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Publications by Tiago Manuel Campelos


Application Ontology for Multi-Agent and Web-Services & x2019; Co-Simulation in Power and Energy Systems

Teixeira, B; Santos, G; Pinto, T; Vale, Z; Corchado, JM;


Power and energy systems are very complex, and several tools are available to assist operators in their planning and operation. However, these tools do not allow a sensitive analysis of the impact of the interaction between the different sub-domains and, consequently, in obtaining more realistic and reliable results. One of the key challenges in this area is the development of decision support tools to address the problem as a whole. Tools Control Center & x2013; TOOCC & x2013; proposed and developed by the authors, enables the co-simulation of heterogeneous systems to study the electricity markets, the operation of the smart grids, and the energy management of the final consumer, among others. To this end, it uses an application ontology that supports the definition of scenarios and results comparison, while easing the interoperability among the several systems. This paper presents the application ontology developed. The paper addresses the methodology used for its development, its purpose and requirements, and its concepts, relations, facets and instances. The ontology application is illustrated through a case study, where different requirements are tested and demonstrated. It is concluded that the proposed application ontology accomplishes its goals, as it is suitable to represent the required knowledge to support the interoperability among the different considered systems.


MARTINE's real-time local market simulation with a semantically interoperable society of multi-agent systems

Santos, G; Gomes, L; Pinto, T; Faria, P; Vale, Z;


There is a growing complexity, volatility, and unpredictability in the electric sector that hardens the decision-making process. To this end, the use of proper decision support tools and simulation platforms becomes essential. This paper presents the Multi-Agent based Real-Time INfrastructure for Energy (MARTINE) platform that allows real-time simulation and emulation of loads, resources, and infrastructures. MARTINE uses multi-agent systems that connect to physical resources and can represent additional simulated players that are not physically present in the simulation and emulation environment, enabling the creation of complex scenarios for testing and validation. MARTINE provides the seamless integration of real-time emulation with simulated and physical resources simultaneously in a unique simulation environment, which is only possible by supporting multi-agent systems. This work presents MARTINE's integration in a semantically interoperable multi-agent systems society developed for the test, study, monitoring, and validation of the power system sector. The use of ontologies and semantic web technologies eases the interoperability between the heterogeneous systems. The case study scenario demonstrates the use of MARTINE in simulating a local community electricity market that combines real-time data from physical devices with simulated data and the use of semantic web techniques to make the system interoperable, configurable, and flexible.& COPY; 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (


Ensemble learning for electricity consumption forecasting in office buildings

Pinto, T; Praca, I; Vale, Z; Silva, J;


This paper presents three ensemble learning models for short term load forecasting. Machine learning has evolved quickly in recent years, leading to novel and advanced models that are improving the forecasting results in multiple fields. However, in highly dynamic fields such as power and energy systems, dealing with the fast acquisition of large amounts of data from multiple data sources and taking advantage from the correlation between the multiple available variables is a challenging task, for which current models are not prepared. Ensemble learning is bringing promising results in this sense, as, by combining the results and use of multiple learners, is able to find new ways for current learning models to be used and optimized. In this paper three ensemble learning models are developed and the respective results compared: gradient boosted regression trees, random forests and an adaptation of Adaboost. Results for electricity consumption forecasting in hour-ahead are presented using a case-study based on real data from an office building. Results show that the adapted Adaboost model outperforms the reference models for hour-ahead load forecasting.


Portfolio optimization of electricity markets participation using forecasting error in risk formulation*

Faia, R; Pinto, T; Vale, Z; Corchado, JM;


Recent changes in the energy sector are increasing the importance of portfolio optimization for market participation. Although the portfolio optimization problem is most popular in finance and economics, it is only recently being subject of study and application in electricity markets. Risk modeling in this domain is, however, being addressed as in the classic portfolio optimization problem, where investment diversity is the adopted measure to mitigate risk. The increasing unpredictability of market prices as reflection of the renewable generation variability brings a new dimension to risk formulation, as market participation risk should consider the prices variation in each market. This paper thereby proposes a new portfolio optimization model, considering a new approach for risk management. The problem of electricity allocation between different markets is formulated as a classic portfolio optimization problem considering market prices forecast error as part of the risk asset. Dealing with a multi-objective problem leads to a heavy computational burden, and for this reason a particle swarm optimization-based method is applied. A case study based on real data from the Iberian electricity market demonstrates the advantages of the proposed approach to increase market players? profits while minimizing the market participation risk.


Strategic participation in competitive electricity markets: Internal versus sectorial data analysis

Pinto, T; Falcao Reis, F;


Current approaches for risk management in energy market participation mostly refer to portfolio optimization for long-term planning, and stochastic approaches to deal with uncertainties related to renewable energy generation and market prices variation. Risk assessment and management as integrated part of actual market negotiation strategies is lacking from the current literature. This paper addresses this gap by proposing a novel model for decision support of players' strategic participation in electricity market negotiations, which considers risk management as a core component of the decision-making process. The proposed approach addresses the adaptation of players' behaviour according to the participation risk, by combining the two most commonly used approaches of forecasting in a company's scope: the internal data analysis, and the external, or sectorial, data analysis. The internal data analysis considers the evaluation of the company's evolution in terms of market power and profitability, while the sectorial analysis addresses the assessment of the competing entities in the market sector using a K-Means-based clustering approach. By balancing these two components, the proposed model enables a dynamic adaptation to the market context, using as reference the expected prices from competitor players, and the market price prediction by means of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). Results under realistic electricity market simulations using real data from the Iberian electricity market operator show that the proposed approach is able to outperform most state-of-the-art market participation strategies, reaching a higher accumulated profit, by adapting players' actions according to the participation risk.


Stochastic interval-based optimal offering model for residential energy management systems by household owners

Gazafroudi, AS; Soares, J; Ghazvini, MAF; Pinto, T; Vale, Z; Corchado, JM;


This paper proposes an optimal bidding strategy for autonomous residential energy management systems. This strategy enables the system to manage its domestic energy production and consumption autonomously, and trade energy with the local market through a novel hybrid interval-stochastic optimization method. This work poses a residential energy management problem which consists of two stages: day-ahead and real-time. The uncertainty in electricity price and PV power generation is modeled by interval-based and stochastic scenarios in the day-ahead and real-time transactions between the smart home and local electricity market. Moreover, the implementation of a battery included to provide energy flexibility in the residential system. In this paper, the smart home acts as a price-taker agent in the local market, and it submits its optimal offering and bidding curves to the local market based on the uncertainties of the system. Finally, the performance of the proposed residential energy management system is evaluated according to the impacts of interval optimistic and flexibility coefficients, optimal bidding strategy, and uncertainty modeling. The evaluation has shown that the proposed optimal offering model is effective in making the home system robust and achieves optimal energy transaction. Thus, the results prove that the proposed optimal offering model for the domestic energy management system is more robust than its non-optimal offering model. Moreover, battery flexibility has a positive effect on the system's total expected profit. With regarding to the bidding strategy, it is not able to impact the smart home's behavior (as a consumer or producer) in the day-ahead local electricity market.

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