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Publications by CITE


Internationalization Strategies at a Crossroads: Family Business Market Diffusion in the Post-COVID Era

Costa, J;


COVID-19 is the last nail in the coffin of globalization as we know it. This research aims to explore the influence of capital ownership in the (re)design of internationalization strategies among firms, considering the new macroeconomic challenges. It is commonly accepted that the extent to which family businesses approach internationalization differs from their counterparts; as such, the identification of leverages or hinderers in this process and the potential singularities of these firms is urgent. Intermittences in global operation and discontinuous internationalization paths remain overlooked in the theory. Continuity or intermittence across the internationalization strategies, as well as their determinants, were tested using data from the triennia of 2018, 2019, and 2020; the data were gathered from the Iberian Balance Sheet Analysis System Database (SABI), through a balanced panel of 26,154 firms belonging to all sectors of the manufacturing industry. Empirical evidence supports the heterogeneity of strategies among family businesses, as well as dissimilarities from their non-family counterparts. The firm dimension, experience in global operation, and the regional ecosystem in which the firm is embedded are identified as being central in internationalization endeavors. Urgency and assertiveness of policy action addressing the new macroeconomic challenges are required to foster economic recovery, and exploring extant entrepreneurial fabric potential and the already-established networks will determine the pace and success of the measures. Moreover, empirical evidence reinforces region-specific actions to be implemented, proposing the re-location of economic activities while promoting the intensification of spatial clustering and international networking. Designing an accurate policy package places demands upon heterogeneous players and layers of action, overlapping clusters and networks, and the creation of a multilevel ecosystem in which the flow of economic, human, and knowledge aspects circulate, reinforcing community resilience.


Performance Determinants in Family Business: Linking Innovation and Internationalisation

Costa, J;

Research Anthology on Strategies for Maintaining Successful Family Firms

Family businesses (FBs) are central to economies: In Portugal the impact of these structures reaches 2/3 of the GDP, 1/2 of the labour force, and 4/5 of the firms in operation, most of them being SMEs. These organisations play a central role in terms of job creation, local development, knowledge transfer, and territorial cohesion. Innovative activities are key factors for competitive economies; yet innovation increases risk exposure and FBs are conservative and risk adverse, resisting change, relying on internal factors rather than opening to the external environment, consequently postponing innovation and thus pledging their future. Their embedded culture reduces innovative propensity; still, the existence loyalty trust and informal networks enhance individual or collective innovation processes. Using a dataset of 110 FBs innovation and internationalization along with other structural characteristics are connected to their economic performance, shedding light on the determinants FB economic efficiency. Given their importance, made-to-measure policy schemes should be designed. © 2022 by IGI Global. All rights reserved.


Public Policies, Open Innovation Ecosystems and Innovation Performance. Analysis of the Impact of Funding and Regulations

Costa, J; Moreira, AC;

Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity

Open innovation (OI) has been implemented to develop competitive advantages based on the management of innovation with external players. As such, it is expected that the generalized adoption of OI practices needs to be nurtured by governmental public policies in order to enhance OI-based ecosystems. The role of open innovation ecosystems is known by the importance of multiple synergies among players/stakeholders, which are expected to be supported by regulations and funding to consolidate firms’ innovation results. This paper analyzes the role of regulations and funding on firms’ innovation performance using the double-hurdle estimation procedure. The results show that, in the first tier, inbound knowledge flows positively affect performance, and, in the second tier, public funds further reinforce innovation performance and fiscal and security regulations. In contrast, as regulations are perceived as barriers, they fail to impact innovation performance. With this paper, we manage to shed light on the importance of public policy funds in the support of thriving OI-based ecosystems as enhancers of firms’ innovation performance.


The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility and Innovative Strategies on Financial Performance

Costa, J; Fonseca, JP;


The article aims to appraise the role of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and innovation strategies as leverages of a company's financial performance. The theoretical and empirical statement of this link aims to reinforce the importance of these strategical options in both the managerial and the public policy domain. Shedding light on the economic return of these practices will help managers make better strategic decisions. Policy makers will also grasp the required evidence to encompass CSR in policy packages. To address the research question, data were collected from the Thomson Reuters Eikon Datastream covering the 1000 largest companies listed on the stock exchange worldwide. Thereafter, hierarchical linear regressions were performed to produce the econometric results. Two time frames (2015-2019) were compared to address time-space trends. Enrolling in CSR activities entails additional costs which can undermine the company's financial performance if not properly supported by public policies. Combining CSR and innovation appears to be the best strategy for companies seeking improvements in their financial performance while being socially responsible. The contribution of this study is threefold: first, the analysis covers the largest thousand firms in operation worldwide; secondly, the econometric results demonstrate that combining CSR with innovation positively impacts financial performance; and lastly, the time comparison evidences a positive but slow evolution in CSR adoption. The article provides an applied perspective, of use both for managers and policy makers, as to how they should approach and disseminate involvement in these types of activities.


Defence industries and open innovation: ways to increase military capabilities of the Portuguese ground forces

Reis J.; Melão N.; Costa J.; Pernica B.;

Defence Studies

The European Defence Industry is undergoing profound changes. Industrial activity is now operating on a quintuple helix innovation model with the deep involvement of universities and governments in innovation. In addition, military innovations are being transferred to civil society, with increasing attention paid to the environment. In the first stage, we report on the state-of-the-art of existing research using PRISMA protocol. The PRISMA technique is widely accepted by the academic community for its ability to discover concepts, ideas, and debates about the defence industry. In the second stage, we present a case study involving the Portuguese Defence Industry, for which multiple data collection sources were used to ensure triangulation and corroboration. The results show that, in the light of the quintuple helix innovation model, it was possible to bring applications from theoretical discussion to real life. Moreover, within the scope of the triple helix, it was possible to develop, produce and test military products, allowing to improve the military capacity of ground forces. In the future, ecological concerns will likely increase, so we suggest a greater focus on this area of research.


Disentangling Housing Supply to Shift towards Smart Cities: Analysing Theoretical and Empirical Studies

Garces, P; Pires, CP; Costa, J; Jorge, SF; Catalao-Lopes, M; Alventosa, A;


The search for a pleasant home has concerned people ever since. Paradoxically, people are facing strong difficulties in finding a decent place to settle their lives in cities. As such, the housing market regained momentum in connection with the development of Smart Cities, where life quality of residents is strongly emphasized. Well-being in the metropolis is affected by a wide variety of factors with housing supply being among the most important, hence stirred by financing costs, construction costs, vacancy rate, sales delay, inflation rate, housing stock, price of agricultural land, and regulation. The present article reviews empirical studies on housing supply for a better understanding of the dynamics in this market, shedding some light on the expectable outcomes of policy actions in the promotion of sustainable housing towards the smart city transition. Our review shows that the long-run price elasticity of housing supply is larger than the short-run, as well as the existence of substantial differences in the price elasticity across countries and regions. As such, overall, the hypothesis of a perfectly elastic supply is rejected. In addition, our review highlights that housing supply is negatively related to financial costs, inflation, sales delay, and the existence of regulatory or physical constraints. Also, the elasticity is lower when there are regulatory constraints. Newfangled strategic interaction models, though overlooked in the literature, reinforce that housing does not fit the perfect competition frame. The review proves that we are in face of a non-competitive market in which policy intervention is required to maximize social welfare; policy packages to grant people access to the housing market may be required. However, policy interventions should be carefully designed and clear, to mitigate their potentially negative impact on the housing supply as adverse results may be harmful to the transition towards a smart city.

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