Michell, S; Moore, B; Pinho, LM;
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
The widespread use of multi-CPU computers is challenging programming languages, which need to adapt to be able to express potential parallelism at the language level. In this paper we propose a new model for fine grained parallelism in Ada, putting forward a syntax based on aspects, and the corresponding semantics to integrate this model with the existing Ada tasking capabilities. We also propose a standard interface and show how it can be extended by the user or library writers to implement their own parallelization strategies. © 2013 Springer-Verlag.
Pinho, LM;
Ada User Journal
Wellings, A; Pinho, LM;
Ada User Journal
The second session on the topic of Multiprocessor Issues reviewed and evaluated the efficacy of the Ada 2012 support in the area of multiprocessor resource control. Andy Wellings, the Chair presented a proposal of an API that allowed controlling and extending the queue locks, and implementing the access control protocols. In the second part of the session, Miguel Pinho started by presenting an overview of Transactional Memory (TM), providing a quick overview of how in this approach atomic sections are executed concurrently and speculatively, in isolation. In the third topic of the session, the Chair started by providing an overview of the Reference Manual wordings concerning the access and control protocols for Protected Objects, noting that both the RM and the Annotated Reference Manual (ARM) do not fully define the access protocol for a protected object on a multiprocessor system. Finally, in the last topic (parallel barriers in Protected Objects), the workshop concluded that this would be a good mechanism to have, but that a suitable approach needs further investigation.
Pinho, LM;
Ada User Journal
Sousa, R; Pinho, LM; Barros, A; Gonzalez Hierro, M; Zubia, C; Sabate, E; Kartsakli, E;
Ada User Journal
The ELASTIC European project addresses the emergence of extreme-scale analytics, providing a software architecture with a new elasticity concept, intended to support smart cyber-physical systems with performance requirements from extreme-scale analytics workloads. One of the main challenges being tackled by ELASTIC is the necessity to simultaneously fulfil the non-functional properties inherited from smart systems, such as real-time, energy efficiency, communication quality or security. This paper presents how the ELASTIC architecture monitors and manages such non-functional requirements, working in close collaboration with the component responsible for the orchestration of elasticity. © 2022, Ada-Europe. All rights reserved.
Gomes, R; Carvalho, T; Barros, A; Pinho, LM;
5th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, ICPS 2022, Coventry, United Kingdom, May 24-26, 2022
The automotive software industry is gradually introducing new functionalities and technologies that increase the efficiency, safety, and comfort of vehicles. These functionalities are quickly accepted by consumers; however, the consequences of this evolution are twofold. First, developing correct systems that integrate more applications and hardware is becoming more complex. To cope with this, new standards (such as Adaptive AUTOSAR) and frameworks (such as AMALTHEA) are being proposed, to assist the development of flexible systems based on high-performance electronic control units (ECU). Second, the increase of functionality is supported by a dramatic increase of electronic parts on automotive systems. Consequently, the impact of software on the electrical power and energy non-functional requirements of automotive systems has come under focus. In this paper we propose an automatic and self-contained approach that supplements a model of an automotive system described on the AMALTHEA platform with energy-related annotations. From the analysis of simulation (or execution) traces of the modelled software, we estimate the power consumption for each software component, on a target hardware platform. This method enables energy analysis during the entire development life-cycle; furthermore, it contributes for the development of energy management strategies for dynamic and self-adaptive systems. © 2022 IEEE.
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