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Publications by Luis Miguel Pinho



Bertogna, M; Pinho, LM; Quiñones, E;

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)



Real-Time Support in the Proposal for Fine-Grained Parallelism in Ada

Pinho, LM; Moore, B; Michell, S; Taft, ST;

Proceedings - Real-Time Systems Symposium

The Ada language has for long provided support for the development of reliable real-time systems, with a model of computation amenable for real-time analysis. To complement the already existent multiprocessor support in the language, an ongoing effort is underway to extend Ada with a fine-grained parallel programming model also suitable for real-time systems. This paper overviews the model which is being proposed, pointing out the main issues still open and road ahead. © 2015 IEEE.


The P-SOCRATES timing analysis methodology for parallel real-time applications deployed on many-core platforms

Nelis V.; Yomsi P.M.; Pinho L.M.;

OpenAccess Series in Informatics

This paper presents the timing analysis methodology developed in the European project P-SOCRATES (Parallel Software Framework for Time-Critical Many-core Systems). This timing analysis methodology is defined for parallel applications that must satisfy both performance and real-time requirements and are executed on modern many-core processor architectures. We discuss the motivation and objectives of the project, the timing analysis flow that we proposed, the tool that has been developed to automatize it, and finally we report on some of the preliminary results that we have obtained when applying this methodology to the three application use-cases of the project.


Reducing the complexity of dataflow graphs using slack-based merging

Ali H.I.; Stuijk S.; Akesson B.; Pinho L.M.;

ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems

There exist many dataflow applications with timing constraints that require real-time guarantees on safe execution without violating their deadlines. Extraction of timing parameters (offsets, deadlines, periods) from these applications enables the use of real-time scheduling and analysis techniques, and provides guarantees on satisfying timing constraints. However, existing extraction techniques require the transformation of the dataflow application from highly expressive dataflow computational models, for example, Synchronous Dataflow (SDF) and Cyclo-Static Dataflow (CSDF) to Homogeneous Synchronous Dataflow (HSDF). This transformation can lead to an exponential increase in the size of the application graph that significantly increases the runtime of the analysis. In this article, we address this problem by proposing an offline heuristic algorithm called slack-based merging. The algorithm is a novel graph reduction technique that helps in speeding up the process of timing parameter extraction and finding a feasible real-time schedule, thereby reducing the overall design time of the real-time system. It uses two main concepts: (a) the difference between the worst-case execution time of the SDF graph's firings and its timing constraints (slack) to merge firings together and generate a reducedsize HSDF graph, and (b) the novel concept of merging called safe merge, which is a merge operation that we formally prove cannot cause a live HSDF graph to deadlock. The results show that the reduced graph (1) respects the throughput and latency constraints of the original application graph and (2) typically speeds up the process of extracting timing parameters and finding a feasible real-time schedule for real-time dataflow applications. They also show that when the throughput constraint is relaxed with respect to the maximal throughput of the graph, the merging algorithm is able to achieve a larger reduction in graph size, which in turn results in a larger speedup of the real-time scheduling algorithms.


OpenMP Tasking Model for Ada: Safety and Correctness

Royuela, S; Martorell, X; Quiñones, E; Pinho, LM;


The safety-critical real-time embedded domain increasingly demands the use of parallel architectures to fulfill performance requirements. Such architectures require the use of parallel programming models to exploit the underlying parallelism. This paper evaluates the applicability of using OpenMP, a widespread parallel programming model, with Ada, a language widely used in the safety-critical domain. Concretely, this paper shows that applying the OpenMP tasking model to exploit fine-grained parallelism within Ada tasks does not impact on programs safeness and correctness, which is vital in the environments where Ada is mostly used. Moreover, we compare the OpenMP tasking model with the proposal of Ada extensions to define parallel blocks, parallel loops and reductions. Overall, we conclude that the OpenMP tasking model can be safely used in such environments, being a promising approach to exploit fine-grain parallelism in Ada tasks, and we identify the issues which still need to be further researched.


A serious game enhancing social tenants' behavioral change towards energy efficiency

Casals, M; Gangolells, M; Macarulla, M; Fuertes, A; Vimont, V; Pinho, LM;

GIoTS 2017 - Global Internet of Things Summit, Proceedings

The energy consumption of the current building stock represents about 40% of the total final energy consumption in Europe. New gamification techniques may play a significant role in helping users adopt new and more energy efficient behaviours. This paper presents the advances achieved within the context of the EU-funded project EnerGAware - Energy Game for Awareness of energy efficiency in social housing communities. The main objective of the project, funded by the European Union under the Horizon2020 programme, is to reduce the energy consumption and carbon emissions in a sample of European social housing by changing the energy efficiency behaviour of the social tenants through the implementation of a serious game linked to the real energy use of the participants' homes. © 2017 IEEE.

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