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Publications by Cleberton Reiz


Efficient Power Flow Algorithm for Unbalanced Three-Phase Distribution Networks using Recursion and Parallel Programming

de Souza, M; Reiz, C; Leite, JB;


In this work, the implementation of an efficient multi-threading algorithm for calculating the power flow in electricity distribution networks is carried out using recursion and parallel programming. With the integration of renewable energy, energy storage systems and distributed generation, the ability of power flow simulations becomes a crucial factor in finding the best solution in the shortest possible time. We propose the direct use of graph theory to represent distribution network topologies. In this data structure, the traversal algorithms are inherently recursive, thus enabling the development of algorithms with parallel programming to obtain the power flow calculation faster and more efficiently. Results under a 809 buses test system show that the implementation provides additional computation efficiency of 32% with recursion techniques and 27% with parallel programming, due the expense of threads' allocation the combined gain reaches 50%.


Distributed Energy Resources and EV Charging Stations Expansion Planning for Grid-Connected Microgrids

de Lima, TD; Reiz, C; Soares, J; Lezama, F; Franco, JF; Vale, Z;


The intensification of environmental impacts and the increased economic risks are triggering a technological race towards a low-carbon economy. In this socioeconomic scenario of increasing changes and environmental concerns, microgrids (MGs) play an important role in integrating distributed energy resources. Thus, a planning strategy for grid-connected MGs with distributed energy resources and electric vehicle (EV) charging stations is proposed in this paper. The developedmathematical model aims to defineMGexpansion decisions that satisfy the growing electricity demand (including EV charging demand) at the lowest possible cost; such decisions include investments in PV units, wind turbines, energy storage systems, and EV charging stations. The objective function is based on the interests of the MG owner, considering constraints associated with the main distribution grid. A mixed-integer linear programming model is used to formulate the problem, ensuring the solution's optimality. The applicability of the proposed model is evaluated in the 69-bus distribution grid. Promising results concerning grid-connected MGs were obtained, including the enhancement of energy exchange with the grid according to their needs.


Estratégia de self-healing para redes modernas de distribuição de energia elétrica

Reiz, C; E. M. Pereira, C; Leite, JB;

Anais do Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional



Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation in Distribution Networks: Frequency Variation

Reiz, C; Chiarelo Commar, HC; Souza, M; Leite, JB;

2023 Workshop on Communication Networks and Power Systems (WCNPS)



Application of active contours in feature extraction in LANDSAT 8 and CBERS 4 images

Reiz, C; Filgueiras, JLD; Evaristo, JW; Zanin, RB; Martins, EFdO;

Caderno Pedagógico

Digital images from orbital platforms are the main source of information for mapping and decision-making. Their use has become increasingly popular over the years and has expanded into various areas. Feature extraction in digital images has been widely researched in Image Analysis, Photogrammetry, and Computer Vision. Works related to feature extraction for the generation and updating of GISs are generally divided into anthropic features such as buildings and/or highways and natural features such as vegetation areas or bodies of water. One attractive methodology for feature extraction, especially for rivers and bodies of water, is based on active contours, formulated based on the evolution of curves, which can have parametric models (Snakes) or geometric models (Level set). In this context, this work intends to identify and compare some characteristics of parametric and geometric active contour methods and apply them to orbital images from the OLI and PAN sensors of the LANDSAT 8 and CBERS 4 satellites for feature extraction, correlating these characteristics with the parameters required in the mathematical models of active contours. The present work makes use of Digital Image Processing (DIP) methods, with the first processing stage known as pre-processing, consisting of interconnected tasks that can be used to extract some information about the objects present in the scene. Subsequently, in the processing stage, the features of interest are extracted with the help of the Fiji and Icy software using Level Set and Snake, respectively. Regardless of the method used, the results presented in this work show an extraction time compatible with application needs, as they are developed semi-automatically.

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