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Publications by João Paulo Vilela


Implications of Coding Layers on Physical-Layer Security: A Secrecy Benefit Approach

Harrison, WK; Beard, E; Dye, S; Holmes, E; Nelson, K; Gomes, MAC; Vilela, JP;


In this work, we consider the pros and cons of using various layers of keyless coding to achieve secure and reliable communication over the Gaussian wiretap channel. We define a new approach to information theoretic security, called practical secrecy and the secrecy benefit, to be used over real-world channels and finite blocklength instantiations of coding layers, and use this new approach to show the fundamental reliability and security implications of several coding mechanisms that have traditionally been used for physical-layer security. We perform a systematic/structured analysis of the effect of error-control coding, scrambling, interleaving, and coset coding, as coding layers of a secrecy system. Using this new approach, scrambling and interleaving are shown to be of no effect in increasing information theoretic security, even when measuring the effect at the output of the eavesdropper's decoder. Error control coding is shown to present a trade-off between secrecy and reliability that is dictated by the chosen code and the signal-to-noise ratios at the legitimate and eavesdropping receivers. Finally, the benefits of secrecy coding are highlighted, and it is shown how one can shape the secrecy benefit according to system specifications using combinations of different layers of coding to achieve both reliable and secure throughput.


Generating a Binary Symmetric Channel for Wiretap Codes

Harrison, WK; Fernandes, T; Gomes, MAC; Vilela, JP;


In this paper, we fill a void between information theoretic security and practical coding over the Gaussian wiretap channel using a three-stage encoder/decoder technique. Security is measured using Kullback-Leibler divergence and resolvability techniques along with a limited number of practical assumptions regarding the eavesdropper's decoder. The results specify a general coding recipe for obtaining both secure and reliable communications over the Gaussian wiretap channel, and one specific set of concatenated codes is presented as a test case for the sake of providing simulation-based evaluation of security and reliability over the network. It is shown that there exists a threshold in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) over a Gaussian channel, such that receivers experiencing SNR below the threshold have no practical hope of receiving information about the message when the three-stage coding technique is applied. Results further indicate that the two innermost encoding stages successfully approximate a binary symmetric channel, allowing the outermost encoding stage (e.g., a wiretap code) to focus solely on secrecy coding over this approximated channel.


Testbed implementation and evaluation of interleaved and scrambled coding for physical-layer security

Martins, C; Fernandes, T; Gomes, M; Vilela, J;

IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference

This paper presents a testbed implementation and evaluation of coding for secrecy schemes in a real environment through software defined radio platforms. These coding schemes rely on interleaving and scrambling with randomly generated keys to shuffle information before transmission. These keys are then encoded jointly with data and then hidden (erased) before transmission, thus only being retrievable through parity information resulting from encoded data. An advantage of the legitimate receiver (e.g. a better signal-to-noise ratio) on the reception of those keys provides the means to achieve secrecy against an adversary eavesdropper. Through this testbed implementation, we show the practical feasibility of coding for secrecy schemes in real-world environments, unveiling the usefulness of interleaving and scrambling with a hidden key to reduce the required advantage over an eavesdropper. We further describe and present solutions to a set of issues that appear when doing practical implementations of security schemes in software defined radio platforms. © 2018 IEEE.


On the Effect of Update Frequency on Geo-Indistinguishability of Mobility Traces

Mendes, R; Vilela, J;


Sharing location data is becoming more popular as mobile devices become ubiquitous. Location-based service providers use this type of data to provide geographically contextualized services to their users. However, sharing exact locations with possibly untrustworthy entities poses a thread to privacy. Geo-indistinguishability has been recently proposed as a formal notion based on the concept of differential privacy to design location privacy-preserving mechanisms in the context of sporadic release of location data. While adaptations for the case of continuous location updates have been proposed, the study on how the frequency of updates impacts the privacy and utility level is yet to be made. In this paper we address this issue, by analyzing the effect of frequency updates on the privacy and utility levels of four mechanisms: the standard planar Laplacian mechanism suitable for sparse locations, and three variants of an adaptive mechanism that is an adaptation of the standard mechanism for continuous location updates. Results show that the frequency of updates largely impacts the correlation between points. As the frequency of updates decreases, the correlation also decreases. The adaptive mechanism is able to adjust the privacy and utility levels accordingly to the correlation between past positions and current position. However, the estimator function that is used to predict the current location has a great influence in the obtained results.


Nested QPSK Encoding for Information Theoretic Security

Rendon, GT; Harrison, WK; Gomes, MAC; Vilela, JP;

IEEE International Conference on Communications

This paper proposes a method to provide secrecy for digital communications with arbitrarily large quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) constellations for transmission over a Gaussian fading wiretap channel. This is accomplished by breaking the constellation down into nested quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK) symbols and randomizing the assignment between message bits and modulated symbols using channel state information (CSI). If enough random bits can be generated from CSI it becomes possible to uniquely map an arbitrary message to any symbol in the large QAM constellation. The proposed method can thereby provide perfect secrecy while maintaining high reliability by exclusively assigning minimum-distance-mapped constellations through the randomization for use by the legitimate decoder. © 2018 IEEE.


Analysis of short blocklength codes for secrecy

Harrison, WK; Sarmento, D; Vilela, JP; Gomes, MAC;


In this paper, we provide secrecy metrics applicable to physical-layer coding techniques with finite blocklengths over Gaussian and fading wiretap channel models and analyze their secrecy performance over several cases of concatenated code designs. Our metrics go beyond some of the known practical secrecy measures, such as bit error rate and security gap, so as to make lower bound probabilistic guarantees on error rates over short blocklengths both preceding and following a secrecy decoder. Our techniques are especially useful in cases where application of traditional information-theoretic security measures is either impractical or simply not yet understood. The metrics can aid both practical system analysis, including cryptanalysis, and practical system design when concatenated codes are used for physical-layer security. Furthermore, these new measures fill a void in the current landscape of practical security measures for physical-layer security coding and may assist in the wide-scale adoption of physical-layer techniques for security in real-world systems. We also show how the new metrics provide techniques for reducing realistic channel models to simpler discrete memoryless wiretap channel equivalents over which existing secrecy code designs may achieve information-theoretic security.

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