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Publications by Tiago Manuel Campelos


Simulation tools for electricity markets considering power flow analysis

Veiga, B; Santos, G; Pinto, T; Faia, R; Ramos, C; Vale, Z;


The share of renewable generation is growing worldwide, increasing the complexity of the grids operation to maintain its stability and balance. This leads to an increased need for designing new electricity markets (EMs) suited to this new reality. Simulation tools are widely used to experiment and analyze the potential impacts of new solutions, such as novel EM designs and power flow analysis and validation. This work introduces two web services for EMs' simulation and study, in addition to power flow evaluation and validation, namely the Elec-tricity Market Service (EMS) and Power Flow Service (PFS). EMS enables the simulation of two auction-based algorithms and the execution of three wholesale EMs. PFS creates and evaluates electrical grids from the transmission to distribution grids. Being published as web services facilitates their integration with other ser-vices, systems, or software agents. Combining them allows for the simulation of EMs from wholesale to local markets and testing if the results are compatible with a specific grid. This article presents a detailed description of each service and a case study of an electricity trading community participating in the MIBEL day-ahead market through an aggregator to reduce their energy bills. The results demonstrate the accuracy and usefulness of the proposed services.


Clustering-Based Filtering of Big Data to Improve Forecasting Effectiveness and Efficiency

Pinto, T; Rocha, T; Reis, A; Vale, Z;

Multimedia Communications, Services and Security - 11th International Conference, MCSS 2022, Kraków, Poland, November 3-4, 2022, Proceedings

New challenges arise with the upsurge of a Big Data era. Huge volumes of data, from the most varied natures, gathered from different sources, collected in different timings, often with high associated uncertainty, make the decision-making process a harsher task. Current methods are not ready to deal with characteristics of the new problems. This paper proposes a novel data selection methodology that filters big volumes of data, so that only the most correlated information is used in the decision-making process in each given context. The proposed methodology uses a clustering algorithm, which creates sub-groups of data according to their correlation. These groups are then used to feed a forecasting process that uses the relevant data for each situation, while discarding data that is not expected to contribute to improving the forecasting results. In this way, a faster, less computationally demanding, and effective forecasting is enabled. A case study is presented, considering the application of the proposed methodology to the filtering of electricity market data used by forecasting approaches. Results show that the data selection increases the forecasting effectiveness of forecasting methods, as well as the computational efficiency of the forecasts, by using less yet more adequate data. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


Wearable Devices in Industry 4.0: A Systematic Literature Review

Anes, H; Pinto, T; Lima, C; Nogueira, P; Reis, A;

Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Special Sessions I, 20th International Conference, Guimaraes, Portugal, 12-14 July 2023.

Over the years, industrial evolution has proved to be a complex process, since there are several aspects that need to be considered to achieve highly functional processes and differentiated quality products. To date, four industrial revolutions have been implemented. Thus, the paradigm of Industry 4.0 (I4.0) was born, a concept that aims to improve the efficiency, productivity, automation, and safety of industrial processes, but which also considers the operator’s relevance and centrality in these processes. Besides these four revolutions one more concept is emerging, called Industry 5.0 (I5.0). In recent years, and with the advance of scientific research, the implementation of wearables has proven to be the ideal solution to move towards the digitisation of Industrial sector. In this sense, the aim of this work is to provide a systematic review on the currently available knowledge about wearable technology and its applicability within I4.0. Through these technologies, both processes and operators can be monitored in real time, actively contributing to the identification of limitations and to the implementation of improvements. On the other hand, studies on the acceptance of these devices have shown a certain apprehension by users regarding the security and privacy of collected data. Therefore, studies should be conducted to analyse in depth these limitations, to raise users’ confidence and contribute, in a broader perspective, to the success of industrial processes. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


A Simulation of Market-based Non-frequency Ancillary Service Procurement Based on Demand Flexibility

Faia, R; Lezama, F; Pinto, T; Faria, P; Vale, Z; Terras, JM; Albuquerque, S;


This paper proposes a novel approach for the provision of non-frequency ancillary service (AS) by consumers connected to low-voltage distribution networks. The proposed approach considers an asymmetric pool-based local market for AS negotiation, allowing consumers to set a flexibility quantity and desired price to trade. A case study with 98 consumers illustrates the proposed market-based non-frequency AS provision approach. Also, three different strategies of consumers' participation are implemented and tested in a real low-voltage distribution network with radial topology. It is shown that consumers can make a profit from the sale of their flexibility while contributing to keeping the network power losses, voltage, and current within pre-defined limits. Ultimately, the results demonstrate the value of AS coming directly from end-users.


Genetic fuzzy rule-based system using MOGUL learning methodology for energy consumption forecasting

Jozi, A; Pinto, T; Praca, I; Silva, F; Teixeira, B; Vale, Z;


This paper presents the application of a Methodology to Obtain Genetic fuzzy rule-based-systems Under the iterative rule Learning approach (MOGUL) to forecast energy consumption. Historical data referring to the energy consumption gathered from three groups, namely lights, HVAC and electrical socket, are used to train the proposed approach and achieve forecasting results for the future. The performance of the proposed method is compared to that of previous approaches, namely Hybrid Neural Fuzzy Interface System (HyFIS) and Wang and Mendel's Fuzzy Rule Learning Method (WM). Results show that the proposed methodology achieved smaller fore-casting errors for the following hours, with a smaller standard deviation. Thus, the proposed approach is able to achieve more reliable results than the other state of the art methodologies.


Data-Mining-based filtering to support Solar Forecasting Methodologies

Pinto, T; Marques, L; Sousa, TM; Praca, I; Vale, Z; Abreu, SL;


This paper proposes an hybrid approach for short term solar intensity forecasting, which combines different forecasting methodologies with a clustering algorithm, which plays the role of data filter, in order to support the selection of the best data for training. A set of methodologies based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Support Vector Machines (SVM), used for short term solar irradiance forecast, is implemented and compared in order to facilitate the selection of the most appropriate methods and respective parameters according to the available information and needs. Data from the Brazilian city of Florianopolis, in the state of Santa Catarina, has been used to illustrate the methods applicability and conclusions. The dataset comprises the years of 1990 to 1999 and includes four solar irradiance components as well as other meteorological variables, such as temperature, wind speed and humidity. Conclusions about the irradiance components, parameters and the proposed clustering mechanism are presented. The results are studied and analysed considering both efficiency and effectiveness of the results. The experimental findings show that the hybrid model, combining a SVM approach with a clustering mechanism, to filter the data used for training, achieved promising results, outperforming the approaches without clustering.

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