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Publications by CRACS



Peixoto de Queiros, RA;

Exploring the Convergence of Computer and Medical Science Through Cloud Healthcare - Advances in Medical Technologies and Clinical Practice

Gamification has been growing at a meteoric rate. Such growth is because this is a valid mechanism to add desirable behaviors in an organizational process or even in an educational process. In fact, these are the two major contexts where gamification has been applied. In organizations, gamification is applied in various business contexts from recruitment, through onboarding, training, talent retention, customer service, sales, and marketing. In education, gamification is used essentially in contexts of promoting student involvement in existing training offers. This chapter presents a gamification design framework called GAFRHE aimed to be used in all domains, but with extensive facets for the healthcare domain. Unlike other frameworks, it is a concrete framework that not only presents the basic concepts that must be followed by the gamified strategy, but also presents a system architecture that must be instantiated, and a set of components already coded and that can be used. The framework is mostly based on existing standards promoting reusability and interoperability.


ScraPE - An Automated Tool for Programming Exercises Scraping

Queirós, R;

11th Symposium on Languages, Applications and Technologies, SLATE 2022, July 14-15, 2022, Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal.

Learning programming boils down to the practice of solving exercises. However, although there are good and diversified exercises, these are held in proprietary systems hindering their interoperability. This article presents a simple scraping tool, called ScraPE, which through a navigation, interaction and data extraction script, materialized in a domain-specific language, allows extracting the data necessary from Web pages – typically online judges – to compose programming exercises in a standard language. The tool is validated by extracting exercises from a specific online judge. This tool is part of a larger project where the main objective is to provide programming exercises through a simple GraphQL API. © Ricardo Queirós.


Report on women in logic 2020 & 2021

Alves, S; Kiefer, S; Sokolova, A;




Quantitative Weak Linearisation

Alves, S; Ventura, D;

Theoretical Aspects of Computing - ICTAC 2022 - 19th International Colloquium, Tbilisi, Georgia, September 27-29, 2022, Proceedings

Weak linearisation was defined years ago through a static characterization of the intuitive notion of virtual redex, based on (legal) paths computed from the (syntactical) term tree. Weak-linear terms impose a linearity condition only on functions that are applied (consumed by reduction) and functions that are not applied (therefore persist in the term along any reduction) can be non-linear. This class of terms was shown to be strongly normalising with deciding typability in polynomial time. We revisit this notion through non-idempotent intersection types (also called quantitative types). By using an effective characterisation of minimal typings, based on the notion of tightness, we are able to distinguish between “consumed” and “persistent” term constructors, which allows us to define an expansion relation, between general ? -terms and weak-linear ? -terms, whilst preserving normal forms by reduction. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


Structural Rules and Algebraic Properties of Intersection Types

Alves, S; Florido, M;

Theoretical Aspects of Computing - ICTAC 2022 - 19th International Colloquium, Tbilisi, Georgia, September 27-29, 2022, Proceedings

In this paper we define several notions of term expansion, used to define terms with less sharing, but with the same computational properties of terms typable in an intersection type system. Expansion relates terms typed by associative, commutative and idempotent intersections with terms typed in the Curry type system and the relevant type system; terms typed by non-idempotent intersections with terms typed in the affine and linear type systems; and terms typed by non-idempotent and non-commutative intersections with terms typed in an ordered type system. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


Linear Rank Intersection Types

Reis, F; Alves, S; Florido, M;

28th International Conference on Types for Proofs and Programs, TYPES 2022, June 20-25, 2022, LS2N, University of Nantes, France

Non-idempotent intersection types provide quantitative information about typed programs, and have been used to obtain time and space complexity measures. Intersection type systems characterize termination, so restrictions need to be made in order to make typability decidable. One such restriction consists in using a notion of finite rank for the idempotent intersection types. In this work, we define a new notion of rank for the non-idempotent intersection types. We then define a novel type system and a type inference algorithm for the ?-calculus, using the new notion of rank 2. In the second part of this work, we extend the type system and the type inference algorithm to use the quantitative properties of the non-idempotent intersection types to infer quantitative information related to resource usage. © Fábio Reis, Sandra Alves, and Mário Florido.

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