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Publications by CITE


Technology at the service of music: A study on how to avoid injury while maximizing performance [A tecnologia ao serviço da música - Um estudo no sentido de se evitar lesões e maximizando-se a performance]

Silva, E; Au Yong Oliveira, M; Fonseca, P; Garganta, R; Bochmann, C;

RISTI - Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao

All violinists and violists face the difficulties of playing on a nonsymmetrical instrument, which makes it quite easy to create wrong techniques. A scientific methodology was developed, composed of some simple and repeatable note patterns, and this performance was analyzed in 3D by a MoCap system (Qualisys AB, Sweden) that operates at a sampling frequency of 200 Hz, capturing the positioning of retroreflective markers on the joints of the hand, wrist, left forearm, violin and bow. The resulting data were analysed in Visual 3D software (C-Motion, USA) to extract relevant parameters and metrics. Based on this study, supported by technology, and on a soon-to-be divulged anatomical-functional model of the positioning of the left hand, we are able to state that the right technique leads to less tension and injury, to a better and faster evolution, with less effort, thus being more productive.


Planning a trip online The Portuguese tourist

Valente, G; Leite, C; Cardoso, M; Martins, AL; Moreira, F; Au Yong Oliveira, M;


This study focuses on the impact of technology and on the planning of a trip by a Portuguese tourist. From the literature review, studies done at the European level, the technology inherent to tourism is provided to the entire age range, and fundamentally to the planning of accommodation, transport and tourist packs. The absorption of information is always highlighted by the easy and fast access to the Internet increasingly accessible to anyone, promoting behavioral changes in tourism planning. Thus, an online survey (with 180 valid answers) was carried out, which focused mainly on university students, and was restricted to Portuguese citizens. The survey determined that online platforms are most used for accommodation (87.2%), transportation (87,2%) and the demand for information (68.8%) to the detriment of catering (7.3%), and these are mainly being used because of their speed (79.4%) and simplicity (80.7%). To conclude, our study confirms the bibliographic review, and it was determined that practically all respondents assume the influence of digital platforms in the planning of their trips (99.1%), with 89% going further and affirming that in the future all planning will be carried out in an exclusive way online.


Developing Training Applications for Hydrogen Emergency Response Training

Pinto, D; Peixoto, B; Goncalves, G; Melo, M; Amorim, V; Bessa, M;


Virtual Reality (VR) has been evolving over the years, becoming more and more accessible, in a wide area of applications. One of these areas where VR can have a major impact is training and certification. Hydrogen vehicles are becoming a reality and first responders still lack proper tools and resources to train emergency responses for the purpose. VR can play here a crucial role in ensuring a proper hydrogen emergency response training due to the advantages associated with VR training programs such as resource optimization, repeatability, and replicability. This paper proposes using VR for hydrogen emergency response training by developing a solution composed of three components: tutorial mode, training mode, and certification mode. A usability study is further conducted to evaluate its usability and user satisfaction. The results show that the use of this application regards usability and user satisfaction were extremely positive.


A Systemic Information Management Model: from organizational flexibility to interoperability of the system

Pinto, MM;


The paper introduces the Active and Permanent Information System Management Model (MGSI-AP). It results from an investigation that discussed concepts and perspectives about Information Management, positioning it as a transversal and applied area within Information Science, focused on info communicational flow, in a complex institutional context the Portuguese public University and related information services. The University is assumed in a complex and systemic double facet, between the formal organized system and the loosely coupled combinatory system. Here is presented one of the operationalization axes of the performed research and model. It highlights the close connection between Information Management and the area of studies of Information Production, framed by a theoretical-methodological proposal and operational modeling, which converge to an Information Management definition and the design of a Matrix of Components and Variables under analysis.


Museus e Desenvolvimento Sustentável

Oliveira, MRdAEd;

Revista ARA

O presente estudo tem o objetivo de demonstrar a aplicação dos indicadores de Desenvolvimento Sustentável sugeridos pela OCDE (Organização para Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico) para Museus. Esta aplicação tem o intuito de demonstrar como é possível reconhecer o nível de sustentabilidade dos Museus. Para isso foram realizadas pesquisas bibliográficas que evidenciam a importância de se organizar tais parâmetros, com base nas características do País em que o Museu está instalado e que demonstram a efetiva contribuição destas organizações no que se refere aos objetivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentável. Neste estudo preliminar, foram realizadas recolha de dados em dois museus da Região Centro de Portugal. A recolha de dados teve como referência Indicadores de Sustentabilidade sugeridos e publicados pela OCDE  em 2018. Estes parâmetros foram a base da recolha de dados, que resultou em uma análise do nível de sustentabilidade desses dois museus, seguindo as referências OCDE. O resultado demonstrou uma efetiva possibilidade de medição dos níveis de sustentabilidade dos museus e mostra também, a potencialidade dos museus para cooperação nos objetivos delineados pela Agenda 2030 do Desenvolvimento Sustentável, elaborado pela Organização das Nações Unidas.


Personalized pricing and advertising: Who are the winners?

Esteves, RB; Resende, J;


This paper investigates who wins and who loses when firms depart from a mass advertising/uniform pricing strategy (bench-mark model) to a targeted advertising/price discrimination one. Considering a duopoly market in which firms simultaneously compete in prices and advertising decisions, we examine the competitive and welfare effects of personalized pricing with targeted advertising by comparing equilibrium outcomes under customized advertising/ pricing decisions to the results arising under mass advertising and uniform pricing. We show that, when both firms compete in both market segments, all segment consumers are expected to pay higher average prices under the personalized advertising/pricing strategy. We also show that, in the context of our simultaneous game, targeted advertising with price discrimination might boost firms' profits in comparison to the case of mass advertising and uniform prices. The overall welfare effects of the personalized strategy are ambiguous. However, even when the personalized strategy boosts overall welfare, consumers might all be worse-off. Thus the paper gives support to concerns that have been raised re-garding the firms' ability to adopt personalized strategies to boost profits at the expense of consumers.

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