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Publications by CESE


Mobility as a Service (MaaS) in rural regions: An overview

Barreto, L; Amaral, A; Baltazar, S;


a Rural areas present vicissitudes and specific characteristics that need to be properly addressed towards guarantying and defining a sustainable and adjusted mobility to its population demand. The Mobility as a Service (MaaS) - a key component of any future mobility system -will play an important role in enhancing social inclusion in rural areas. Creating the opportunity to integrate various transport modes and functionalities, this system will allow the access to the information, in a personalized way. As pointed in the pilot cases presented, using a case studies methodology approach, the MaaS can integrate various transport modes, allowing the rural population to increase their quality of life. This survey also contributes to leverage the implementation of a MaaS pilot in the Alto Minho Region (within the scope of the Smob Project).


Smart Farming: Cyber Security Challenges

Barreto, L; Amaral, A;


The diffusion of new digital technologies renders digital transformation relevant to nearly every economic activity sector, including in the agriculture sector. Farming and how farmers work is changing, the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) together with the increased use of the Internet of Things (IoT) is developing a concept that is called Smart Farming. Smart Farming benefits are tremendous, smart data can be used for seed traits and to treat soil conditions, the use of new technologies can offer unprecedented conveniences and improve the management and quality of agriculture farming. The use of new information systems and services will be more and more used to sustain and improve operations, competitiveness, and profitability in the agriculture sector. However, the massive use of technology comes with inherent security risks and vulner-abilities, and the sector finds itself targeted as never before. In this paper, using an empirical methodology, are highlighted some reflections regarding the security challenges that Smart Farming systems face.


Development of a framework for technological embedding in private social solidarity institutions: Technology for inclusion in the daily activities of third sector institutions - the portuguese case

Barreto, L; Amaral, AM; Pereira, T; Carvalho, F;

Mobile Applications and Solutions for Social Inclusion

The economic and social challenges felt in recent years because of the financial crisis impact wave were somehow attenuated by the silent work provided by the third sector institutions. Therefore, the incessant instability of the markets, as well as the population life-expectancy increasing and the implications thereof require new approaches towards pointing strategies to mitigate these problematic situations. For that reason, the development of technological solutions and applications for the private social solidarity institutions is an utmost challenge towards guaranteeing their sustainability and efficiency over time. The adoption of such solutions should be properly conceived to enhance their efficiency of the daily routines and to fulfill and inclusion of all users, while trying to reduce the technological literacy. The development of a technological framework to support the adoption of the practices, selection of technical requirements, and functionalities is seen as a great contribution for setting the roadmap that should be followed. This chapter explores the development of a framework for technological embedding in private social solidarity institutions. © 2018, IGI Global.


Wagnild and Youngs's resilience scale validation for IS students

Fernandes, G; Amaral, A; Varajão, J;

Procedia Computer Science

This paper describes a quantitative study for the validation of the Wagnild and Young's Resilience Scale ® to Information Systems Students. Individual resilience can be described as the person's ability to deal with problems, overcome obstacles, or resist the pressure caused by adverse situations, without entering into rupture. Therefore, resilience can have a significant role in students' education. However, little is known about the determinants that might undermine the resilience level of students, as well as which could affect their mental status and wellbeing, thus requiring new research efforts. This paper shows that Wagnild and Young's Resilience Scale ® is suitable for Information Systems Students: Perseverance, Self-Reliance, Equanimity, Meaningfulness and Existential Aloneness, emerged as main themes from the principal components analysis, as in the original study by Wagnild and Young suggested. Additionally, it is demonstrated that health have influence in the individual resilience. © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd..


Monitoring Mental Stress Through Mouse Behaviour and Decision-Making Patterns

Gonçalves, F; Carneiro, D; Pêgo, JM; Novais, P;

Ambient Intelligence - Software and Applications -, 9th International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence, ISAmI 2018, Toledo, Spain, 20-22 June 2018

More and more technological advances offer new paradigms for training, allowing novel forms of teaching and learning to be devised. A widely accepted prediction is that computing will move to the background, weaving itself into the fabric of our everyday living spaces and projecting the human user into the foreground. This forecast turns out to be an opportunity for human-computer interaction as a way to monitor and assess the user’s stress levels during high-risk tasks. The main effects of stress are increased physiological arousal, somatic complaints, mood disturbances (anxiety, fear and anger) and diminished quality of working life (e.g. reduced job satisfaction). To mitigate these problems, it is necessary to detect stressful users and apply coping measures to manage stress. Human-computer interaction could be improved by having machines naturally monitor their users’ stress, in a non-invasive and non-intrusive way. This article discusses the development of a random forest classifier with the goal of enabling the assessment of high school students’ stress during academic exams, through the analysis of mouse behaviour and decision-making patterns. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019.


A Customizable Game-Inspired Application for Memory Stimulation

Rocha, R; Carneiro, D; Pinheiro, AP; Novais, P;

Ambient Intelligence - Software and Applications -, 9th International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence, ISAmI 2018, Toledo, Spain, 20-22 June 2018

Demographic changes are leading to a growing older population (>65 years), with repercussions on age-related conditions. From a Computer Science perspective, this also means that there will soon be a significant number of users with changes in perceptual and motor skill capacities. The goal of this work is to develop an environment to support the preservation of memory and functional capacities of the elderly. Health professionals will be able to set up and personalize immersive and realistic scenarios with high ecological validity composed of visual, auditory, and physical stimuli. Patients will navigate through and interact with these scenarios and stimulate memory functions by later recalling distinct aspects of the different exercises of the tool. The long-term goal is to build a behavioral model of how older users interact with technology. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019.

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