the Analytic Hierarchy Process. Computational results, based on randomly generated instances, confirm the expectations about 4-PhM and its potentiality to deal with LRP.


Balancing mixed-model assembly systems in the footwear industry with a variable neighbourhood descent method

Sadeghi, P; Rebelo, RD; Ferreira, JS;


This paper addresses new Mixed-model Assembly Line Balancing Problems (MALBP) in a real industrial context, the stitching systems of a footwear company. The work is part of large ongoing projects with this industry, and the main purposes are minimising the number of required workstations and smoothing the operators' workload. The company has invested in new flexible automated assembly systems, which accommodate dozens of workstations and many moving boxes. Footwear components are inside boxes (with various quantities) which can move from the warehouses to a convenient workstation or between any workstations (in any order). This is a significant and distinct feature of the MALBP, together with the fact that the assignment of different skilled operators and machines is achieved simultaneously. An optimisation model is developed, in part to facilitate the understanding of the situation and to solve small-size instances. Due to the complexity of the problems, we had to devise an approximate method, based on the Variable Neighbourhood Descent (VND) metaheuristic and integrating an adaptation of the Ranked Positional Weighted (RPW) method. The adapted RPW method is used to create initial feasible solutions, while preassigning special operators and machines. After choosing good initial solutions, VND is applied to improve their quality. The new contributed method, named as RPW-VNDbal, is tested with medium and large instances, in two distinct stitching systems. A Lower Bound of the objective function and Simulation contribute to evaluate the solutions and their practicability. The results implemented by the project team, show that the RPW-VNDbal method is fast enough and offers better solutions than those implemented by the experienced operation managers of the company.

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