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Publications by Luis Miguel Pinho


End-to-End Response Time of IEC 61499 Distributed Applications Over Switched Ethernet

Lindgren, P; Eriksson, J; Lindner, M; Lindner, A; Pereira, D; Pinho, LM;


The IEC 61499 standard provides means to specify distributed control systems in terms of function blocks. For the deployment, each device may hold one or many logical resources, each consisting of a function block network with service interface blocks at the edges. The execution model is event driven (asynchronous), where triggering events may be associated with data (and seen as messages). In this paper, we propose a low-complexity implementation technique allowing to assess end-to-end response times of event chains spanning over a set of networked devices. Based on a translation of IEC 61499 to RTFM1-tasks and resources, the response time for each task in the system at the device-level can be derived using established scheduling techniques. In this paper, we develop a holistic method to provide safe end-to-end response times taking both intra and interdevice delivery delays into account. The novelty of our approach is the accuracy of the system scheduling overhead characterization. While the device-level (RTFM) scheduling overhead was discussed in previous works, the network-level scheduling overhead for switched Ethernets is discussed in this paper. The approach is generally applicable to a wide range of commercial off-the-shelf Ethernet switches without a need for expensive custom solutions to provide hard real-time performance. A behavior characterization of the utilized switch determines the guaranteed response times. As a use case, we study the implementation onto (single-core) Advanced RISC Machine (ARM)-cortex-based devices communicating over a switched Ethernet network. For the analysis, we define a generic switch model and an experimental setup allowing us to study the impact of network topology as well as 802.1Q quality of service in a mixed critical setting. Our results indicate that safe sub millisecond end-to-end response times can be obtained using the proposed approach.


Contract based verification of IEC 61499

Lindgren, P; Lindner, M; Pereira, D; Pinho, LM;

IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN)

The IEC 61499 standard proposes an event driven execution model for component based (in terms of Function Blocks), distributed industrial automation applications. However, the standard provides only an informal execution semantics, thus in consequence behavior and correctness relies on the design decisions made by the tool vendor. In this paper we present the formalization of a subset of the IEC 61499 standard in order to provide an underpinning for the static verification of Function Block models by means of deductive reasoning. Specifically, we contribute by addressing verification at the component, algorithm, and ECC levels. From Function Block descriptions, enriched with formal contracts, we show that correctness of component compositions, as well as functional and transitional behavior can be ensured. Feasibility of the approach is demonstrated by manually encoding a set of representative use-cases in WhyML, for which the verification conditions are automatically derived (through the Why3 platform) and discharged (using automatic SMT-based solvers). Furthermore, we discuss opportunities and challenges towards deriving certified executables for IEC 61499 models. © 2016 IEEE.


Emulation-in-the-loop for simulation and testing of real-time critical CPS

Oliveira, PR; Meireles, M; Maia, C; Pinho, LM; Gouveia, G; Esteves, J;

Proceedings - 2018 IEEE Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, ICPS 2018

Complex cyber-physical systems are more and more a set of components working tightly coupled, with little or no human intervention. Assessing the correctness of these systems by testing components individually, one-by-one, is obviously not sufficient, being required to also test and validate the overall system. KhronoSim is a modular and extensible platform for testing cyber-physical systems in closed-loop, which enables the integration of simulation models and platform emulators to build a closed loop test environment. This paper presents the emulator module of KhronoSim, developed to integrate the well-known QEMU emulator in the closed-loop testing platform. © 2018 IEEE.


An elastic software architecture for extreme-scale big data analytics

Serrano, A; Marín, A; Queralt, A; Cordeiro, C; Gonzalez, M; Pinho, LM; Quiñones, E;

Technologies and Applications for Big Data Value

This chapter describes a software architecture for processing big-data analytics considering the complete compute continuum, from the edge to the cloud. The new generation of smart systems requires processing a vast amount of diverse information from distributed data sources. The software architecture presented in this chapter addresses two main challenges. On the one hand, a new elasticity concept enables smart systems to satisfy the performance requirements of extreme-scale analytics workloads. By extending the elasticity concept (known at cloud side) across the compute continuum in a fog computing environment, combined with the usage of advanced heterogeneous hardware architectures at the edge side, the capabilities of the extreme-scale analytics can significantly increase, integrating both responsive data-in-motion and latent data-at-rest analytics into a single solution. On the other hand, the software architecture also focuses on the fulfilment of the non-functional properties inherited from smart systems, such as real-time, energy-efficiency, communication quality and security, that are of paramount importance for many application domains such as smart cities, smart mobility and smart manufacturing. © The Author(s) 2022. All rights reserved.


Global Resource Management in the ELASTIC Architecture

Sousa, R; Nogueira, L; Rodrigues, F; Pinho, LM;

Proceedings - 2022 IEEE 5th International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, ICPS 2022

Smart systems increasingly demand the processing of a massive amount of data generated by heterogeneous and distributed data sources. Due to the inherent cyber-physical nature of these systems, many applications require that this processing respects a set of non-functional requirements (such as timeliness, or energy-efficiency). To cope with this challenge, edge-cloud architectures need to provide flexible mechanisms to support varying processing needs, whilst guaranteeing the minimum level of quality of service required by these smart applications. This paper addresses this challenge in the context of the ELASTIC software architecture, which has been developed integrating responsive data-in-motion (edge computing) and latent data-at-rest analytics (cloud computing) into a single solution, satisfying extreme-scale analytics' performance requirements. The paper focuses on how the architecture fulfils the non-functional properties inherited from the applications, namely real-time and energy-efficiency, whilst ensuring the performance of the software architecture. © 2022 IEEE.


Time-predictable task-to-thread mapping in multi-core processors

Samadi, M; Royuela, S; Pinho, LM; Carvalho, T; Quinones, E;


The performance of time-predictable systems can be improved in multi-core processors using parallel programming models (e.g., OpenMP). However, schedulability analysis of parallel applications is a big challenge due to their sophisticated structure. The common drawbacks of current task-to-thread mapping approaches in OpenMP are that they (i) utilize a global queue in the mapping process, which may increase contention, (ii) do not apply heuristic techniques, which may reduce the predictability and performance of the system, and (iii) use basic analytical techniques, which may cause notable pessimism in the temporal conditions. Accordingly, this paper proposes a task-to-thread mapping method in multi-core processors based on the OpenMP framework. The mapping process is carried out through two phases: allocation and dispatching. Each thread has an allocation queue in order to minimize contention, and the allocation and dispatching processes are performed using several heuristic algorithms to enhance predictability. In the allocation phase, each task-part from the OpenMP DAG is allocated to one of the allocation queues, which includes both sibling and child task-parts. A suitable thread (i.e., allocation queue) is selected using one of the suggested heuristic allocation algorithms. In the dispatching phase, when a thread is idle, a task-part is selected from its allocation queue using one of the suggested heuristic dispatching algorithms and then dispatched to and executed by the thread. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated under different conditions (e.g., varying the number of tasks and the number of threads) in terms of application response time and overhead of the mapping process. The simulation results show that the proposed method surpasses the other methods, especially in the scenario that includes overhead of the mapping. In addition, a prototype implementation of the main heuristics is evaluated using two kernels from real-world applications, showing that the methods work better than LLVM's default scheduler in most of the configurations.

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